mayael fo' sho'

Commander / EDH* musichate


Do you ever find that if your mana dorks get killed you fall behind?

July 11, 2013 12:10 p.m.

musichate says... #2

In a recent game I lost a Bloom Tender with Mayael in play and could not cast an Avacyn, Angel of Hope to save my life. This hasn't been a problem in the majority of games I've played. Typically losing an elf or two to spot removal clears the way for more important dorks, and the deck seems to support a critical mass of elves and spells to fetch lands. In more than 20 games now I have tended to be far ahead from the beginning mana-wise, but can lose ground pretty fast if an early mayael activation whiffs. Usually by the time mass removal resolves I have too many lands to be far behind. I have not run into mass land destruction so far.

I have not tested the deck with the most recent changes. I switched Birds of Paradise for Sylvan Scrying , and I expect Exploration and Sylvan Library to be more efficient than Chromatic Lantern and Journey of Discovery .

After a recent bout of many games with the previous deck iteration, I can see dropping either a few dorks, a few fetch spells, or some actual lands. I'm leaning on the lands because I like the flavor of the elf ramp with Mayael. Less land makes Exploration and Oracle of Mul Daya worse however.

Whiffing with Mayael the Anima makes Scroll Rack and friends look better and better. I keep getting my butt kicked by a pillow fort/combo/voltron Rafiq of the Many deck that kills me with general damage or something like Spin into Myth + Tunnel Vision .

TL:DR; the deck has shown itself to be versatile under attack. It seems to keep up without dorks, if Mayael gets tucked (damn Spin into Myth ), or even with a grip full of fatties thanks to Elvish Piper , Quicksilver Amulet , and copious ramp.

July 12, 2013 3:14 p.m.

Has Boros Battleshaper been worth a slot? Really him and Panglacial Wurm are the only two creatures I'm curious about. Everyone else I could see.

Also Hull Breach is now easily swapped into Destructive Revelry , unless you cast it for both an artifact and enchantment often.

Now that I see it, my Greater Good functions like your Momentous Fall .

What about Green Sun's Zenith ? If it sticks it's deadly, usually cause it pulls out Seedborn Muse XD.

September 22, 2013 12:12 p.m.

lil_cheez says... #4

January 17, 2014 6:20 p.m.

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