Mastery of the Etherium of Artifacts

Modern Surllio


olowleye says... #1

if ya dont mind me saying...this deck is possibly jus run Master Transmuter so ya can bounce back a artifact land' for a example an put into play Wurmcoil Engine ...also Seat of the Synod an Ancient Den wouldnt be bad in here sense you already got the indestructable arifact land..might as well...

January 10, 2012 4:33 a.m.

Surllio says... #2

The problem with Seat of the Synod and Ancient Den is that they are banned in modern. I do like the idea of Master Transmuter though. I'm debating dropping the Steel Overseer s for 2 more Master of Etherium s. I also have been tinkering with it some in play testing, but I'm not ready to update it just yet. The current version runs 4xThirst for Knowledge .

January 10, 2012 6:52 p.m.

Surllio says... #3

The problem with Seat of the Synod and Ancient Den is that they are banned in modern. I do like the idea of Master Transmuter though. I'm debating dropping the Steel Overseer s for 2 more Master of Etherium . I also have been tinkering with it some in play testing, but I'm not ready to update it just yet. The current version runs 4x Thirst for Knowledge .

January 10, 2012 6:59 p.m.

olowleye says... #4

pardon my mistake'.. i wasnt aware that those artifact lands were banned'.. Steel Overseer tap ability'...if you have some kind of untap artifact like Voltaic Key or Unwinding Clock it'd be quite versitile

January 10, 2012 7:03 p.m.

Surllio says... #5

Its alright. If you love the deck, share the love with a Score please! And apparently Thirst for Knowledge is banned, or restricted but I can't find it on the lists.

January 10, 2012 7:07 p.m.

Surllio says... #6

Or at least, when I ADD it to this deck, it thows me into LEGACY but by Wizards site, its allowed.

January 10, 2012 7:09 p.m.

yhcheang says... #7

Hey pal, it's me, nice deck you have here. I bet you can combo by:

1) Casting Wurmcoil EngineMTG Card: Wurmcoil Engine by using the ability of Master TransmuterMTG Card: Master Transmuter2) Fight & discard into gravecard and 2 wurm(s) being spawned with +3/+3 counter each3) Sacrifice Buried RuinMTG Card: Buried Ruin to regenerate Wurmcoil EngineMTG Card: Wurmcoil Engine

Questions is:How can you use Cranial PlatingMTG Card: Cranial Plating while you dont have any swamp land? Are you just going to equip it as sorcery?

p/s: Mox opal are good cards, I wonder if you have any extra because I'm interested in that :)

January 31, 2012 6:33 a.m.

Surllio says... #8

I'm not worried to desperately about instant speed equiping Cranial PlatingMTG Card: Cranial Plating, it works on several fronts that are amazing. While the fast equip is nice, the thing works mostly as a "block THIS!!!" distraction in a deck full of things that hurt.

Yes, the combo is nice. I was running Grand ArchitectMTG Card: Grand Architect but opted out. He was fun, but outside of emptying my hand, him and transmuter served the same focus, but the Architect allowed a drop the turn he hit as his ability can force himself to tap for mana.

Also, Tezzeret works as a 5 drop tutor for any arty under 4 mana.

I did think about possibly adding a few Creeping Tar PitMTG Card: Creeping Tar Pits but I have too many unnatural lands, which hinders Glacial FortressMTG Card: Glacial Fortress early.

January 31, 2012 1:03 p.m.

yhcheang says... #9

Sticking to the original plan would be the best option until you run a playtest against a real player :)

February 5, 2012 5:06 a.m.

Surllio says... #10

Well I'm always tinkering with the deck. Trying to make it better in the long haul. This comes from playing actual people, and figuring out what I found myself holding in my hand vs. what was being played more. Then there was how effective was this or that? I added OrnithopterMTG Card: Ornithopter to give me a shot at turn 1 metalcraft. I like it more than say MemniteMTG Card: Memnite cause it flies.

February 5, 2012 10:31 a.m.

yhcheang says... #11

Things become different when it comes to playing against human beings and there are some other weaknesses you might not beware of. Tinkering couldn't help much if your deck is way too specific or without tweaking by testing it with actual people.

Anyway I'd put OrnithopterMTG Card: Ornithopter and MemniteMTG Card: Memnite at the same time I managed to get myself FrogmiteMTG Card: Frogmite with affinity in which the mana cost has been paid off.

You could have use a little of help from Steel OverseerMTG Card: Steel Overseer to make your OrnithopterMTG Card: Ornithopter gain +1/+1 in every turn :)

February 5, 2012 1:43 p.m.

Nice! Scope out my G/U Transmuter Blade modern deck.

February 15, 2012 8:17 a.m.

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