Vos_Is_Boss says... #2
Thanks for the suggestions, This is just a preliminary study, and none of these cards are concrete, as i stated above in the description. Its more or less a placeholder for comments such as your own. Keep them coming!
and thanks for the +1 :3
February 18, 2013 12:07 p.m.
I like it let me know how it playtests I have been looking at making a mid-range deck as well since people in my area have started to build specifically to counter my naya humans deck +1
February 18, 2013 12:15 p.m.
Vos_Is_Boss says... #4
Changin' dat meta :P
Playtesting... it seems to flow pretty well, this is in a vacuum, mind you. Trying to get a feel about turn based choices. And what to play when.
So far... the most unsatisfying thing in this deck... is Arbor Elf .
Rarely does the bastard produce mana... i'm wondering if card:Avacyn's Pilgrim wouldnt be better? Even if i dont run white, the extra mana could be just as useful.
and no... this will not become bant. Even though Loxodon Smiter and Restoration Angel make this deck stupid good.
February 18, 2013 12:26 p.m.
Have you thought about sideboarding Sapphire Drake against mid-range decks that have really strong flyers?
February 19, 2013 11:41 a.m.
You know...you could throw in a couple Desecration Demon s...let your opponent put counters on them and then move them wherever you want. Plus, they're really nice early in the game.
February 19, 2013 12:07 p.m.
Also, why Borderland Ranger over Gatecreeper Vine ? You can drop the vine on turn two and guarantee your turn 3 land drop whereas the ranger is a turn 3 drop and the land you get from him goes to your hand. Just curious as to the thought process there.
February 19, 2013 12:36 p.m.
Vos_Is_Boss says... #10
@ hjwing -- Borderland Ranger is a body that can attack, and become a threat when i wan t it to be. Also, if i do not get a Farseek turn 2, it can guarantee my 4 drop. Which is incredibly important. I don't like Gatecreeper Vine ... because... well it wont do much I dont need the blocker, i have removal... and with Snapcaster Mage , Farseek is much better.
@ Shinkari -- Its a clever idea, and could be quite fruitful, however, my fear against fliers is satisfied by having Vampire Nighthawk and Bloodline Keeper Flip 's token generation. Anti-air missiles engaged!
@ Wanhalul -- Because 5/5 flier (or better) that will make 4/4 fliers (or better) every turn. He can create an army by himself. Whenever you have 1 card that can create more than 1 threat on the board, its generally good. Which is why Huntmaster of the Fells Flip is good, or Boros Reckoner who can 2-for-1 almost anything, or Garruk Relentless Flip // Garruk, Primal Hunter
February 19, 2013 1:03 p.m.
Thanks for the explanation...makes good sense. You know...one other card you might consider is Disciple of Bolas . Since you're generating tokens and the like with Garruk and the Keepers (sounds like a band), you might drop in a couple of disciples for the card advantage and a little extra life gain in the mid-game. I might be inclined to use 2 of them over Prime Speaker Zegana given the easier cast in both cost and colors. Anyhow, just some more grist for the mill.
February 19, 2013 1:51 p.m.
Vos_Is_Boss says... #12
That's a good suggestion, and may be implemented later.. however for now, i just like the massive body Prime Speaker Zegana brings to the table. Out of the games I've playtested, she rarely comes in less than a 5/5. Already right there i gain 5+ cards, and a strong "you better be able to block or i'm going to flatten you" force.
There were times where i wish i did gain life from a drop like that, and Disciple of Bolas may be the answer. However, i have yet to completely test the ins and outs of this deck in tournament play. So for now, I'm going to keep it rolling as i have it now.
February 19, 2013 1:59 p.m.
Vos_Is_Boss says... #13
Any suggestions on how to add red appropriately would be greatly appreciated.
February 21, 2013 11:01 a.m.
In your description you still say you have arbor elf and dreg mangler etc but you don't. I think you could add red for more early game control. Searing Spear and Pillar of Flame is enough to ruin early aggression. The minute you hit that T4 you play big dudes, stabilise and it's gg. Honestly I would run Dreadbore , Ultimate Price (maybe Tragic Slip instead - there are A LOT of multi-coloured's around at the moment), Searing Spear and Pillar of Flame , then run all your 4 and 5 drops.
Clear the board of creatures T1 to T3. Just hold off and survive. T4 hit them with any big creature and gain control. Against control decks you may struggle but with Cavern of Souls and Boros Charm you can avoid some board clear and counters.
February 22, 2013 9:34 a.m.
Vos_Is_Boss says... #15
The way my deck is built right now, irl, is straight B/U/G. I'm adding red to experiment, but i honestly dont know if i like it or not. I mainly want to run Huntmaster of the Fells Flip , but i also want to run Abrupt Decay ... i'm not a fan of 4 color, so im not sure if i am sticking with it. hehe
I'll take a look at your deck in a second :D
February 22, 2013 9:40 a.m.
Really if you're running black green you want to opt for the ultimate of all superfriends - Vraska, Garruk and Liliana. Let NOTHING survive! I run a superfriends deck that is very similar to this but instead of the control and insta-kills it runs planeswalkers and it's so frustrating for an opponent because you can literally play a planeswalker and instantly remove something of your choice.
February 22, 2013 9:46 a.m.
Vos_Is_Boss says... #17
Well, this deck went 3-0-1 on sunday at gameday, but i lost to Olivia Voldaren in jund the first round, so that hurt...
February 26, 2013 8:59 a.m.
Does seem solid. Why not swap the duress for another dreadbore or another abrupt decay. You're not going to draw it enough to fend of burn so you might as well go for more enchantment / creature / planeswalker hate?
February 26, 2013 9:45 a.m.
I know that Thragtusk is an awesome card, but I think 4 is to much in your deck, especially when you have problem keeping up against aggro. I would switch at least 2 of them for 2 Vampire Nighthawk. It will help you stabilize in the early game and it might very well give you more life in the late game then Thragtusk. And it will cost you 2 less mana. I would probably also remove one Primordial Hydra for another Vampire Nighthawk since I don't fear for you in the late game, it's the early game that scares me. I also agree with ChiefBell, I don't think that Duress is really useful here, you should probably add another kill spell instead.
I absolutely love the rest ! +1 : )
hjwing says... #1
I really like this version of the Master Biomancer deck (reference my version here Simic - Counters. Adding black certainly gives you some flexibility in terms of having useful cards to choose from.
I'm not a fan of Arbor Elf in this version. Actually, I'm kind of liking the early game help of Gatecreeper Vine s. It might be useful in your deck as well...certainly something to consider. It's a great defender in mid-to-late game if you have a Master Biomancer in play, too.
The only challenge I see with Psychic Strike is that there are still a lot of folks doing the reanimator thing and the strike pretty much helps them in their efforts. Dissipate obviously doesn't have that problem.
Totally love the Dreg Mangler here. I may actually have to splash black in my deck for just that card alone.
February 18, 2013 11:21 a.m.