Mayael the Chubby Chaser

Commander / EDH ChiefWannaHacka

SCORE: 167 | 387 COMMENTS | 63357 VIEWS | IN 108 FOLDERS

The more I've sat here and thought about it, Knollspine Dragon is beginning to look really sexy haha. His ability being a may ability and the fact that I can almost choose when to pull him out add up to a little more consistency than I initially thought. So with that in mind what do you guys think about these changes?

The added dragons help with Cavern of Souls and Utvara Hellkite , and both are powerful in their own rights.

June 14, 2013 10:38 a.m.

adt630 says... #2

I do agree that they are both powerful and both great additions to the deck, however I think Spellbreaker Behemoth would be a better option to remove for one of them. I've found that his ability is almost always irrelevant in a game, and particularly with all your haste enablers, hitting a Windbrisk Raptor on an activation would be much more game changing.

June 14, 2013 12:39 p.m.

MindAblaze says... #3

If my memory serves me right he plays in a control heavy meta, so unless that has changed I'm sure Spellbreaker Behemoth has served its purpose now and then. Lifelink is nice but Combo doesn't care about a little lifegain.

Both of those additions seem awesome.

June 14, 2013 8:13 p.m.

Hmmm see you guys bring up a problem I've had lately. At the LGS I go to now there is a mix of Combo/Control and "Casual" EDH. I still prefer Spellbreaker Behemoth because I really hate things getting countered, and Windbrisk Raptor is the only lifegain I have so it's a tough choice. Guess I'll just keep both close depending on the other generals I'm facing i.e. Zur the Enchanter vs. Rhys the Redeemed hehehe.

June 15, 2013 12:24 a.m.

megawurmple says... #5

This is most certainly my kind of deck. I myself run a R/G Wolf Run Ramp deck and am a fan of ridiculously big creatures in the early turns of the game.

I'm struggling to think of improvements, honestly. Maybe add some Tramply stuff to stop your Chubbies being chump blocked by stupid 1/1 Lingering Souls tokens. Some of my favourites are Rancor , Overrun and Overrun stapled to a Planeswalker (Garruk Wildspeaker , who also helps to get Chubbies into play earlier).

Overall, great deck. Really awesome. +1!

June 15, 2013 5:43 p.m.

Thanks Bud!

I have never felt the sting of being trample-less, but I like PW's as win-cons. I'll keep an eye out for cards to remove, but would you have any suggestions in the mean time?

June 16, 2013 9:49 p.m.

megawurmple says... #7

If you're not too worried about Trample, then I recommend removing Novablast Wurm and Aura Shards for Overrun and Garruk Wildspeaker . I don't really see why the Wurm is in here; you've worked so hard to get a load of fatties out and now you either just let one sit there doing nothing or you kill all of your favourite creatures. Aura Shards is also a questionable inclusion in my opinion. You already have a bit of instant speed removal for Artifacts and Enchantments, which I think is the better option. Similarly, I don't really understand why Sun Titan is in here; there isn't much CMC 3 or less stuff in here worth reanimating. I would replace it with either Inferno Titan , which is hilarious because of the amount of ways with which you give it haste, or Primeval Titan , which is just awesome.

June 17, 2013 11:40 a.m.

Novablast Wurm is the only Board wipey thing in my deck, and maximizes his utility when Avacyn, Angel of Hope is out. That's pretty narrow, but happens frequently enough. I'll keep an eye on him though to take out for Garruk. Aura Shards is reusable, and in EDH utility/long term effect are important as games tend to last longer than regular games. Also it can act as instant speed removal with Mayael's ability or Quicksilver Amulet . Just a tid bit of info, I love removal!

Garruk I like, and I'm excited to see the new one. Overrun on the other hand is a onetime use effect, that in EDH may not win the game.

Sun Titan is here because I have

And others run removal ;D.

Inferno Titan was in here, but Craterhoof Behemoth is getting a try-out. Lastly and this is the most painful, Primeval Titan is banned in EDH. Thanks for the input, I'll be eyeing Novablast Wurm for removal over the next week or two.

June 17, 2013 3:46 p.m.

metalevolence says... #9

You should just play a real sweeper instead of novablast. Austere Command is great.

June 17, 2013 4:03 p.m.

metalevolence says... #10

I also agree that you should play some other fat instead of sun titan. Not nearly enough important things for him to recur. Hellkite Tyrant is good. Or the previously-discussed Knollspine Dragon . I would take either of those over sun titan in this deck no problem.

June 17, 2013 4:06 p.m.

From the current list, what do you guys think of these changes:

I dislike board wipes, so I'll leave those for someone else. Though I'm a fan of good creatures, and these 3 are pretty powerful dragons. I have some sort of attachment to Sun Titan, because I've used him before to recur Fires of Yavimaya to win.

June 17, 2013 4:35 p.m.

MindAblaze says... #12

A question...and this may apply to the Sun Titan argument. Why no fetches other than Krosan Verge ?

I really like your proposed changes by the way. Your deck is way too aggro to bother with board wipes anyway.

June 17, 2013 4:40 p.m.

Are all on my list of lands to go in, and maybe even Grove of the Burnwillows . Yet as a poor college student some cards elude me in trades or outright are not worth it to me yet. In the future they'll definitely go in, as I want to take this to a GP and play in side events. I won't go as far as putting in the other 6 fetches that grab one of my lands i.e. Scalding Tarn .

June 17, 2013 4:52 p.m.

metalevolence says... #14

Don't like swapping out return to dust, and scourge of kher ridges is not great. Other changes seem fine. Yosei is pretty much just wrath protection here, which is fine if that's what you want from it.

June 17, 2013 4:57 p.m.

adt630 says... #15

I agree with the above that Novablast Wurm is a little weak. Yosei has served me VERY well, particularly with Greater Good or for your deck Birthing Pod . He should definitely go in.

I still think Windbrisk Raptor is too good to be taken out instead of Spellbreaker Behemoth , but we've been down that road before :P. Scourge is a no brainer. Knollspine does seem good though, particularly if you can flash him in on a turn when an opponent has taken a big hit. In my experience, drawing a lot of cards usually means you win. With him going in, it might be worth it to put Reliquary Tower back in, particularly since you took out 3 WW cards.

If you do decide to take out Sun Titan , then a great replacement would be Blazing Archon which pretty much wins you the game against some decks.

Also would you mind taking a look at the changes i've made to mine? Yours has given me some good ideas. Does this make me look fat?

June 17, 2013 5:05 p.m.

@ metalevolence Return to Dust 's cost was prohibitive early sometimes, but maybe instead of the Scourge, how about

Return to Dust --> Sensei's Divining Top

I might be working out a trade for one, and do you think the Top could justify the switch?

@ adt630 Reliquary Tower could make it back now that you mention it. I'll probably keep cards like Windbrisk Raptor and Inferno Titan on me, so when I know what Generals I'm facing I could put in the more relevant creatures.

June 17, 2013 5:35 p.m.

mcpilz says... #17

Return to Dust is the best in its service.I dont know the mechanism that good, but cards like Godsire , Utvara Hellkite and others make ur deck rely on ur commander too much, i guess :P how about some budget cards like Thundermaw Hellkite or Baneslayer Angel , Karmic Guide , Yosei, the Morning Star Hellkite Tyrant is also awesome in commander.

June 24, 2013 4:59 a.m.

mcpilz says... #18

+1 btw :P

June 24, 2013 5 a.m.

Return to Dust is quite awesome, but I pack a lot of removal, and that one is the hardest to cast. Almost every creature in here "makes me" rely on my commander, but I can also cheat out creatures other ways than Mayael or just hard cast them. Godsire is the one card I keep for flavor and the tokens it and Utvara Hellkite create are never a bad thing. I had Thundermaw Hellkite in here when he was at $40, but he didn't have the same impact he did in standard, and so he he got traded away. I'm really working on getting a Yosei, the Morning Star , and the others aren't in here since they don't really make a difference in my meta.

Karmic Guide is interesting, but I shuffle my GY more than you'd expect and she has power<5 :(

June 24, 2013 4 p.m.

MindAblaze says... #20

What do you think of the new Garruk, Caller of Beasts?

June 24, 2013 4:23 p.m.

Wow didn't know he was spoiled until you just told me. Everything about him is awesome. Even though his +1 seems to interfere with Mayael, imagine with both out how fast you would cycle through your deck. His cost is slightly high, but man he seems like he'd be a powerhouse.

Below is the link if anyone hasn't seen it:

June 24, 2013 4:36 p.m.

MindAblaze says... #22

June 24, 2013 6:15 p.m.

mcpilz says... #23

hes da mn op, wont see much play in standard i guess so maybe he s affordable?! :P

June 25, 2013 3:08 a.m.

valeron42 says... #24

I just wanna know why it's called Mayael the Chubby Chaser XP

July 12, 2013 3:15 a.m.

She likes chasing fatties! XD

July 12, 2013 7:10 a.m.

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