Mardu Slam

Standard* DeathWarden


Dalektable says... #1

Hi! I'm glad to see you getting back into the game, I love seeing returning players. That being said, this deck couldn't survive in a modern tourney. Do you know if there is a standard tourney near you? This deck could fare well enough there, however it's not really fit for modern. I will say the first thing you should do is remove Altar of the Brood . You want one strategy, not different ones. You won't be able to kill the opponent through milling, so running four of these only makes your deck significantly weaker. In place of this you should run some more creatures or removal. Things like Raise the Alarm , Hordeling Outburst and Lightning Strike are good.

November 1, 2014 11:03 a.m.

bmbinder says... #2

change mardu roughrider to Frenzied Goblin if you can. If you have it Arc Lightning hits something in just about every modern deck. I would also replace gurmag swiftwing with basically anything (Duress Despise Goblin Rabblemaster etc.) as it is generally going to be too slow. Maybe Devouring Light or Utter End or Murderous Cut . Good luck in the modern arena :)

November 1, 2014 11:10 a.m.

Quadsimotto says... #3

Seems like a lot of us old timers are coming back to the game. You miiiiight want to add some land to this, and cut anywhere from three to seven cards. for a mana base of 20-24 lands.

November 1, 2014 11:11 a.m.

geogio13 says... #4

This deck needs a mana base, otherwise, it will not work.

November 1, 2014 3:57 p.m.

DeathWarden says... #5

Thanks for the comments! As i mentioned, i'm looking for land suggestions, mostly how many multicolored vs regular. 20-24 is great to know!

Goblin Rabblemaster looks great, what do you think of Rush of Battle ?

November 2, 2014 1:15 a.m.

DeathWarden says... #6

Thanks for the comments! As i mentioned, i'm looking for land suggestions, mostly how many multicolored vs regular. 20-24 is great to know!

Goblin Rabblemaster looks great, what do you think of Rush of Battle ?

November 2, 2014 1:38 a.m.

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