Mayael the Chubby Chaser

Commander / EDH ChiefWannaHacka

SCORE: 167 | 387 COMMENTS | 63357 VIEWS | IN 108 FOLDERS

BerserkWin says... #1

Add Quicksilver Amulet for sho'. I also think your Citanul Flute should be Planar Portal . I have a Mayael EDH deck, and like your inclusions of Mighty Emergence (Because why shouldn't my 6/6 be an 8/8!?) and Quest for Renewal . I hadn't thought of those. Nice work!

September 28, 2012 5:33 p.m.

BerserkWin says... #2

Oh, and Triumph of Ferocity is some cheap, guaranteed card draw when you're running so many fatties, if you find that you need it.

September 28, 2012 5:37 p.m.

Thanks! Quicksilver Amulet has been on my radar, just haven't felt strongly enough to go out and get it, I think you just swayed me though lol. I've never seen Planar Portal , it seems pretty sweet, but I really don't plan on playing fatties from the hand. Citanul Flute is there if I'm having trouble and need say Keeper of Progenitus or another smaller ramp creature, I could go get them, and maybe play them in one turn. I love Mighty Emergence and it's interactions with Wild Pair . I had temporarily misplaced my Seedborn Muse , so instead I had been lucky enough to have Quest for Renewal and Bear Umbra doing essentially the same thing. Letting me use Mayael the Anima on everyone elses turn, Dirty looks were had all around haha! Lastly, I actually took out card:Garruk's Packleader because I was drawing too many cards. My playgroup has a bunch of group huggers and I found myself discarding down like 2 out of the 3 games I've gotten in. But I had eyed Triumph of Ferocity before. Thanks again!!

September 28, 2012 8:19 p.m.

BerserkWin says... #4

How's Guild Feud playing for you? I don't have much topdeck manipulation other than Cream of the Crop , so I was worried about not hitting a fatty in the top 3, but I did go ahead and pre-order one for my Mayael EDH. What have you found?

September 28, 2012 9:55 p.m.

I haven't played yet with the RtR cards, I did go to the prerelease tonight and made out like a bandit, either pulling or trading for everything on this list and more. I picked up a Quicksilver Amulet and Defense of the Heart , though DotH will be used sparingly as my playgroup is pretty casual. Besides Cream of the Crop I have Worldly Tutor , Lurking Predators , and card:Garruk's Horde to try and manipulate the topdeck a little. If it really worries you, I guess that'd be the perfect time to use card:Sensei's Divining Top, though I don't even own one so I'm not 100% on it. I'll let you know how it works out though.

September 29, 2012 7:06 a.m.

Hateflayer says... #6

Have you considered Warstorm Surge ?

September 29, 2012 3:10 p.m.

@ Hateflayer: Yeah I had it in here previously, but I like the flavor of Where Ancients Tread better cause I'm lame XD but also because it either sat in my hand while I played more productive things or it caused me to be immediately targeted since creatures that come out are usually larger than 5/5.

September 29, 2012 9:31 p.m.

@ BerserkWin Just played some tonight and Guild Feud worked amazingly. It never missed, but it was close. It did get me a turn 5 Godsire , it also got me Gisela, Blade of Goldnight , Vigor , and Soul of the Harvest . And it happened to save itself as I sent 2 enchantment removals to the graveyard with it. As a mini Mayael the Anima without the cost or power restriction I'd say it was pretty good. Now I did send a decent amount of lands to the grave and an alternate win con in card:Mayael's Aria. But I beat everyone to death with the fatties I got anyway.

October 4, 2012 10:53 p.m.

BerserkWin says... #9

That's great news! Guild Feud seems to be working more often than not for me too, in testing. I jumped on it when the card was first spoiled because, as you know, there aren't that many ways to cheat a creature into play (and have the effect not be temporary), so gaining another one - in Mayael's colors, no less - was great. On your recommendation, I've already put it in my Mayael deck too. Thanks for the info!

October 5, 2012 10 a.m.

MindAblaze says... #10

I've been playing with Kamahl, Fist of Krosa in my Mayael deck, and for a deck that has a tendency to get Wrathed he makes a huge difference. Any green mana you have laying around (read: Seedborn Muse with Chromatic Lantern ) can turn their lands into creatures and make them pay dearly for their mass removal.

October 14, 2012 12:43 p.m.

@ jminute14 Haha what a diplomatic solution! I see where that's helpful, but I tried to minimize creatures with power 4 or less in here and I try to focus on cheating the big ones in. I've even been debating taking out some of the mana dorks for regular mana, because board wipes are usually played in response to My Guild Feud , Lurking Predators , Quicksilver Amulet , or Mayael the Anima herself and the board presence each gives me. Being able to cheat in my creatures so easily, I can usually recover from board wipes pretty quickly.

October 14, 2012 1:55 p.m.

Rag_90 says... #12

what about some eldrazi?? Or the Blightsteel Colossus ..

October 24, 2012 10:12 p.m.

@ Rag_90 I feel you brother, but I'm away from my whole collection right now. I own Kozilek, Butcher of Truth , Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre , and It That Betrays , I just don't have them with me. I'm slowly working towards deck:i-got-a-chubby, which is my final goal for this.

October 24, 2012 11:09 p.m.

For the ultimate stompy, try Thromok the Insatiable . Add in an Overwhelming Stampede , and you have a game winner right there. You have a few token generators, and even if you did sacrifice a few 6/6 to make a 100/100, then give all your other creatures 100/100 and trample, who can complain? Also, if you put Warstorm Surge back in, it would remove an oppenent right there. And if you are worried about it being targeted, simply Fling it at the end of your turn!

October 28, 2012 12:14 p.m.

jb6magic says... #15

I recommend adding a Sun Titan . I have a very similar list and with expedition map dumb stuff begins to happen. I may have to try Abundance in my list that seems really good w/Mayael. Sylvan Library , card:Sensei's Divining Top and Scroll Rack are all really good to use w/Mayael. Mine is more focused on running beasts so Contested Cliffs becomes really good. You can also try Arena , but I don't like the fact that it's not producing mana.

Although expensive these two gating spells are stupid good in this kind of list: Eureka and Sneak Attack . The less pricey Hunting Grounds is amazing, especially if you combo it with stuff like Knight of the Reliquary and fetch lands. If you can't afford good fetch lands run the mirage ones and the ones that only hit basics, they will really help because your goal is to make Mayael never whiff if possible.

Homeward Path is essential, it saves you so often AND can really punish opponents for playing Bribery like cards. Aura Shards is also off the charts in this type of deck. If you can get one Avacyn, Angel of Hope is the strictly better choice over Spearbreaker Behemoth . I also recommend Bloodfire Colossus . My goal with my list was to have creatures able to answer most problems instead of running sweepers or silly cards like Bonfire of the Damned , and your list looks like it's begging to do similar things.

Warstorm Surge isn't even a choice here. You definitely want to run it. If your feeling confident you can add Pandemonium as additional awesomeness. A combo I am also toying with to keep removal coming is Basilisk Collar with Inferno Titan and Balefire Dragon . So far it works quite well.

I also recommend all 3 hideaway lands w/Vesuva. Even on board wipes you can recover much faster with these bad boys.

Dragon Mage is definitely missing. End of story. Ways to get a new hand really helps.

Overall nice list i like it. +1

October 28, 2012 12:17 p.m.

MindAblaze says... #16

I definitely agree with Sun Titan I run him in my mayael deck deck:the-haven-at-sacellum and he's stupid with cards that send themselves to the graveyard like Sakura-Tribe Elder , Expedition Map and even all your artifacts that ask to get blown up.

October 28, 2012 1:47 p.m.

@ jb6magic & jminute14 Sun Titan had never even crossed my mind because of the outrageous costs in this deck, but man it could return not only Expedition Map but my enchantments that beg to get removed i.e. Sylvan Library . Definitely will find some room for it.

@ jb6magic No one in my meta runs Bribery type antics, but I do have Homeward Path if I ever needed it. I'm trying hard to get my hands on an Avacyn, Angel of Hope short of just buying one. Now that I've adjusted my deck with some more land instead of mana dorks, Warstorm Surge is now way more viable since my mana is more solid. Dragon Mage is also on my list to go in a Scion of the Ur-Dragon deck, but could find a home here as well.

Thanks guys, Glad you liked it!

October 28, 2012 2:35 p.m.

Denidil says... #18

how has this deck worked out for you? I was building one very similar and stumbled upon yours.

December 4, 2012 8:01 p.m.

It has been amazing, and it's my favorite deck. Sometimes I forget how powerful and fun it is until I have Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre and Kozilek, Butcher of Truth out on turn 6 (I may have tried to make this slightly competitive). Then again idk how it fairs against everything. I play with the same playgroup every week. The main thing I think it might have trouble against is control, but what doesn't have trouble against control lol.

December 4, 2012 10:05 p.m.

im suprised you haven't included [rings of brighthearth] which allows you to use maya twice for only a little more

December 5, 2012 11:28 a.m.

@Hungrybadger123123123 I don't have one in here simply cause I don't own one, and hitting 5 out of 100 cards is so so to me. If one happens to fit a trade I'd get it and cram it in here to abuse Mayael, but with so many other ways to cheat in fatties, it's kinda like meh.

December 5, 2012 11:42 a.m.

Dryad Arbor doesn't really have a purpose in this deck.

You could upgrade the land base by replacing the Ravnican bounce lands with the filter lands: Fire-Lit Thicket , Rugged Prairie , Wooded Bastion .

If you aren't restricted by a budget, you might also consider adding the fetch lands to this deck.

Guild Feud doesn't seem useful, and Rites of Flourishing is dangerous.

December 11, 2012 8:19 p.m.


Dryad Arbor was on hand, and it snuck it in here for a turn 1 play with card:Green Sun's Zenith. Not optimal, just kinda there so it'll come out.

The filter lands are high priority, but unless I can trade for them I'm not gonna get them until I start going to EDH events at the LGS.

The fetch lands are a bit pricey, but I plan on adding them over time. Right now my regular ramp seems to be enough.

I like Guild Feud as another way to cheat in creatures and act as a sort of removal, plus with the eldrazi I can shuffle my GY back in. I could see how it would backfire maybe or how sometimes it just sits in my hand, and in the future Rites of Flourishing will come out for Exploration . Is there something you would suggest in place of Guild Feud ?

December 11, 2012 10 p.m.

I highly recommend any (and all) of the following:

card:Sensei's Divining Top

Sol Ring

Gilded Lotus

Thran Dynamo

Coalition Relic

December 12, 2012 12:28 a.m.

10-4 I have some of those already, so It'll be easy enough to slide them in here. Thanks Bud!

December 12, 2012 12:39 a.m.

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