Mayael the Chubby Chaser

Commander / EDH ChiefWannaHacka

SCORE: 167 | 387 COMMENTS | 63357 VIEWS | IN 108 FOLDERS

Quasi-Removal/GY Hate/Recursion. I'm never sad to see it in my hand or flipped by Mayael, since it can be so versatile.

March 6, 2013 3:08 p.m.

MindAblaze says... #2

I never even considered using it on my own graveyard, good catch. I have to get one now. Again...Rite of Replication, but I don't think there's any creature we run that we want RoR'd is there?

March 6, 2013 3:21 p.m.

Opponents can RoR my Akroma, Avacyn, Gisela, Iona, Kozilek, Mayael, Myojin, Sigarda, Ulamog, or Vorinclex all they want lol. Granted I'll be sad, I'm sure they'd be more sad after they realize what just happened, turning RoR into a kill spell. Who'd be silly enough to make that mistake I'm not sure, but I guarantee it's happened.

March 6, 2013 3:29 p.m.

MindAblaze says... #4

If it needs to be done it needs to be done, if you don't have any exile or bounce its a way to get rid of Avacyn. know Ulamog

March 6, 2013 3:39 p.m.

didacon says... #5

I upvoted this deck just because of the name haha

March 8, 2013 7:53 p.m.

@didacon Haha, Thanks! She likes fat dudes so it was a no brainer.

March 8, 2013 10:45 p.m.

brcap says... #7

You're probably aware of this already, but i thought i'd mention anyway:

Some of your fatties' abilities that trigger on casting wont trigger if you cheat them out (with any of those cheat cards).

The Fatties with abilities that trigger when they "enter the battlefield" will trigger if you cheat them out, ie Sylvan Primordial. But those whose abilities trigger on being "cast" or "played" wont, like Kozilek, Butcher of Truth.

Playing or Casting means to pay their mana cost and put the card onto the stack. And even though cards can have 0 cost, or be reduce to that, you're not putting the card on the stack, you're putting the Cheater's ability on the stack. So a card that's cheated out isin't played or cast, and it's ability dosen't trigger.

I run a casual Fatty deck that ran into this problem.

Not that this affects many of your cards, but it may be worth considering replacing those.

March 13, 2013 11:11 a.m.

Thanks brcap, I am completely aware of this. The cards you are referring to are

As you can guess, their abilities are backbreaking if cast from my hand. Though if cheated out the two Eldrazi are still worth it since they were cheated out for cheaper than their CMC. Thanks for stopping by and +1 if you liked it!!

March 13, 2013 11:21 a.m.

brcap says... #9

+1 for sure.

March 13, 2013 11:42 a.m.

Jedi117 says... #10

This deck is excellent.

March 23, 2013 8:50 p.m.

MinscAndBoo says... #11

+1 for name.

April 2, 2013 7:02 p.m.

SomeDipshit says... #12

aggro as fuck. good job

April 3, 2013 2:20 p.m.

Thanks guys!

@ illumfolly Yeah bud lol. Since I started playing I've always loved winning through beats.

April 3, 2013 3:15 p.m.

SplodyCopter says... #14

have you considered Blazing Archon or Reya Dawnbringer ? Both dropped by mayael, and both potentially board-altering abilities. Although board-altering, Chancellor of the Annex is mean and off-flavor, but if that's your thing, she may be a boon. That bitch wins me games in manaless dredge.

April 3, 2013 9:17 p.m.

@SplodyCopter - I've considered Blazing Archon , but I usually have the better board presence when it comes to creatures. In the case I'm facing a voltron deck, I do have spot removal to get rid of problematic creatures i.e. Zur the Enchanter . I own Reya Dawnbringer , and boy do I wish she was a target for Mayael, but without 5 power I can't justify trying to spend a slot in here for her. I completely understand the Chancellor of the Annex idea, it's sick to watch, but it's more effective in a tax(or stax?) style deck. Here it's a 1 mana annoyance that could potentially ruin me if someone decided to Rite of Replication her, and I've seen it happen which is why I am scared of it haha.

April 3, 2013 9:44 p.m.

SplodyCopter says... #16

haha that's ridiculous. rite is just way too fun in edh. I didn't realize reya was only a 4/6! haha i guess i should have checked that :P I run her in my kaalia and i don't find myself lacking power so i just assumed lol. Wow, that's a serious letdown. but this is a very nice deck, i found some ideas for both my mayael and my kaalia. freestuff is my favorite, man!

April 3, 2013 11:12 p.m.

Free stuff is most definitely the best, though Kaalia beats Mayael there. My only advantage is they come form the library. My friend runs a Kaalia deck, but as soon as we leave school I plan on picking her up. Then I can really abuse my stockpile of Angels, Demons, and Dragons! Thanks for stopping by, you could always +1!

April 3, 2013 11:41 p.m.

Traveler247 says... #18

I like the deck quite a bit. I feel like the creature base, as excellent as it is, could use a few additions. Consider Avenger of Zendikar , Regal Force , Craterhoof Behemoth , Spearbreaker Behemoth , Paleoloth , and I know you're already looking at a Woodfall Primus . Mirari's Wake is also excellent. Genesis Wave is just awesome, especially with cards like Mirari's Wake and Mana Reflection . Lastly, I really like Sunhome, Fortress of the Legion . Sometimes some good old double strikage is just what you need.

I would considder dropping:

Realms Uncharted because it isn't really a ramp spell, and I feel that it isn't as good as Cultivate , which puts a land into play. If you had Life from the Loam and Crucible of Worlds in addition to Sun Titan , then this is awesome. But with only one recursion option, it's not very good.

Wurmcoil Engine because it's just a beater. I think all of the creatures I mentioned above would be better in your deck.

Akroma, Angel of Fury for the same reasons as wurmcoil engine

Quicksilver Amulet because it costs you card advantage, and Mana Reflection and Mirari's Wake will let you put creatures into play just as effectively, and benefit you in other ways significantly. Doubling your mana can be huge.

April 8, 2013 10:06 p.m.

@ Traveler247 awesome, I love feedback!

  • Avenger of Zendikar - Had 2, traded them away because I felt the landfall effect couldn't be abused in this deck.
  • Regal Force has been a consideration, I just don't own one, and only have, at max, 12 green creatures.
  • Craterhoof Behemoth was in here when my friend had one, but with his price hike about 2 months ago he left. I'll maybe look into picking him up when he leaves standard, though he does more in token decks.
  • Spearbreaker Behemoth and Paleoloth were in here, but Spearbreaker Behemoth lost to Avacyn, Angel of Hope , and Paleoloth was taken out since my Eldrazi shuffled the GY and Angel of Serenity was quasi GY recursion.
  • OH GOODNESS I wish I had a Woodfall Primus
  • Mirari's Wake and Mana Reflection are things that would interest me, but again I don't own them, and they seem more expensive than say the Caged Sun or Gauntlet of Power I do own. What would you suggest I take out if I was gonna accommodate those two?
  • Sunhome, Fortress of the Legion was in here, but I think I took it out to put in more color. I'd be willing to put it back in, but I found a lot of times that I couldn't afford the color intensity. That may not be the case since I changed the lands around.

  • Realms Uncharted lets me grab utility lands, or lands to fix my color while simultaneously messing with my opponents mentally. Since I play Exploration here, the land drop is minor. I have Life from the Loam , so is there something you would suggest taking out to accommodate that?

  • Wurmcoil Engine adds a sort of resiliency against boardwipes, and with things like All Is Dust or regular old mana problems, it lets me play a solid 6 drop.

  • Akroma, Angel of Fury I agree with you is a little lame, but it's because I owned her, she had pro blue, and she is an angel that she made it in here. She'll be on the short list once Dragon's Maze comes in/ things like Craterhoof Behemoth rotate out

  • Lastly, how does Quicksilver Amulet cost me card advantage? Furthermore, I'd be willing to replace it with Mirari's Wake or Mana Reflection if I could decide they were better. BTW I do have someone who plays mono-black commanders with Contamination so sometimes colorless artifacts are worth it.

April 8, 2013 10:57 p.m.

Traveler247 says... #20

First off, I'd like to say that my general play style is very competitive. I do not usually do things because they're fun. My budget is also fairly high, though not limitless, so both of those things will cause me to make suggestions that aren't necenssarily in line with what you can/want to put in the deck.

-Avenger of Zendikar /Craterhoof Behemoth /Regal Force all go together as excellent targets for Tooth and Nail, while being solid creatures in and of themselves. Though I do agree, each one is not quite as ridiculous by itself as you might like.

-Yes, Woodfall Primus is amazing. I love flickering him with Deadeye Navigator .

-With regards to Gauntlet of Power and Caged Sun , just think about how many colors you're running. They hit aproximately 1/3 of your landbase and probably close to 1/2 of your creatures. Mirari's Wake hits all of the landbase and all of your creatures. Mana Reflection hits all of your mana sources.

-I agree with you on the Paleoloth . For some reason I had forgotten about the Eldrazis being in your deck. However, I feel that Spearbreaker Behemoth is better at surviving wrath effects than Wurmcoil Engine . It's certainly no Avacyn, Angel of Hope , but it still seems excellent.

-Life from the Loam and Crucible of Worlds require the right land base to be good. You need pleanty of lands that send themsleves to the graveyard. Fetch lands, Strip Mine like lands, etc. If you've already got that setup going, then Realms Uncharted fits in nicely. It can be made even better by adding not just Exploration , but Azusa, Lost but Seeking and Oracle of Mul Daya for more instances of the same effect. The thing is, Life from the Loam is not worth including just for Realms Uncharted . Honestly though, if you've found that Realms Uncharted works, then play it. I'm not really saying it's bad, just that I think it's a lot better with other cards to support it, and without those cards, something like Cultivate might serve you better.

-You have good points with regards to Wurmcoil Engine . Does All Is Dust exist in your meta? I've never seen the card played. If it's actually a card you see, then this could be good.

-Quicksilver Amulet allows you to dump creatures faster, which is good in your deck, of course. I've just never been a fan of the card. Every time I play with it, I find it getting one or two activations before I can just cast the creatures and it's a dead card which I'd rather was a creature, or a board wipe, or something. In that sense, it costs you a card. Late game, it's just aweful, and most EDH games go until the late game.

-Have you considdered Heartless Hidetsugu ? The few times I've seen this card, it was incredible. It completely demolished me one or two times.

-You mentioned Contamination as being a problem. With all of the removal that could hit it in the deck that doesn't require colored mana, I'm surprised. You could run artifact mana as a solution, but generally playing more land is a better way to ramp, and green does that well.

Also, how did you do the bullets? Where can I find a walkthrough on how to do that?

April 9, 2013 12:46 p.m.

MindAblaze says... #21

To chime in on the Quicksilver Amulet argument; I feel like as long as you have creatures in your hand it's a good card. It's more mana-efficient than actually casting the creatures and their are few times (Eldrazi-excluded) that you would prefer to cast rather than "put onto the battlefield."

As I understand it, ChiefWannaHacka plays in a Blue-heavy meta so nobody wants to walk a fatty into a counterspell if it can be avoided.

Also Mirari's Wake and Mana Reflection > Caged Sun and Gauntlet of Power , unless of course your meta runs lots of enchantment removal and not very much artifact removal.

April 9, 2013 1:02 p.m.

You were close on the bullets, you just need to add a space before the sentence starts.

-The difference between this line and

  • this line is the space after the symbol

I stumbled upon it one day.

As jminute14 pointed out, I play with a lot of combo-control decks. This is why I made some of the choices that I have.

  • Regarding Caged Sun etc. I left them out simply because of the fact they only hit 1 color, so I agree with you there. I have been wondering lately if I should include more ramp, so I'll definitely look out for Mirari's Wake and Mana Reflection .

  • I could totally see where you're coming from with Spearbreaker Behemoth , since it can distribute Indestructability, I'll slide that back in over Wurmcoil Engine

  • You're totally right with my limited recursion of lands grabbed with Realms Uncharted . Like you pointed out, since I don't have the fetches/Strip Mine s working in here it's not worth it for me to throw in Life/Crucible. Yet, I have a soft spot for Realms since I can grab say Kessig Wolf Run , Cavern of Souls , Eye of Ugin , and Homeward Path . Then my opponent has to decide what they want face, but either way I'm happy.

  • I think that with the card draw I have Quicksilver Amulet is never a sad thing to see. If I'm suspecting some counter magic is up, then at EoT I can play my fatty with it's ability. To me it adds a level of variability and psuedo-resilience against control decks.

  • Never thought of Heartless Hidegetsu in here, simply because he doesn't have 5+ power. I've tried to minimize the number of creatures without 5 power, only have Seedborn Muse right now, though with some of the things you've pointed out I might add Oracle of Mul Daya and Azusa, Lost but Seeking with some more ramp spells. I have some artifact ramp, but I also like actual land ramp better.

I'm trying to make this as competitive as possible, so I appreciate your suggestions. My budget though is slightly limited as I am a college student. I'm constantly working and improving this deck, but simply put, ABUR Duals and Fetches are out of the picture for now. Maybe in the future they can weasel their way in when I have a larger cash flow lol.

April 9, 2013 2:04 p.m.

mowery32 says... #23

please look at my mayael deck and give input. I would very much appreciate it :)

April 10, 2013 12:47 a.m.

What do you guys think of these changes for right now?

April 10, 2013 5:24 p.m.

MindAblaze says... #25

  • The tuck from Condemn is pretty valuable, I'd have a hard time with that one since late game Burgeoning isn't doing a whole bunch for you.

  • Search for Tomorrow is nice, but so is Aura of Silence . The latter giving you a control element pushing people to make mistakes.

  • I personally love Harrow . I just bought a foil japanese version for mayaels-t&a-team, it works great with hideaway lands and Sun Titan . That being said, you have lots of fatties, if you can spare one, more ramp is always good.

  • I've heard only good things about Oracle of Mul Daya , again more land is always good. The downside is you lose any element of secrecy you might have had. Now this is an aggro deck so you're probably fine with that. I have a thing for Survival of the Fittest though. The ability to chuck non-relevant creatures for game changers is not something to sneeze at.

April 10, 2013 5:48 p.m.

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