Goal is to be basically tapped out but with some level of control remaining.
Commandeer, snapback, and disrupting shoal allow you to play your cheap creatures while you still can counter or delay the game. Ideas unbound, looter il-kor, vexing sphinx, and dakra mysic put cards in your graveyard and dig through your library. Once the game is a few turns in, you'll have a decent amount of creatures in your graveyard which enables your skaab ruinator finisher. Misthollow griffin is there for value later game and obviously works well with disrupting shoal/commandeer/snapback/skaab ruinator.
Dakra is an interesting card to mess with, because you can draw if the draw is good, or mill if their draw is really good or to encourage a flood/screw in mana. It seems like it has potential because you really just need to survive their opening hand plus a few draws and then you can try your luck at restricting their draws.
Looter il-Kor ends up hitting for a decent chunk of damage because people dont want to waste removal on a 2 drop 1/1.
I was running only 2 Skaab ruinators but upped it because once one gets removed it just fuels the next one and they get discarded super easily as they can cast from the yard.
Anyways, thats about it.
Oh and sky hussar is still in there because nathan hates it and it angers him anytime I use it (normally to a disrupting shoal etc)
He thinks its the worst card ever made.