Hello. Yes, welcome. If you've ever heard of my username around here, you might have heard of my current favorite deck that's also the only deck I've gone ahead and bowed my communist head to WOTC in order to have an entire physical version of. A pentacolor enchantments deck.

Lately I've gotten a bit into F&H, so yeah. The girl is a pentacolor legendary, that has a legendary book, and she's called Marina. Also a pentacolor enchantments deck.

Do you need me to say anything else?

Anywho, onto how the deck works:

If you're here I assume you either checked out my Kyodai list liked prior and are wondering what is different here, or you just skipped that part entirely. Well, I hope I can help both of cases with this briefing.

My Kyodai deck has a decently high number of cards that are strong by themselves, too strong - one might say, not because we are trying to push the power curve by any means, simply because we are trying to have fun with (trash) things otherwise unachievable in medium power level tables. A snowball deck, of course, heavily tipped towards shrines and also interesting synergies.

Here we aren't winning with commander damage, unlike the previous list. Paying 5 mana for each 5 commander damage we can pull off at instant speed here is unfortunately not something we do. Neither are the shenenigans relating to Pariah, which honestly puts this deck a step lower on my list in comparison to Kyodai. On the other hand, enchantments are quite the ways more fetchable now with Marina. She doesn't tutor'em either, which makes up for quite some remaining fun - assuming you hate playing the same cards every game.

Rooms? I don't know. I still need to playtest this to see how they fare.

That's the jist of it. Ramp, play cards that just give you way too much value to the point you can do anything, and do the weird thing this deck does. Play shrines, play rooms. Yada yada yada. In case you're seeing one of my decks for the first time ever, know that Solitary Confinement is one of my favorite cards of all time, so that kind of thing ends up being mandatory in most of my decks. Here, it's straight up mandatory, especially because of the shenenigans we can pull of thanks to it. I'm talking about Solitary Confinement + Soul Echo for the most part. If we can do those things and/or put a decent number of shrines into play blinking Marina, winning shouldn't be too hard. Personally I think Kyodai was pretty decent at that without fetching a single darn enchantment off my top, so I think our chances here aren't half bad.

So, why make an entire deck off of Marina instead of just smashing her into the 99 of Kyodai?

Because I'm bored tbh. So here you go, have a weird list idea. IRL I'll probably just do the above.


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93% Casual


Date added 5 months
Last updated 5 months

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 0 Mythic Rares

31 - 0 Rares

30 - 0 Uncommons

12 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.78
Tokens Copy Clone, Demon 6/6 B, Everywhere, Icy Manalith, Spirit 1/1 C, Spirit X/X U
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