Mayael and friends

Commander / EDH Staizer


The first thing that comes to mind is, what do you want the deck to do? You have a couple elements from different strategies in here, but the deck as a whole seems like it is going in different directions. Second, and probably more helpful immediately, is that you only have 19 creatures for Mayael to snag out of the library. Statistically, you will wiff quite often. By reevaluating the utility creatures you have included, you may be able to open up some slots for fatties. If there's anything specific you're looking at changing or doing, let me know I don't mind helping if I can.

April 17, 2013 2:51 p.m.

Staizer says... #2

Give me some ideas of which creatures I can take out and what fatties I should look for to put in. Also I find that getting mayael out is easy, but keeping her out can be difficult at times.

What are the different strategies that you are mentioning?

April 18, 2013 7:13 a.m.

What I meant by different strategies is how you have a couple spells that do X and some others that do Y, instead of focusing the deck to be really good at X. For example you have some LD in Destructive Force and Fissure Vent . Unless you are really worried about opponents lands, these are holding you back, not to mention there are better LD cards. If it's something you want to expand on then you could add artifact ramp or Crucible of Worlds and add more LD effects so you are propelled further than your opponents i.e. Armegeddon. That's what I was referring to.

As for what creatures to take out, I prefer land ramp over mana dorks, and you have some odd utility choices. So something like

Things like Bloom Tender , Knotvine Mystic , and Oracle of Mul Daya have proven a little better than the others and some people prefer to keep them in. Retaliator Griffin Really needs to come out since you can't pull him with Mayael and even when hit with 20 General Damage, you still have to come up with 18 damage besides the Griffin or you lose. Spirit of the Hearth may be a meta choice, but in EDH most spells aren't targeting you.

Since you run board wipes, you might be interested in Stalking Vengeance . Sylvan Primordial and Molten Primordial are also nice cheap options for fatties. For less budget friendly options, My deck you saw has powerful creatures to give you ideas.

Things that only work once are weaker in EDH since you have multiple opponents, so all your instants besides Harrow are pretty meh. Temple Bell also seems really out of place.

You also need more lands, so things like Verdant Haven , Trace of Abundance , and the LD cards could come out for land.

April 18, 2013 2:08 p.m.

Staizer says... #4

ChiefWannaHacka! I've made a lot of changes, let me know what you think!

July 12, 2016 9:04 p.m.

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