

My FNM magic deck placing here for storage of concept

The idea is simple enough, prevent them from doing their precious first five turns or so, then take over shop. Master of Cruelties will reduce them to their knees, and his best friend Ral Zarek may even finish them off immediately, if not with Turn / Burn or an Augur of Bolas or Rakdos Keyrune or Olivia Voldaren. Rogue's Passage can make sure of the reduction and finisher. AEtherling for when they don't want you to have creatures.

Won FNM two weeks in a row undefeated

Sideboard to fine-tune the control type.


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Date added 11 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

8 - 1 Mythic Rares

24 - 11 Rares

21 - 1 Uncommons

4 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.31
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