The idea of this deck is to take advantage of the best spells in and support it with great creatures. The colors allow for us to chave Byron what is on the board and in the hand of the opponent while recurring threats, spawning tokens, gaining life, and buffing your board to win in combat. There are multiple outs in the deck to allow you to win in different situations and each game will turn out differently.
Archangel of Thune: This is the hard hitter and the major creature of the deck. It comes in as a beefy flyer that is hard to hit by most of the removal played in the format and gains me life and while doing so buffs itself and the whole board, making it easier to win.
Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet: Another hard hitter win condition in the deck. He makes tokens to help protect me and give me swinging power, gains me life, and makes himself bigger while also triggering the ability of Archangel of Thune and giving her bodies to beef up.
Dark Confidant: Card advantage is always a positive thing in modern and there isn't any better than him. He gives a body that they have to use their removal on or risk losing and the life loss is negligible because of the lifegain in the deck.
Soulfire Grand Master: The name of the game in this deck is lifegain and he is king of lifegain when paired with burn. Giving my bolts and helixes lifegain is huge when Archangel of Thune is out. With 9 burn spells in the main there is more than enough reason to utilize his ability.
Instants and Sorceries
Lightning Bolt: This spell is a no brainer. 9/10 times if you run red in modern you run this card. It removes threats and hits face for much needed damage. It hits early game threats and late game it is never a dead card as you can gain life whenever Soulfire Grand Master is out on the field.
Lightning Helix: Gaining life and burning players is the idea of this deck, and this card does both for a low mana cost. This spell would be great with Archangel of Thune as when you gain life you buff your board while also burning or removing creatures.
Thoughtseize: Taking a card for one mana and two life is no tax in this deck as you will always have the option to reverse the lifeloss. Also having the option to take any nonland card is very relevant and seeing their hand helps just as much.
Path to Exile: Unconditional creature removal that gets around indestructible for the low cost of one mana and giving them a land is an easy add in to help with big pesky creatures beating you down.
Fatal Push: This spell is great for the early game when you're trying to get going. Getting rid of any 2 or less threat for one or 4 or less if you fetch or lose a creature is so relevant in the format that it is necessary to be used if you run black.
Lingering Souls: In white and black Lingering Souls does so much. It is a discard option if you're forced to and it makes up to 4 bodies for 5 mana that are all flying and will be buffed by Archangel of Thune
Painful Truths
: Card advantage can be a sole reason to winning games and it doesn't come much better than this in a tri-color deck. The lifeloss is irrelevant with all the ways to gain it back in this deck.
Kolaghan's Command: Every single mode on this card is a winner in this format. It destroys artifacts, forces a discard, shocks an opponent, and brings back any creature threat from the grave to pressure the opponent.
Liliana of the Veil: She's been a staple in modern for years and does so much she deserves a spot. She forces discard and forces a sacrifice to slow the game down to make it easier to go later and win the game.
Liliana, the Last Hope: This Liliana is never bad to see in your hand. She weakens creatures and gets your threats back. Not much more you could ask for in a 3 mana walker.
Sorin, Solemn Visitor: When tokens are present in black and white Sorin has to make an appearance. Giving all creatures extra power and lifelink is amazing in this deck. His -2 also makes more big flying threats to buff from lifegain paired with Archangel of Thune.