Mayael the Chubby Chaser

Commander / EDH ChiefWannaHacka

SCORE: 167 | 387 COMMENTS | 63357 VIEWS | IN 108 FOLDERS

woozie88 says... #1

This deck seem to lack of getting lands. That's been working out for me in my own Mayael deck. I have about 10 fetch land cards along with other creatures I think it will help, Eternal Witness, Caption Sisay, Furnace Dragon.

Aurelia, the Warleader is just wonders for an aggro deck. Surprised you have it in your maybe pile. Furnace Dragon is in my deck because artifacts can be a pain, especially if they're indestructible (or you can use Into the Core).

Just my thoughts, but nice deck. If you want to check mine, just click my username. The other thing too is drawing cards. I could use some in my deck myself. =P

Good luck to the deck.

July 13, 2013 5:33 p.m.

I usually have no problems getting land or ramping. Eternal Witness and Aurelia, the Warleader are both not in here since they have power<5 and I feel like they don't add enough to try and fit them in.

Furnace Dragon doesn't really fit here either, I don't run enough artifacts or red to make it worth while, and I'd have to play it from my hand.

Thanks for stopping by, and I'll be sure to look at yours soon! Don't forget to +1,

July 15, 2013 2:21 p.m.

OTDE says... #3

D-D-D-Dramatic Entrance


July 24, 2013 10:42 p.m.

Wow I've never thought about Dramatic Entrance honestly. I've never heard of it lol. But now that Savage Summoning has been printed that might be more useful since it can flash in any creature, and I usually have mana out the Wazoo lol.

July 30, 2013 8:12 p.m.

MindAblaze says... #5

Theoretically, if you were to run the 3,3,9 lands package, what do you think of Crucible of Worlds ?

August 13, 2013 1:25 a.m.

I would also want to make sure I had Chromatic Lantern then, since we don't have access to Deathrite Shaman that way after I find all my fetchable lands I can still use them. Also I'm not so worried about color saturation as a combo deck might be, which allows me to avoid the 3,3,9 setup. BTW Deathrite Shaman is my favorite card ever.

August 13, 2013 4:53 p.m.

MindAblaze says... #7

That way once you use up all your fetches you can still tap them for mana. Makes enough sense. I have been finding that Azusa, Lost but Seeking is awesome and so I've been wondering how I can make the most of her?

With Chromatic Lantern , Crucible of Worlds and Realms Uncharted the consistency of one's mana base could be ridiculous.

August 13, 2013 5:40 p.m.

MindAblaze says... #8

...and yes, I think Deathrite Shaman is too good for words. It's no wonder I've been having such a hard time finding copies of it. lol. The number of decks I've found it slides nicely into is steadily growing...

August 13, 2013 5:42 p.m.

SplodyCopter says... #9

I find myself wondering why it is that you don't use Spearbreaker Behemoth or Vagrant Plowbeasts or Paleoloth . Talk about value.

August 13, 2013 5:52 p.m.

@MindAblaze! I wish I had an Azusa, Lost but Seeking ! She would make Knollspine Dragon and Regal Force soooo worth putting in here.

@SplodyCopter Paleoloth began seeing diminished returns as I incorporated more recursion like the Edrazi's or Angel of Serenity . Also he's a tad slow as I have to play another fatty after him just to recur one to my hand.

As for the other two, I had them, but I can reliably fetch Avacyn, Angel of Hope almost on cue after about turn 4 or 5.

Though I am making some changes to this soon, probably in the creature department.

August 13, 2013 6:32 p.m.

ZIllerKY says... #11

Deck name....... +1

August 13, 2013 6:38 p.m.

maybe try Realm Razer ?

August 29, 2013 6:56 p.m.

@canterlotguardian I used to run Realm Razer with Tyrant of Discord for shenanigans off of Tooth and Nail or Defense of the Heart , but the interaction was narrow and I don't like Realm Razer on his own.

Also while this is a beats deck, I choose to compete with combo decks, and thus I try to shy away from clunky things like Realm Razer or beatsticks like Worldspine Wurm .

August 30, 2013 12:03 a.m.

What are everyone's thoughts on the new God cycle? Do Purphoros, Heliod, and Nylea deserve spots? Devotion seems like it might be a gamble in a 3 color deck, but it's pretty easy with all the color saturation in a Mayael deck.

September 2, 2013 6:55 p.m.

MindAblaze says... #15

Vigilance from Heliod is nice, trample from Nylea is pretty cool and etb shocks from Purphoros is kinda meh. None of their activated abilities are really worth your time though....maaaaybe the two pumps but theyre really expensive.

September 2, 2013 7:51 p.m.

Yeah I agree about those points on all 3, I'm just a sucker for Legendary things lol. That and they don't hurt as much mana wise if I draw them.

September 2, 2013 8:07 p.m.

MindAblaze says... #17

I had been considering them for my build, but I don't think even with the addition of Sterling Grove they'd be worth it. Too little upside.

Although I may consider getting a foil Hammer of Purphoros to replace Fires of Yavimaya .

September 2, 2013 9:10 p.m.

musichate says... #18


I'm interested in your choice of Myojin of Life's Web considering that it functions as a dumb beat stick when you cheat it out. Has it been good for you or is it very situational?

How reliable has Greater Good been? Same question for Soul of the Harvest . My worry is that the downside from greater good is too great and the interaction takes too long to set up, and that soul of the harvest has little immediate impact and functions as just another dumb trampler. I think it would be easier to convince me of the value of soul of the harvest but perhaps greater good has some stupidly good interactions I'm missing?

Godsire seems strong but slow to get moving and with no evasion or trample may just be a vulnerable token generator. How has it worked for you so far?

How has Domri Rade been performing? Does he whiff often enough that something like Crystal Ball or your copy of Scroll Rack and Sylvan Library make him less relevant? The fight mechanic seems good but without the reliable +1 I'm concerned that something like Oblation or Pure/Simple might be a more efficient removal strategy.

Just some thoughts; your deck seems very well-tuned. Considering your use of super bombs like the various eldrazi, vorinclex, scroll rack, yosei, and especially iona, I imagine your deck might benefit from the addition of Blightsteel Colossus in a competitive meta.

+1 for the time and effort you've put into your deck! If you have time, please consider commenting on my Mayael Deck.

September 15, 2013 8:53 p.m.

MindAblaze says... #19

@ musichate If I may, on the topic of Greater Good ; cards like Control Magic and it's many other followers Greater Good will make this deck unhappy. The more ways you can deal with them at instant speed the better.

September 15, 2013 9:26 p.m.

@musichate First thanks for stopping by! it's been a while since I've whipped this out, so I always enjoy getting eyes on it.

Regarding Myojin of Life's Web , it's very possible for me to gather a rather large hand by way of Greater Good , Soul of the Harvest , and Knollspine Dragon (If I could ever find a copy). Myojin let's me throw down bombs at instant speed, and more often than not I won't cheat it out even if I could, unless I'm already behind.

MindAblaze! hit on the main reason I choose to run Greater Good , it is because it's instant speed dodge with an upside of drawing me cards. I also have a few ways to make some large tokens that could be used as fodder. Or if someone decides to boardwipe, I can sac all my dudes and just sculpt my hand, until I feel comfortable with it, then throw away an Eldrazi to recycle my GY. It also helps dodge exile and tuck effects. Soul of the Harvest is admittitedly not as awesome, but he amplifies the value of activating Mayael which I can't ignore until I find something better attached to a 6/6 trampling body. I mean really I still have to win through beats.

Godsire is here strictly on flavor. I think he is just a great card to look at and while there are better cards, he will always get to stay. I do have a few ways to enable haste, hitting him on someone's endstep is also nice, and his tokens play well with Greater Good .

I liked Domri Rade , but the only thing I was using him for was his ult pretty much as he missed quite frequently on the +1, and sorcery speed removal is meh. He is most likely losing his spot to Xenagos, The Reveler or I'll finally let Ajani Vengeant to try out. Oblation I'm not a fan of simply because I feel like 3 cards are worth more than 1 in any situation in EDH, though Pure/Simple is interesting and may be a SB card if my playgroup makes some new decks.

While Blightsteel Colossus is a BBBBOOOMMBBBB, he is much douchier/kills way faster than anything else, so if he did get taken it would be worse than anything else in here. Besides I don't own one XD.

September 15, 2013 10:37 p.m.

musichate says... #21

Greater Good seems like a meta call that could definitely be relevant in the situations you guys describe. One of my friends is fond of stealing things from me with Treachery and a card like that will definitely end the game if all that is keeping me up is Blazing Archon or something similar.

A deck like this definitely has room for some flavor or pet cards depending on how competitive your meta is.

One interaction you may be missing with Oblation is using it on your own non-land permanents. This flexibility has been very good for me. I play cards like Rest in Peace and other meta-reliant cards that can be good early plays but detrimental later on. The interaction in that instance is kind of clunky but has helped me out a few times. I'm imagining you could use it on one of your tokens (Godsire ) to generate a little end-of-turn card advantage. Having access to a tuck effect when I'm facing off against Skullbriar, the Walking Grave or Rafiq of the Many makes me a lot more comfortable no matter the downside.

September 18, 2013 8:51 p.m.

You know as much as I try to find the neat/useful/flexible uses for things, I completely missed that on Oblation . I'll have to see if we have any new decks in my playgroup, but it's definitely got my eye on it now! Shoot I could use it on a regular creature to save it from exile or something and then just tutor it up again!

BTW I totally cleared up the comments before I got to look at your deck. If you want to link it again I'll see if I could lend a pair of eyes to it.

September 18, 2013 9:44 p.m.

MindAblaze says... #23

What do you think about Hoarding Dragon ?

September 19, 2013 4:05 p.m.

For me personally I've tried him in other decks, and was never really that impressed by him. Though with the on demand sac engine of Greater Good he could be alright. He also gets a strike here for being 4/4.

September 19, 2013 7:01 p.m.

MindAblaze says... #25

Im thinking of replacing Garruk's Packleader with it in my build for tutoring out Pod and Akroma's Memorial .

I was going to tag you on my deck to ask but thought it was easier to come here. Bigger soapbox and all.

September 19, 2013 8:27 p.m.

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