Mayael the Chubby Chaser

Commander / EDH ChiefWannaHacka

SCORE: 167 | 387 COMMENTS | 63357 VIEWS | IN 108 FOLDERS

March 11, 2015 11:32 a.m.

Traveler247 says... #2

@Fatboy26105 That works...until someone plays Cyclonic Rift, Terminus, Black Sun's Zenith, Toxic Deluge, Mutilate, Hallowed Burial, Evacuation, Merciless Eviction, Devastation Tide, or (and I've only seen this a few times) Decree of Annihilation. Also, I play most of these in various decks, though not all of them. My point is that your "combo" should be getting answered, and if it isn't, then your playgroup could add some variance to their removal package. A good combo wins you the game immediately, while that interaction definitely does not. Two of those cards (Avacyn, Angel of Hope and Archetype of Endurance) are pretty solid cards for Mayael by themselves, but Platinum Angel is only good with either of those two cards (meaning it's too situational) and it doesn't synergize with Mayael.

March 11, 2015 1:05 p.m.

MindAblaze says... #3

Your best bet with that combo is Iona rather than Platinum Angel into a well read board state naming blue most likely. White for mass exile is a possibility too.

March 11, 2015 2:48 p.m.

Traveler247 says... #4

I second what MindAblaze said! Each of those creatures exerts a lot of pressure on your opponents to come up with an answer by themselves, and they happen to be really nasty when they work together. Even just two of those would be very annoying.

March 11, 2015 3:14 p.m.

person345 says... #5

I saw other people running Elvish Piper in their mayael deck, is it a good card to have on here or no?

April 15, 2015 11:13 p.m.

PlattBonnay says... #6

With all of your utility lands, Crop Rotation would be a good fit.

September 12, 2015 5:22 p.m.

Soulcommando says... #7

I agree that Elvish Piper seems like it would be a great addition to the deck!

August 5, 2016 6:36 p.m.

Herbysmoke says... #8

Also, don't forget Belbe's Portal. It basically a copy of Quicksilver Amulet for 1 more/1 less mana. Also, Nice Mayael Deck! I've made mine as an angel tribal because i like the color combo myself.

September 8, 2016 12:23 p.m.

Good news everyone! I love Dinos, so after about a 2-3 year hiatus from playing Commander, I'm coming back! I will be updating this deck in full in the coming weeks as the Dinos come out. Thank you everyone for all the love over the years, and I hope you'll all tune in for my Mayael Overhaul!

January 5, 2018 10:06 a.m.

KumaLKS says... #10

January 20, 2018 12:53 p.m.

andypants040 says... #11

What do you think about Regal Behemoth. Doubles your mana, gets you some more card draw. Seems pretty good.

January 25, 2018 6:53 a.m.

Obviously it depends on the meta but I feel like your creature count is quite low, how often do you miss on Mayael? Privileged Position is honestly better replaced by Archetype of Endurance since it's a creature with power 5 or greater with the same effect but it also makes your opponents creatures lose hexproof making your own removal even stronger. Worldspine Wurm is something you should consider as well as the only legitimate way to get rid of it is through exile. Siege Behemoth is definitely a card to consider, in my own play group it birthed the phrase "If I block I die, if I don't block I die.". Looking at the decklist I think the weakest part of the deck is the planeswalkers, Domri Rade and Ajani Vengeant have no great synergy with Mayael the Anima in fact Domri has negative synergy as you'd rather have the creatures on your top deck than in your hand. Sarkhan Vol is very weak in the deck as well as another big creature would give you much more value than what the planeswalker card has to offer, something like Dragonlord Dromoka really protects you from any responses to your plays in your turn and can turn a rough game around, this is the kind of value you should be looking for.I'm going to list some more creatures I'd like to suggest as they offer great value and I'd also suggest that you raise your creature count to around the mid 30's as to really maximise Mayael the Anima. - Spearbreaker Behemoth: protection against a lot single target black removal and board wipes. - Stonehoof Chieftain: one of the strongest plays with this card is to drop it, attack for all then board wipe leaving all your creatures intact.- Blazing Archon: I don't think I really need say anything about this card. - Void Winnower: it can shut players completely out the game and it is a big body.- Avenger of Zendikar: provides you with chump blockers that only get bigger if your opponent(s) don't board wipe. - Atarka, World Render: strong even on its own but with other dragons in your deck things get scary quite quickly. - Hellkite Charger: having an extra combat step often just wins you the game. - Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger: another card that can shut players out the game, or at worst slow them down a turn or two, all while providing you with even more mana to build your board and prepare for the win. - Nylea, God of the Hunt: trample is such a powerful effect, even more so than vigilance, as it prevent chump blocking and if your opponent is struggling for any significant p/t on board then they're forced to find an answer or they will simply lose the game. -Gruul Ragebeast: this is monster of a card if you're already winning as it can reduce you're opponents blocker count significantly with multiple creature triggers but it also serves to provide removal for any big threats you may find yourself facing. - Blightsteel Colossus: this is one of the scariest creatures in magic because one clear hit from this thing and you're just dead, and the trample again removes any ability to chump block with small creatures. - Chord of Calling: the benefits of this card to that of Green Sun's Zenith are that it's an instant and it has convoke which allows for plays like pulling an Avacyn, Angel of Hope out of your library in response to a board wipe. - Skyshroud Claim: this is a lot of the time better than a Tempt with Discovery as if your opponents a smart they will only let you search for one land card whereas skyshroud gets you two forest cards and, with plenty of land cards with the forest typing, gives you more value for the same cmc of spell. Overall I think you've got some basis for a strong deck but it lacks enough creatures to really utilise the insane value you can get off of a commander as powerful as Mayael the Anima.

February 11, 2018 5:54 p.m.

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