YamishiTheWickedOne I’ve seen the recent builds with Stoneforge Mystic . I think it is a good creature with a great ability. I also think it has been, somewhat, power crept. I think you could build Mardu Pyromancer around it; I think this build, currently, can forgo having to make room.
Bedlam Reveler is straight gas. Honestly, it provides so much advantage in the mid game. I don’t play the full copies since Seasoned Pyromancer does its effect in a sense. As for Unearth + Fulminator Mage , if your meta is all Tron and Titan decks, go for it. This current build maxes out on sorcery and instants to take advantage of Young Pyromancer , Seasoned Pyromancer , and Bedlam Reveler . But I do like Fulminator Mage and Unearth is pretty versatile as well. That’s the nice thing about Mardu Pyromancer: it allows the creator and pilot to personalize the build.
October 9, 2019 3:16 p.m.
I’m very new to Mardu and don’t often have time to play/test at my lgs. you’re primer is awesome and very helpful. So much detail. Thank you for putting in the work!
October 13, 2019 12:15 a.m.
Good day:
I'm glad you don't give up with Mardu Pyromancer, but I wonder if you are considering to incorporate some cards of Eldraine, or Core 2020, because I've seen some people who use Chandra, Acolyte of Flame, which aggro and pseudo-flashback could be very interesting. About Eldraine, the only cards I think it could have some potential in this archetype are Castle Embereth or maybe Castle Locthwain (Even I'm sceptical with the last one). What do you think about these choices? Thanks a for your work.
October 14, 2019 7:05 a.m.
guero388 Thank you for the comment! Honestly, I haven't had too much time to play/test recently, but previous experience helps with the new decks as well. Mardu Pyromancer is a very particular build that often rewards experience of the match up to understand timing and sequencing. Most decks in Modern become more rewarding and more powerful based on the time invested. Stick with it! And, if it's not your cup of tea later, take a break, try something else, and find your niche.
Mellro I am very excited about Eldraine (mainly for the classic European fantasy theme, but also the big changes that will come to Modern). Chandra, Acolyte of Flame will need more testing, but I am always hesitant about Planeswalkers in Mardu Pyromancer. I have seen (and we could still use): Liliana of the Veil , Liliana, the Last Hope , Nahiri, the Harbinger , and Chandra, Torch of Defiance . I ask myself: "What does Chandra, Acolyte of Flame add to the build that these other Planeswalkers don't?" First, basic +1 ability does nothing for advantage, unless we start running Mardu/Boros Super Friends with Nahiri, the Harbinger , Tibalt, the Fiend-Blooded , or any of the Chandra variants. The second ability (+0) does give us hasty tokens, but we have to sacrifice them, so only 2 damage is mediocre. I don't think Mardu Pyromancer is a token deck, per se, but it uses tokens to out value and out grind the opponent, through chump blocking and chip damage. Also, if we wanted a 3 cmc token generator, we would run Hordeling Outburst . The "ultimate" (-2) is actually one of the reasons I would consider running her, if only to consistently use Ransack the Lab for recursion and grinding. However, the deck runs at a slow, consistent rate, that we aren't trying to get rid of our hand incredibly quickly. Also, we run Bedlam Reveler and Seasoned Pyromancer for hand card advantage. I don't think we need Chandra, Acolyte of Flame .
Mellro touching on the new lands from Eldraine, specifically the Mardu colors: Castle Ardenvale is too expensive (in cost and requirement) for just 1 token. Castle Locthwain may be ok on an empty hand (and I would consider it), but Mardu Pyromancer usually doesn't run out of cards, unless Hazoret the Fervent is on the field and encourages emptying the hand. Castle Embereth is not bad on an established board. However, it feels like a "win-more" card, and Mardu Pyromancer (in my opinion) isn't a token deck looking to pump an endless amount of tokens on board; its purpose (again, in my opinion) is to outlast and out grind the opponent. Basically, tokens are like a cherry on top of a VALUE sundae. Castle Locthwain is the one I would consider, if only to give the option to dig for an answer. At this point, spending 3 mana to draw one card might be a bit of a heavy price. I would need to test them more.
saturn999 Thanks for the enthusiasm! We are still out here going strong!
Thanks again for your comments! The Modern Meta Match-Ups section is improving and I hope to have it completely done here soon!
October 15, 2019 2:51 a.m. Edited.
Metropolis39 says... #6
Idk if youve said something about it but merchant of the vale is def woth testing
October 16, 2019 8:32 p.m.
PastorSinnerxr says... #7
I don't really play too much mardu, but this deck really makes me want to pull out some mardu Pyromancer! Keep up the great work!
October 18, 2019 11:52 p.m.
Metropolis39 Thank you for the suggestion! So, Merchant of the Vale , huh? I was interested when I saw it, and I asked myself the question I put in the primer: What does Merchant of the Vale add to the deck that it a) doesn't already do more efficiently?, b) How does it add to the pre-established game plan?, and c) what can we take out from the 75?
With these questions in mind, adventure, as a mechanic, and therefore Merchant of the Vale , are interesting, but I don't believe they add to the game plan exactly. Merchant of the Vale would replace our card draw engine, Ransack the Lab , which is replacing Faithless Looting post-ban. Ransack the Lab provides specific benefits that Merchant of the Vale can not: a) trigger Young Pyromancer to get a token, b) lower the cost of Bedlam Reveler , and c) filter our upcoming draws. The plus/benefit to Merchant of the Vale is discarding Lingering Souls or Smiting Helix for flashback and VALUE. Also, it's a decent body on the field, with stats like Kambal, Consul of Allocation . In all honesty, it might be better to play Nahiri, the Harbinger for the same effect, build with removal and a tutor ultimate effect. But, as the primer indicates, I am hesitant about Planeswalkers in Mardu Pyromancer, personally. I hope this answers your suggestion!
PastorSinnerxr Thank you for your enthusiasm! If you have any suggestions or critiques, please feel free to share them! I hope everyone here feels validated and justified when they suggest something that can improve.
mikeb388 I actually enjoy the simplicity of Burn and I was REALLY tempted to invest into the deck when I transitioned into Modern. The primer here actually has my sideboard and match-up tips against Boros Burn already posted, but I will summarize. I think Burn is a 50/50 match AFTER sideboarding. Mardu Pyromancer is too slow in game 1, with not a lot of "Control". After siding in Collective Brutality , Kambal, Consul of Allocation , and Kaya's Guile , there is more Control of the match-up. Dreadbore is HORRENDOUSLY slow and Thoughtseize turn 1 only to see a hand full of burn spells, like Lightning Bolt , Lightning Helix , and Boros Charm makes my stomach somersault. Burn will ALWAYS eventually draw to kill; the trick is to stabilize and turn around with life gain mechanics and Lingering Souls . I hope this answered the question!
October 21, 2019 7:50 p.m.
Guys have you consider spark harvest? I am going to test version with spark harvest, dreadhorde aracanist and Chandra fueled by infernal plunge.
October 27, 2019 2:11 p.m.
bankrupt_on_selling says... #11
Hey man what's your input on Fatal Push vs Path to Exile vs Dreadbore ?
November 14, 2019 11:27 p.m.
YamishiTheWickedOne says... #12
How have you liked Hazoret here? I was looking at him.
November 15, 2019 1:47 p.m.
JacenSolo29 says... #13
Would you consider lightning skelemental/unearth?
November 17, 2019 11:53 p.m.
Metropolis39 says... #14
I play the unearth package in a hollow one built to some success
November 19, 2019 6:03 p.m.
JacenSolo29 says... #15
I run it in mine as a way of dealing massive damage and making your opponent discard. You just have to be careful who you use it against.
November 20, 2019 1:07 p.m.
Piolun I think if we were more token centered, like Aristocrats, then Spark Harvest would be worth it. Right now, in the build, the tokens are more of a side theme. I think if you main boarded Goblin Rabblemaster or used some other token generator, it might be worth it
bankrupt_on_selling those are all great removal spells in our colors that I have used or still use at one time or the other. Fatal Push and Dreadbore are essential right now, with a myriad of planeswalkers and some cheap/big creatures coming from Jund decks. Dreadbore also helps us stay somewhat competitive against Tron based decks. As for Path to Exile , if you forgo playing Blood Moon , I would play 2 copies. Since I have Blood Moon in the side, I took out the Path to Exile , since I don't want to give my opponent basics to negate Blood Moon . The choice is up to you. I personally reverted back to a control/stun Mardu Pyromancer, in which Blood Moon can steal us some games.
YamishiTheWickedOne I LOVE using Hazoret the Fervent . Dog Mom gives us a big, beefy, hasty, indestructible creature that can also burn late. We don't want to see multiple copies, which is why I just play the one. I think she is still Modern applicable, even with more available exile based spells.
JacenSolo29 hmmm... with Lightning Skelemental and the other Rakdos elementals, it comes down to what you want your deck to do. The Rakdos elemental deck is fast and stun heavy, with a crap ton of discard. It can be weak to counter and control decks, and even graveyard hate, but might have an edge to Tron due to speed. I think, again, it's up to you. I wouldn't play them here simply because I want to value with Lingering Souls and Young Pyromancer . Therefore, you would need to change the build here to be, I think, solely Rakdos and hit hard, and hit fast. Unearth is good with Seasoned Pyromancer and the elemental creatures, but doesn't go well with Bedlam Reveler and Hazoret the Fervent . Test it out!
Thank you all for your comments! Sorry that took so long! School got busy, but I'm looking forward to continuing to test this in the new Modern Meta!
December 12, 2019 1:55 p.m.
JacenSolo29 says... #17
Why did the competitive rating of this deck drop?
December 18, 2019 7:09 p.m.
JacenSolo29 I think there are a few things: 1) Mardu Pyromancer has fallen out of majority usage, 2) the build has morphed (no Young Pyromancer and 4 copies Bedlam Reveler , and 3) I think TappedOut may have fixed/updated its ranking system.
December 18, 2019 10:21 p.m.
Love this deck tech and everything about it! Love seeing that you put this much time into detail and explaining everything. I've been trying to put a mardu pyromancer style deck together for the last half year. What are your thoughts on Kroxa? I think he might be a 2 of in this to really push this deck and color scheme.
January 14, 2020 5:24 p.m.
Jlyons44 thank you for the upvote and the kind words! I think Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hunger will be a 1 or 2 of in lists. With Oko, Thief of Crowns getting banned, and artifact decks getting hit (directly/indirectly), we may not need all 3 Dreadbore in the main. I’m still working on where to fit Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hunger , and trying to give the meta time to figure itself out, but I do think it goes here.
January 14, 2020 8:42 p.m.
JacenSolo29 says... #21
So I have a weird question for you so bare with me. Besides edh my friend only plays standard, he play jeskai fires, I usually work late so I cant play tournament modern at a shop but still want to play, hes willing to play me with his standard deck, can you suggest a sideboard for me
January 24, 2020 12:45 p.m.
JacenSolo29 What’s your deck that you would play against your friend’s Jeskai Fires deck?
January 25, 2020 7:58 p.m.
JacenSolo29 I found https://www.mtggoldfish.com/archetype/standard-jeskai-fires#paper
So they revolve around Fires of Invention. So we need to stop that ASAP. Keep in all discard (Thoughtseize and Inquisition of Kozilek). Inquisition of Kozilek maybe could come out since it doesn’t hit Fires of Invention or their big threats. Bring in Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hunger, Kaya's Guile (for lifegain, sacrifice, and token for chump blocking) and Plague Engineer (for deathtouch). Sub in Wear to remove Fires of Invention when it does hit board. Blood Moon may stop them from casting based spells since they run few Island but it doesn’t stop Fires of Invention. Keep in Dreadbore for big creatures.
Hope this helps! I haven’t played against it yet, but that’s my impression based on stock lists.
YamishiTheWickedOne says... #1
With such a huge change to Modern I agree we need to really rethink our creature lineups. I actually feel going back to the Bedlam plan may be a good idea at this point. I agree that now with Unearth in Modern, Fulminator is the better Moon.
October 9, 2019 1:32 a.m.