
This is a semi-budget version of a Mardu Midrange that I've been playing the last two weeks. I based the instant and sorcery make-up of the deck on Nam Sung Wook's 2014 World Championship Mardu Midrange. The Planeswalkers are a little similar to his, but I opted for an extra Sorin and I unfortunately don't have any Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker to drop into it.

The deck differs from his most in the creature base. Rather than opting to pay for a set of Goblin Rabblemaster and necessitating a few Hordeling Outburst to support them, I went for a warrior creature base. Without the constant goblin stream, I risk Butcher of the Horde not having enough fuel for his fire, but I am running Raise the Alarm to make for a quicker and more situational token generator. To keep my warriors alive and tasty for the Butcher, I decided to drop in Athreos, God of Passage, so that whatever gets sacked or picked off can just come back until my opponent has to start making hard decisions about whether a cheap warrior in my hand or 3 life lost is worse for them. My soldier tokens are cool to get the ball rolling in a pinch, but with all my other creatures contributing to devotion, and coming back from dying over and over, I can easily maintain a foothold on the board. Even without devotion, my Bloodsoaked Champion has the opportunity to come back (useless for blocks, but good for keeping them from attacking) and my chiefs keep the Champions extra threatening.

When Athreos is awake, he's a great blocker, and a good extra when I'm swinging in with Sorin's plus one. Chandra is there mostly for the card advantage. I have 7 scry lands, and two Magma Jet, so her Zero ability lets me play cards or drop lands. And if the game drags, her plus one helps put pressure on until I can crack her ultimate and sweep in with triple Lightning Strike or Magma Jet or Crackling Doom for a hard hitting 9 or 6 to the face, with the possibility of a three creature wipe. I pulled a little removal out for my Return to the Ranks so i can utilize those soldier tokens for a come from behind devotion, and my End Hostilities is super crappy for my opponents board state if I've got Athreos out.

My sideboard was completely unprepared for the first few events I used this decklist in. But I'll include it as it does have a few token hate in the form of Scouring Sands. I have some Hordeling Outburst in case of a game where I am losing critters too quickly to really get Butcher well fed, and if I know I can ult my Chandra. I only have one really effective removal in the form of Utter End, and Stain the Mind is nice in game two or three when I can just go and pull a win con right out of my opponent's butt. Thoughtseize to punch holes in a control deck or a hard ramping deck. Erase is for the B/G Constellations I see a lot of, and for those pesky whip decks. Although I feel as though I should have some more definite removal in the form of Hero's Downfall for the Planeswalker heavy meta.

I'm totally open to discussion, and I'll try to update this deck with my successes and failures. I feel confident in this being something worth exploring and tuning.


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I went 2 and 2. First match up was a U/W Heroic. Thanks to my Crackling Doom and a few well-timed Jets and Strikes, I was able to pick off the really heavy hitting heroes that grew too quickly. And when Athreos finally came out in my lost game, he helped to drag the game out several more rounds that we were both comfortable with.

Second win was against a R/G Monsters list. Athreos proved to be the champion, his indestructible was brilliant against Hornet Queen, and my dudes just kept digging themselves out of the dirt after being deathtouched.

First loss was against a tier-one Abzan midrange. First game was a drag, mana flooded at first, and then dragged out with a Sorin on Sorin face off. But his Siege Rhinos are what eventually turned the tide after trading fat lifelink hits for a few turns. The second game was a blow out after I missed a trigger, and blew the devotion. I had a Chief in hand, Athreos, Butcher, and Chief on board. Butchered my Chief, missed the trigger, and didn't have enough to pull the big fat defense on the subsequent turns. At a point where my opponent was at ten life, this was a fatal mistake. The three life toll was easy for him to pay on the next turn, and my board state essentially became useless.

Fourth game was a very close match-up with another Abzan Midrange. It came down to my inability to answer his ever-growing Elspeth, Sun's Champion I was able to board wipe twice in our tie-breaker game. But after clearing his Sorin, and being stuck defending furiously against his tokens. I couldn't manage to pull out another direct damage card to finish his last four life off, even with a Lightning Strike in hand. devastating. 5th overall, but I feel like I need a Hero's Downfall in my sideboard for a planeswalker heavy deck.


Date added 10 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

8 - 0 Mythic Rares

28 - 8 Rares

10 - 3 Uncommons

6 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.66
Tokens Emblem Sorin, Solemn Visitor, Goblin 1/1 R, Soldier 1/1 W, Vampire 2/2 B
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