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Master Of Babes, standard mono-blue devotion

Standard* Budget Devotion Mono-Blue



Creature (4)

Instant (3)


Creature (1)

I built a deck around Master of Waves.He boosts all elementals and to be more:Vaporkin , Vortex Elemental , Scion of Glaciers.He also has protection from red, so he will be good against some burn decks.

Thassa, God of the Sea , is one of the best gods in the game, because she only has 3cmc, while requires only 5 devotion (which is easy as pie in this deck). We can also swing for some major damage in late game with her ability, without worrying for possible defenders.

AEtherspouts , is the best board cleaner for mono-blue decks.You swing with all your creatures, leaving no defenders behind..."-Ha, now it's my chance" he says. He then swings with everything he got. BAM! yo face God Dammit! everything on top -or- bottom of your library...

Bident of Thassa ALSO works in perfect harmony with AEtherspouts, but keeps us with full hands too. We also have Military Intelligence for this task.

Encrust is a way of "exiling" target creature, OR artifact, because it stays in the battlefield, while the controller cannot use it. It is recommended on late game, on big threats. It also gives you some more devotion!

With all the devotion we are trying to build, it would be a shame if we didn't put into our decks a Thassa's Rebuff,one of the greatest counterspells out there.

Icy Blast can also be a major pain in the ass, especially if you have triggered the ferocious part!

All in all, i think it is a good deck and has some good potential. Currently, (apart from being a new player), I have played at two FNMs and scored at both 3-1.The deck runs pretty well, but i think it DOES need some changes. I hope you like it , give it an upvote and please suggest me cards, that would help me achieve even the first place at my local store :)I am open to all suggestions and i will also check your decks too. Have fun!


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-2x Stubborn Denial -----> +2x Invisibility

-2x Disdainful Stroke -----> +2x Jace, the Living Guildpact

-2x Disdainful Stroke ------> +3x Cloudform

Just Improved Devotion and took out an Island! Please rate and comment. Thanks


Date added 10 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

9 - 0 Mythic Rares

12 - 0 Rares

16 - 7 Uncommons

6 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.90
Tokens Elemental 1/0 U, Manifest 2/2 C
Folders Cheap Casual, Standard - Theros + Khans
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