Mayael the Chubby Chaser

Commander / EDH ChiefWannaHacka

SCORE: 167 | 387 COMMENTS | 63357 VIEWS | IN 108 FOLDERS

Inferno Titan is great, repeated removal of small things or an extra 3. Now that I think about, I took him out to play Craterhoof Behemoth for a finisher.

Now that that didn't work out, what would you suggest taking out if I were to make room again?

November 25, 2013 6:34 p.m.

rathalos3000 says... #2

I really dont know what could be taked out for him, maybe one of the gods?

I dont know how they work in this deck xD

November 27, 2013 1:50 p.m.

Thijsknaap says... #3

How good is Xenagos in this deck? I dont see how his +0 and +1 are that big of a help in this deck, sure his ultimate ability is great but how many times are you going to get to that point anyway? Maybe you can take him out for Inferno Titan?

November 27, 2013 3:05 p.m.

Komamura says... #4

Xenagos, The Reveler is a must have. He generates mana puts creatures on the field and then his ult is a game changer / winner. Would be stupid to take out.

November 27, 2013 3:51 p.m.

Xenagos, The Reveler is pretty good. His ramp ability is underrated since I usually only get between 2-4 mana, but that's a free spell on my turn. people tend to ignore him, because they are of a similar mindset. Also we have points, and if I manage 3 of my PW's I get one for the league.

Or with the huge amounts of black decks that have popped up in my area ala Nekusar and Prossh his satyrs are nice to sac if need be. I was thinking I might take out Vigor since I have a redundant amount of protection that I might be able to take out a layer.

November 27, 2013 10:42 p.m.

Also what do you all think about adding in wishes? I was eyeing Living Wish , Burning Wish , and Glittering Wish . Then with a sideboard they give me access to niche cards or cards I normally dont want to see like Praetor's Counsel , Aven Mindcensor , Boros Charm , or wraths.

November 28, 2013 4:12 p.m.

Thijsknaap says... #7

Depends if you are playing with the optional 10 card sideboard rule in your playgroup because: 'Abilities which refer to other cards owned outside the game (Wishes, Spawnsire, Research, Ring of Ma'ruf) do not function in Commander unless the optional sideboard rule is in use. If sideboards are used, wishes and similar cards may retrieve sideboard cards.' (source:

November 28, 2013 6:01 p.m.

Thijsknaap says... #8

As a playgroup you can also decide to ignore this rule and then the wishes become decent enough. If your group decides to do that I recommend to put in Spawnsire of Ulamog and drop a buttload of Eldrazi's/Changelings once you get to 20 mana.

November 28, 2013 6:08 p.m.

Yeah, I think I'll hold off on the sideboard idea until I check with my playgroups.

November 29, 2013 1:09 p.m.

adt630 says... #10

Have you considered Magmatic Force ? I added him instead of Inferno Titan and I can think of at least 3 games where he has almost singlehandedly killed a player from 15-18 life.

November 30, 2013 2:04 p.m.

I don't think I've ever even thought of Magmatic Force , he is nice enough people might overlook him, and I do like him over Inferno Titan , but what would I replace? Every creature serves a purpose currently, and I've already cut some cards that I really want to add back when I can get another copy, Asceticism wink.

December 3, 2013 11:02 a.m.

Thijsknaap says... #12

Ever thought about adding Maze of Ith ? You can use it in the End of Combat phase to untap your own creature or use it to prevent damage from an opponents creature that is out of control.

December 3, 2013 4:46 p.m.

Thijsknaap says... #13

And maybe Eladamri's Call for Time of Need same manacost (although two colours) for an instant search of any creature.

December 3, 2013 4:57 p.m.

adt630 says... #14

How much is Spellbreaker Behemoth doing for you? I took him out of mine a while ago and haven't had any problems from blue mages. With all the ways you have to cheat out creatures, he seems kind of underwhelming. I suppose it is dependent on how much you hardcast them in which case I'd just go with Vexing Shusher .

Likewise, Akroma's Memorial has always seemed like win-more in a deck that already has the opponent hard-pressed to block. The pro-red and pro-black are nice but only really save your creatures from single target removal. Not saying its a bad card, I just think its a little overkill but if you have stories of it winning games then by all means keep on using it.

Finally, how good is Nylea, God of the Hunt ? I can definitely see the merits of an indestructible 6/6 but I'm not sure how much the global trample is necessary which is kinda the same as my akroma's memorial argument. Magmatic Force can serve the same purpose of blasting out chump blockers or the extra damage from trample. He also doesn't need to be activated.

December 3, 2013 5:12 p.m.

@Thijsknaap As odd as this sounds, Maze of Ith never crossed my mind since I thought it was prohibitively expensive. Considering the rest of my deck that might not make sense, but I'll test it, and if I deem it worthy I'll find a way to get one. Though I do see it as great protection against Voltron Generals, and easy to find via Sylvan Scrying or Tempt with Discovery .

@adt630Over the last couple weeks, since finding a new playgroup, Spellbreaker Behemoth has definitely lost its usefulness. They are much more willing to steal rather than counter things, hence the addition of Oblation . With that in mind, I'll test out Magmatic Force in his spot. Akroma's is sort of a win-more, So it might be what comes out to put back in Asceticism . Lastly, Nylea, God of the Hunt is a global trample, but she is also revealable off Mayael. I have already got her and immediately killed someone off of trample. She's like a Primal Rage that shows up to the party when you open the door for her.

December 3, 2013 9:29 p.m.

Also I happened to have a Time of Need , and couldn't remember what Eladamri's Call was called. That's an easy switch.

December 3, 2013 9:30 p.m.

adt630 says... #17

Have you considered Mirari's Wake ? That has won me more games than I can remember.

December 7, 2013 1:59 a.m.

8bitJesus says... #18

This deck deserves a +1 based on the name alone. :)

That said, I do really like this deck, I am unsure about Ruric Thar, the Unbowed though given your higher number of non-creatures than many other Mayael decks. I would also try to work in a Lurking Predators since that card can just dump several huge beasts into the field in one round at the table.

December 7, 2013 12:33 p.m.

Ruric Thar, the Unbowed is usually just for when someone is trying to combo out soon. Besides that I like the variability and chaos he creates. Lurking Predators isn't that great here, because like you noticed I use a large number of support cards. I had it, but revealing a good support card or removal that I want means I sit there without flipping over dudes.

Thanks for stopping by! I'm always down for suggestions.

December 8, 2013 5:17 p.m.

musichate says... #20

I read a bunch of the comments and noticed some ideas that parallel my own. I reference your deck on occasion when trying to do something new conceptually with my own deck mayael fo' sho'.

I think you might consider...
switch 6
Nylea, God of the Hunt for Inferno Titan or Magmatic Force
Heliod, God of the Sun for Angelic Arbiter
Spellbreaker Behemoth for Darksteel Colossus or Blightsteel Colossus
Xenagos, The Reveler for Gideon Jura or Garruk Wildspeaker
Time of Need for Eladamri's Call
Akroma's Memorial (win more) for a better win-con like Insurrection or Savage Beating (win out of nowhere)

Other creatures I think are suspect include Godsire , Soul of the Harvest , Utvara Hellkite , and Vigor . The tricky thing about Mayael decks is that you want a critical mass of creatures to insure Mayael does not whiff, but it is difficult to find 30+ creatures that are as universally good as an eldrazi, Iona, or Avacyn. Because the creatures I listed above don't cut the mustard (when directly compared to those other bombs) my approach is to cut them out for utility cards or ramp that thins my deck and allows for consistent Mayael triggers in the late game when you've removed a bunch of lands or can manipulate your deck with things like Scroll Rack and Sensei's Divining Top .

Since you already have some of the best lands, I think you could really speed your deck up or make it more consistent by doing this too:

switch 4
Temple of Triumph back to Battlefield Forge
Brushland to Grasslands
Temple of Abandon to Mountain Valley
Saltcrusted Steppe to Krosan Verge

I don't think the scry 1 is worth the loss of momentum compared to battlefield forge. I do think the loss of momentum using grasslands or mountain valley is made up for by getting one of your best duals out and thinning your deck so Mayael activations are more consistent. Also these are all broken when you have Rings of Brighthearth out.

How are Reliquary Tower , Spinerock Knoll , and Madblind Mountain working for you? Is City of Brass redundant and worth the constant damage (I like the other pain lands better because they can tap for colorless in a pinch)? Lands I might try in these slots include Hall of the Bandit Lord , Mistveil Plains , Sunhome, Fortress of the Legion , Yavimaya Hollow , Winding Canyons , Temple of the False God .

Wooh! These are just ideas, and obviously I'm biased towards the choices I've made for my own Mayael deck. I tend to ramp a lot in the beginning, play threats early from my hand and tutor for powerful/broken things like Sylvan Library or Survival of the Fittest , and then sneak around counterspells/answers in the mid-to-late game with Mayael or Elvish Piper or Tooth and Nail .

December 14, 2013 7:17 p.m.


I agree with some of the first changes, Spellbreaker Behemoth is probably going to come out for Magmatic Force sometime. Blightsteel Colossus is something I would put in if I took this to like a GP and played in a EDH side event, but it's just toooooo evil for me. The gods offer utility and are easy to hardcast if need be, and Angelic Arbiter doesn't do enough for me.

I do like Garruk, but not for Xenagos.

Time of Need is also going to turn into Eladamri's Call , unless I find room somewhere to keep both.

Akroma's Memorial is going to be Asceticism when I get a hold of another one. I mean the Chubby Chaser loves to have protection at all times.

I do like Insurrection as an alternate Win-Con/It's interaction with Greater Good

Godsire and Utvara Hellkite are definitely lame, but they get to stay here for flavor/tokens. They make huge tokens who are also great to sac to Greater Good .

As far as the land changes, I highly suggest you try out the scry lands. Deck thinning isn't really a thing in EDH, and to me the better tempo land is one that gives me more topdeck manipulation. I mean that's why I love Scroll Rack , Sylvan Library , and Top. With Exploration and Oracle of Mul Daya I don't mind them coming in tapped, and they still fix my colors.

Reliquary Tower is in, because 4 people made decks with the Mindrazer guy. Spinerock Knoll has always been a powerhouse, and Madblind Mountain is a nice Shuffle effect after I Top/Library/Rack the top of my deck and don't like it. I've tried some of the lands you listed, but I think the one that intrigues me most is Yavimaya Hollow . It's relatively cheap and I like it. Storage lands are also amazing, try one.

I try not to be explosive, because as an aggro deck it's hard to do 40 damage to 3 people before they just hate on you for your fatties. I like to ramp and play passive politics until I have the protection necessary to tutor up Seedborn Muse and just win in a turn cycle or two since everyone is sorta beat up by then.

So all in all I'll try to work in Insurrection , Garruk Wildspeaker , Magmatic Force , Eladamri's Call , and Yavimaya Hollow .

Thanks for stopping by and giving me things to think about.

December 14, 2013 10:11 p.m.

musichate says... #22

Hah! Great response. I'm not sure if I agree with you about deck thinning; but instead of being redundant I'll just agree that scrying also makes a Mayael activation better.

I always forget about your deck's interaction with Greater Good . I'd like to try and get a copy of that card and replace Momentous Fall with it. $$$ though.

If I get ahold of the Temple lands, I'll try them in place of my pain lands. I've watched my friends mess around with storage lands and then lose everything to a Woodfall Primus or Sylvan Primordial . Other forms of land destruction are a thing in my meta, so it makes me nervous. Spinerock Knoll will get to try out when I get a copy. People ALWAYS seem to forget about these hideaway lands.

I have some "lame" creatures in my deck for fun and flavor too... this is EDH after all. Probably the lamest "win-more" creature is Panglacial Wurm , but it's still super fun to pull out mid-game off of something like Eladamri's Call or Mountain Valley .

December 15, 2013 3:12 p.m.

lol Panglacial Wurm is silly.

December 16, 2013 6:18 p.m.

Komamura says... #24

Taking out Defense of the Heart ? hmmm interesting.

I love this card way too much. Its one of those things that ether gets dealt with or you win. And any 2 creatures out of a Mayael deck is really, really scary.

January 12, 2014 9:22 a.m.

True, but it was one of the cards that I replaced because it was damaged and I couldn't find another copy.

January 12, 2014 5:44 p.m.

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