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Mardu Warrior Black/Red/White Deck

Modern Aggro RBW (Mardu) Tribal




A Black/Red/White Tribal Warrior deck for standard.

This deck formerly served as a standard deck from the beginning of the Khans of Tarkir block to the Shadows over Innistrad release.

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Note: Only cards currently owned are listed. Any recommendation made, will be incorporated into the deck, once cards are acquired.

Older versions of this deck can be found at in the Evolution of Mardu Warrior B/R/W Deck folder.

------Deck Breakdown------


Alesha, Who Smiles at Death: A 3/2 for 3 mana with the the ability to pull any creature with 2 or less power back from the graveyard for 2 mana. Suddenly, all those annoying 2 power warriors are back on the field. Makes it hard to keep a good warrior down.

Ankle Shanker: Not a warrior, but gives all creatures first strike and deathtouch when it attacks. Do we need to say more?

Battle Brawler : A 2/2 warrior that becomes a 3/2, if there is a red or white creature on the field. Perfect for use with Alesha, Who Smiles at Death's ability.

Bloodsoaked Champion: A great one drop creature. Can start swinging turn 2 buffed by Chief of the Edge. Its ability to be played from the graveyard makes it a continuous threat. Wish I had more of them.

Brutal Hordechief: A 3/3 warrior for 4 mana, with the ability to force your opponent to lose life, while you heal life for each warrior that attacks. Its secondary ability while expensive at 5 mana, could easily force an opening, allowing for victory.

Chief of the Edge: A great support creature. Buffs all creatures in the deck except Ankle Shanker and the goblin tokens created by Mardu Ascendancy . It is very useful in getting damage through early with Bloodsoaked Champion and Seeker of the Way . Also, a 3/2 for two isn't too bad in itself.

Chief of the Scale : A great support creature. Buffs all creatures in the deck except Ankle Shanker and the goblin tokens created by Mardu Ascendancy . Some people underrate it, but its ability to defensively buff up other warriors can help keep the warriors out of burn range. Besides a 2/3 for 2 mana isn't bad at all.

Mardu Shadowspear : A 1/1 warrior for 1. That does an automatic 1 damage when it attacks.

Mardu Strike Leader: The ability to summon 2/1 Warrior tokens with every attack, along with the ability to summon it via its dash ability for a quick threat makes this card a serious threat in any tribal warrior deck. Wish I had more of these.

Mardu Woe-Reaper: A 2/1 for 1 mana, with the ability to exile cards from an opponents graveyard, while healing every time a warrior enters the battlefield. Useful for slowing down those annoying Delve decks.

Seeker of the Way : An awesome 2/2 warrior for 2 mana. It is boosted by Chief of the Edge, and also has a very relevant prowess ability, lifelink.

Zurgo Helmsmasher: Hard to deal with a turn 5, 7/2 indestructible coming at you. Supported by a Chief of the Scale or a Chief of the Edge, he quickly becomes a force to be reckoned with.


Crackling Doom: An overall great removal spell. It can get rid of big creatures that may interfere with attacks, or to get rid of creatures that are out of burn range.

Harsh Sustenance : Another get burn spell to remove larger threats.

Mardu Charm : Another creature burn spell with added versatility. Can provide two warriors at instant speed, or can get rid of threats in an opponents hand.

Ride Down : Great card to blast through defenders.

Valorous Stance: A 2 mana drop, that gives indestructibility until the end of the turn, or exiles a creature with 4 toughness or greater. Useful to keep a key warrior alive, or removes one of those large blockers that try to keep the Mardu horde at bay.

Wild Slash: A 1 mana burn spell that does 2 damage and keeps the opponent from playing those prevent damage cards.


Mardu Ascendancy : Goblin Token generation with the option of boosting the defense in case of someone attempts a board wipe via Anger of the Gods or similar strategy.


Arc Lightning: A 3 mana burn spell for 3 damage. The ability to split the damage up is sometimes useful for killing a few tokens and 1 drop creatures.

One Brutal Hordechief is currently in my Orzhov Warrior White/Black Deck therefore a proxy is being used for that cards in non-competitive play. For competitive play the card with be pulled from other decks.


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Top Ranked
  • Achieved #31 position overall 10 years ago
Date added 10 years
Last updated 3 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 0 Mythic Rares

20 - 3 Rares

22 - 11 Uncommons

2 - 1 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.19
Tokens Goblin 1/1 R, Warrior 1/1 W, Warrior 2/1 B
Folders Tribal Decks, decks , Decks I like, t2, Mardu, Possible Mardu, decks for standard, Standard, deck ideas, make this now
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