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Marwyn, Untap instants + Big Draws

Commander / EDH Druid Elves Mono-Green Tap/Untap




Purpose of this deck was to build a deck that can combo on turn 3 without needing any infinite combinations.

How the deck plays: Turns 1-3: Play Marwyn as fast as you can. Turns 3-4: Cast untap instants to get Marwyn's power high enough to cast draw spells, draw more untap and draw spells chain them until you hit your win cons. Once Marwyn's power is high enough you should be able to chain these reliably enough to draw the entirety of your deck, use Abundance and Kozilek to stop you from drawing out.

Win Cons: - Finale of Devastation + Ulvenwald Behemoth - Gilt-Leaf Archdruid + 7 Druids

Who is this deck for: People who like to play solitaire/goldfishing. There is a lot of figuring out the correct order to play untap spells + should you recur them from the graveyard to get Marwyn's power higher or gamble on a draw spell.

Tips: - If there isn't enough mana to cast Marwyn or any draw spells in your opening hand I recommend taking a mulligan. - Garruk, Primal Hunter is functionally a draw spell sorcery. - If can you play Finale of Devastation for 12 do so, since it buffs your creatures it will pay for itself through Marwyn, tutor Great Oak Guardian if you need mana/untap, or Disciple of Freyalise (sac a dork for 11 power) if you need draw. - Malachite Talisman may be the best card in this deck. - Captivating Cave and Cave of Temptation aren't good cards but are unlikely to cause trouble due to this being an mono coloured deck, its worth noting that they will pay their cost after untapping Marwyn 3 times and may be useful considering a lot of your draw is based off of power. Hashep Oasis pays for itself by tapping Marwyn once so generally is better to sacrifice than use as a land once Marwyn is in play.

Notes: - Ignore the sideboard and maybe boards they are just cards I was thinking about at multiple stages while building the deck. - If you wanted to build a budget version of this deck you should be able to do so, removing Legolas's quick reflexes and Finale of Devastation will hurt but it should still be playable, the rest of the deck is pretty malleable.


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95% Casual


Date added 3 months
Last updated 2 months

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

10 - 1 Mythic Rares

23 - 8 Rares

19 - 1 Uncommons

27 - 2 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.27
Tokens Beast 3/3 G, Copy Clone, Food, On an Adventure, Wurm 6/6 G
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