[Mayael] From the Pinnacle to the Pit

Commander / EDH Kizder


S1lm4r1l says... #1

Swiftwater cliffs isn't an artifact.

August 12, 2018 8:22 a.m.

Kizder says... #2

S1lm4r1l Yep, also Swiftwater cliffs is not in my deck. But there was a bug who changed the artwork of Swiftfoot Boots with the one of Swiftwater cliffs

August 13, 2018 9:28 p.m.

hkhssweiss says... #3

Heya Kizder, Mayael is a great commander and she can definitely be great as she is essentially a free card advantage engine.

However the biggest issue that I see in these kinds of deck is that they tend to push for more of the go big and wide strategy. The downfall to this type of deck style is that your deck CMC gets way too high, your hand gets cluttered with too many big drop creatures, and your curve won't work out smoothly.

I would suggest more ramp spells and more tutor cards to make it as efficient as possible. Cards like Search for Tomorrow , Nature's Lore , Farseek , Rampant Growth , and Three Visits are worth the slot to help you ramp. Mana dorks can be considered but if you want to not dilute the creature density than I would at least recommend running Bloom Tender as she does produce quite a bit of mana for small investment. Aside from the cheap low drops, the other value cards I would consider running would also be Cultivate as well as Kodama's Reach as they replace itself after ramping so that is more card advantage essentially.

Next part aside, is while you do have Scroll Rack and Sylvan Library that is not enough to manipulate your hand from having creatures stuck in it, you can also essentially use cards like Elvish Piper or Quicksilver Amulet to also cheat away your creatures from your hand. You can also do an interesting way with Sneak Attack as well.

Hope that helps and feel free to ask for any questions or reasonings~

March 10, 2019 5:30 a.m.

majorappliance says... #4

naw, go bigger, go wider, hand cluttered with high cmcs? screw em, who needs card draw? Abundance Elfhame Sanctuary , we only need lands XP

March 10, 2019 6:25 a.m.

Kizder says... #5

hkhssweiss : Hi ! First thanks to look at my deck and took the time to write a comment ! :) I agree that Mayael is really go big, go wide and she is really really slow. I play it in a casual, quite slow, meta so it's ok and I prefer if she is not too fast.

I agree for more ramp (I don't know why I don't have Cultivate anymore). I think to include about Nature's Lore and Farseek because I can find non-basic land. I have also a maybe on Bloom Tender but my meta is heavy in creature removal and boardwipe so I need to try it first (but she is a bit expensive).

Elvish Piper and Quicksilver Amulet are often auto-include and I'm using them for some tests. But most of the time Elvish Piper die to fastly and I prefered to stay focus on my gameplan to play creature from my library (that's why I tried to have almost no draws). Of course I agree that it's a suboptimal strategy, but my meta is slow enough and I often have the time to be able to hardcast my creature.

For Sneak Attack it's just I don't like to sacrifice my own creature... It's a really really a personnal choice but I'm thinking about giving her a try. Thanks for your comment and if you still like my decklist, you can put an upvote :)

majorappliance : Thanks for your comment and yeah, draw is for blue player anyway... I tried Abundance (work really really well with Sylvan Library ) but I thought it came to late. I never thought at Elfhame Sanctuary and honnestly, why not. Seems a really good idea. And it can help to shuffle the library when you don't like what you have on top... Thanks for the suggestions ! If you like my decklist, you can let a little upvote too :)

March 11, 2019 9:44 a.m.

hkhssweiss says... #6

No problem Kizder, feel free to check out my deck list as well and give an upvote on the ones you like!

March 11, 2019 9:14 p.m.

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