Masterful Demise (FNM Top 3)

Standard AJohnson9x

SCORE: 161 | 177 COMMENTS | 31623 VIEWS | IN 74 FOLDERS

MachineAge says... #1

Dude typo. Masterdul Demise? :P

May 8, 2014 9:20 p.m.

AJohnson9x says... #2

??? I see no typo...

May 8, 2014 9:27 p.m.

MachineAge says... #3


May 8, 2014 9:28 p.m.

AJohnson9x says... #4

Aha. I feel stupid now.

May 8, 2014 9:35 p.m.

MachineAge says... #5

Haha its all good we have all done it. Just thought I'd let you know.

May 8, 2014 9:39 p.m.

AJohnson9x says... #6

Lol thanks

May 8, 2014 9:58 p.m.

YouGotFranked says... #7

If i may make a suggestion, i'd remove 1 Far / Away and 1 Hero's Downfall and add 2 Devour Flesh . It would give you a better turn 2 imo as right now you really only have 2 Doom Blade (Pack Rat is more like a turn 5 creature, you don't want it dying without the possibility of of making a token). Otherwise +1

May 9, 2014 10 a.m.

shinobigarth says... #8

looks cool, but how about a way to recycle your GY or get discarded creatures back?

May 10, 2014 2:32 a.m.

Warmonger says... #9

@shinobigarth - He can use Whip of Erebos to recycle creatures.

May 10, 2014 3:17 a.m.

shinobigarth says... #10

yeah i meant more than just that cause theres only 2 of those and he's gonna be tossing a lot of creatures. i think at the least, Whip should be in there x3.

May 11, 2014 1:36 p.m.

PrestigePunk says... #11

I suggest 2 Mana Confluence instead of Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx . You have 8 sources of blue for 11 blue symbols. You are not always going to have the blue in the early game. I'm not saying your mana base is inconsistent but Mana Confluence provides a safety net. Plus , with the prior, you're running 6 total colorless lands. Bad luck will say, "Opening hand of 1-2 Mutas and Nyx, 1 swamp. with double swamp spells". Not saying this will happen all the time, I'm sure you're doing fine with mana but just suggesting a "tune up", What I would I do. Also how has Nykthos been working for you? Does it hinder you more than help you? Would you rather have blue? Say it is convenient in a game, is it's effectiveness worth it?

May 12, 2014 3:27 p.m.

PrestigePunk says... #12

Other than that, I think your deck is very sweet, I'm planning on building a version of this very soon. Good job on brewing this. +1. Yes it's an annoying deck, because of Merchant and Pack Rat, but you have my respect because it's original, creative that plays Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver . =)

May 12, 2014 3:31 p.m.

AJohnson9x says... #13

Thank you very much. I see too many decks at FNM that run the same junk. They see top decks in tournaments and recreate it card for card. Nythos has been paramount when generating pack rats. I don't see myself removing them completely. Between underworld connections, whip, and creatures, it generates a lot of mana. I rarely get screwed with colorless. It has happened but very infrequently. They provide more of a boost than a liability.

May 12, 2014 6:10 p.m.

shanRRgard says... #14

+1 Nice deck, I was sceptical at first but after play testing it seems solid..

May 12, 2014 8:23 p.m.

BlackyMTG says... #15

Nice deck +1, but I think you should throw in that card that whenever they draw a card they lose 1 one life it's some sort of hag.

May 13, 2014 12:53 p.m.

BlackyMTG says... #16

May 13, 2014 12:55 p.m.

PegasusBishop says... #17

I like to run Dakra Mystic . With Notion Thief out it becomes U Tap: Draw 2 Cards.

May 13, 2014 7:47 p.m.

Bubbleberry says... #18

So how useful would you say Liliana of the Dark Realms actually is in this deck? I don't mean to insinuate anything, but does it do much other than provide a swamp and count to your devotion?

May 14, 2014 4:21 a.m.

shinobigarth says... #19

well if you get her ultimate off, if you have the Whip out, each Swamp tap lets you bring 1 dead creature back, also she's good at killing annoying things.

May 14, 2014 3:17 p.m.

Bubbleberry says... #20

Remember though, you have to tap the god weapons, so even still, while the mana ramp is great, you only get to whip back one creature per turn, and his deck isn't built around the whip either, but I don't mean to imply ramp doesn't help on the other hand...

May 14, 2014 9:33 p.m.

LoCaLGoD says... #21

It looks tough, +1 for the colors!

May 17, 2014 4:46 p.m.

chrisdavis says... #22

May 20, 2014 10:59 p.m.

sonicfinatic says... #23

i have playtested the deck, it works aweseome. Going to try it out at the star city games invitational at my local card shop. ill include your name on the decklist so im not ripping you off if i win ;p

May 27, 2014 4:20 a.m.

AJohnson9x says... #24

Sounds great :) I was going to take it to a SCG open but was unexpectedly unable to go due to other circumstances. I'd like to see how it measures up in a competitive environment.

May 30, 2014 1:29 p.m.

shanRRgard says... #25

Psychic Intrusion Would work well with this. Maybe 2x instead of Whispering Madness

May 31, 2014 7:07 a.m.

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