Make clues, sac them, trigger value, then kill them FLAT.
Clue Power
cluetocrat (cloot'-uh-krat) noun - a person whose power derives from their clues.
This deck pulls together 2 very powerful creatures around a theme of clue generation: - The endlessly growing card advantage character of Tireless Tracker, and - The endlessly growing hard-to-kill
Syndicate Trafficker
- Pia Nalaar can help ensure they connect.
While dominating them with beefy creatures, we simultaneously are pinging with Reckless Fireweaver. All those clues generated drain them even if we are on defense not attacking. Smuggler's Copter is happy to go along.
After all this, we one-shot them with Marionette Master. Each artifact sacced deals 4 life loss to the opponent. (Watch out for attempts to kill it in response to the fabricate trigger. This is why there's a tutorable Blossoming Defense in the deck.)
For an Abzan (GWb) build:
Standard* jubale
SCORE: 2 |
Cheaper ways to sacrifice clues
Tamiyo's Journal, Pia Nalaar,
Syndicate Trafficker
, or Metalwork Colossus in the graveyard, all make sacrifices very easy.
Metalwork Colossus gets in the graveyard via Key to the City, Geieir Reach Sanitarium, or Smuggler's Copter. Or, you can cast it off of cost-reducing artifacts and sac it or let them kill it. Metalwork Colossus, combos with your battlefield to WIN on the spot. Sac 2 clues to bring it back, but before it comes back, sac 2 more to activate the ability again. Repeat as often as needed to just out and out win the game.
Tamiyo's Journal itself is EXTREMELY powerful. Regularly generates clues, and tutors whatever we lack to complete the combo, or otherwise win the game.
Token Life Cycle.
Ulvenwald Mysteries cements our mastery. Every time they kill a creature, we get a clue. Every clue sac gets a token. In multiples, this is broken. 2x: 1 death = 2 clues = 4 tokens. 3x: 1 death = 3 clues = 9 tokens.
Also playing
Graf Mole
- Each clue sac = gain life.
Weirding Wood - make a clue. Fixes colors (excellent on spent Aether Hubs), ramps
Inventors' Fair - find that artifact.
Finally: a bit of removal.