Trying to get into modern and always loved burn. Thought this would be a good place to start. First off, I don't have any Goblin Guides otherwise they would on the list.
As far as creatures go I running:
4x Monastery Swiftspear. This is really best red one drop creature printed in a while. Is worse than Goblin Guide sometimes and is better than him at others. Essentially a must for this deck.
4x Eidolon of the Great Revel. This card is a powerhouse. In my opinion this is the card burn needs to allow it to approach tier one in modern. Another mandatory four of.
2x Grim Lavamancer. Although it isn't quite good enough to run four copies, it does many things well for this deck. The amount of instant of sorceries this deck runs coupled with the number fetches it runs mean Lavamancer will have constant fuel and he as the added bonus of being able to deal damage without getting hit by Eidolon of the Great Revel
Now on the meat of the deck, the BURN
For one drops:
4x Lightning Bolt. If you ain't running this, you ain't running burn
4x Lava Spike. Bolt 5-8.
Rift Bolt
. Bolt 9-12
Bump in the Night
. Bolt 13-16 but in black. Inflicts life loss not damage so dodges prevent damage effects and has a flashblack that will most likely rarely come in handy.
3x Shard Volley Bolt 17-19. One red for three is too good to pass up even if you have to get rid of a land. I am running 3 because it is annoying to get flooded with these.
For two drops:
4x Boros Charm Main reason to splash white. You can't beat two mana for four damage.
4x Skullcrack Two mana for three damage isn't awful and its effect is very relevant considering life gain hoses this deck.
2x Searing Blaze. Good card, can't beat 3 to a creature and player for two. Eight Fetches should ensure the landfall trigger. My only problem with this card is that I need a creature to target in order to hit the player but it's still good enough to run Two in the main and one in the side.
2x Lightning Helix. The life gain isn't very relevant in this deck but hey, three damage is three damage.