Mayael's Armageddon

Commander / EDH Inthe0ry


lil_cheez says... #1

You have lots of green creatures, so may I suggest Dramatic Entrance ??

August 18, 2013 7:39 p.m.

Inthe0ry says... #2

That Is pretty handy, Another way to cheat out some of the big guys is always good :) I'll try and pick one of those up. Thanks for the idea!

August 19, 2013 11:15 p.m.

Casey4321 says... #3

Sundering Growth over Naturalize maybe.

August 19, 2013 11:25 p.m.

Have you considered adding in any Eldrazi's such as Kozilek, Butcher of Truth or Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre this take advantaged of Mayael's ability.

Wild Pair is a great enchantment can double the amount of creatures you play per turn.

There are lots of creature hate deacks out there, would recommend possibly some more counter spells like: Silence , Orim's Chant

Check out my deck: Mayael and Her Eldrazi Kin for possible ideas

August 20, 2013 1:53 p.m.

Inthe0ry says... #5

Yes, I have considered them. It more a matter of acquiring them :P the best ones range from 30-50$ a pop but I do plan on getting them eventually.

I Have been thinking of running Asceticism or Privileged Position for the targeting creature hate decks. As for board wipe I feel confident in being able to recover from board wipe. WithAvacyn, Angel of Hope , Spearbreaker Behemoth , some recursion and Mayael I come back quick or am not effected.

I may play around with some of the spells like silence and see how they play, Thanks for the great feedback :)

August 20, 2013 2:41 p.m.

Indeed there are some that are expensive, however you could look into Artisan of Kozilek , It That Betrays , Pathrazer of Ulamog are all under $5 and combined with All Is Dust can be game ending.

I hear what you're saying with making creatures indestructible but a simple Vindicate or Path to Exile can clear a way for your opponent. Just some food for thought :D

August 20, 2013 2:52 p.m.

Inthe0ry says... #7

I do have the artisan actually, Ill see if I cant pick up the others and give it a go.

August 20, 2013 3:44 p.m.

I find the huge mana cost of the Eldrazi takes full advantage of Mayael's ability.

August 21, 2013 12:40 a.m.

D3fied says... #9

All in all I like this build but I do have some suggestions. Aura Shards is better and cheaper then Acidic Slime and could easily replace it.Furthermore Bonfire of the Damned and Austere Command are one sided wraths and can easily replace Day of Judgement and Blasphemous Act , Mizzium Mortars is not all that great in EDH though, I would rather see Wrath of God . For a mana hungry deck like this Mana Reflection and Mirari's Wake work wonders. Other good aura's are Mirri's Guile (a free Sensei's Divining Top scry every upkeep) and Privileged Position . I see that you are running Path to Exile , but I would also try Swords to Plowshares .

Now on to your landbase. It looks like you are running alot of ETB tapped lands. I know when I first made my Mayael, the Chubby Chaser. I had all the bouncelands and all the gates, but now the only ETB tapped lands I run are Stirring Wildwood and Raging Ravine , and the hideaway lands; Mosswort Bridge and Windbrisk Heights and I will count Dryad Arbor because you cant tap it the turn it ETB. But on to my point, I think that you should cut down on the tap lands for other color fixing lands like the filter lands; Fire-Lit Thicket , Wooded Bastion , and Rugged Prairie . Also the painlands; Battlefield Forge , Karplusan Forest , and Brushland . Other good lands include Grove of the Burnwillows , Horizon Canopy , Temple of the False God , and Command Tower .

August 22, 2013 11:09 a.m.

Inthe0ry says... #10

Lots of great suggestions, I had planned on getting Austere Command soon and replacing the Mizzium Mortars actually. The three to overload sometimes is a problem since my colors are mostly green and white and on top of that, like you said, it doesn't wipe the field against other fatties. I had it in, and has been useful, because in our group of friends Krenko, Mob Boss goblins is a problem.

I have been seeking out trades for Mirari's Wake but havent had any takers yet. I'll have to pick that one up as well. Sword to plowshares is unfortunately far outside what i can spend on cards. Otherwise I would include that bad boy in here as well.

As for the lands, I agree 100% as well. I have not put a lot of work into the land base yet and still have lots of cards to acquire. I can pick up the pain lands soon but I will have to budget for the mana fixing lands since they have a higher price tag.

Thanks for all the great suggestions !

August 22, 2013 3:56 p.m.

You may have your cards mixed up, just check, that is where most of the pricing for the cards come from. Swords to Plowshares is really not that expensive.

Hope that helps, it is a fantastic car

August 22, 2013 4:30 p.m.

Inthe0ry says... #12

Your right, I was thinking it was a much more expensive card! 3-4 bucks is doable.

August 22, 2013 4:50 p.m.

NinjaNate says... #13

Call of the Wild and Chord of Calling are cards I would suggest. you can also look at my Mayael list for ideas.

August 23, 2013 6:31 p.m.

Afasia says... #14

One of the bigger differences in our Mayael lists is that I'm playing all available tutors. You ramp with sorceries and then wipe the board. I run so many tutors that I can have any creature on the board by 4. It really makes the decks strive for different kind of things. Thus I can play all the utility I ever need in pure fat. Oh and play bloom tender over Druid of the Anima , Bloom Tender gives you 3for2 in mana when you have Mayael out. It's really good at fixing mana AND gaining tempo. WIth it you can start jamming Mayael activations the following turn!Here are few creatures that I have really enjoyed seeing in my top 5 that I run: Angelic Arbiter Stops all combo shenanigans for tokens. Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger Everyone hates this guy. And for a reason.Soul of the Harvest Rhystic study, now In green!Sun Titan Should get some work done here too. The more fetches you play the better it gets.

I really love how you run Giant Adephage and Moldgraf Monstrosity I also dig the Hull Breach , EDH is all about 2for1's

September 5, 2013 4:16 p.m.

Inthe0ry says... #15

Yeah my deck list still needs a good amount of work. I have not sought out the tutors yet and know they are important for the deck. In addition, my land base needs to be upgraded with the better fetches and dual lands. Ive just been running it as is but it would be much faster If i dropped the money for those two things.

I absolutely love Moldgraf Monstrosity ! If I have lost some important fatties and this guy hits and can either be wiped by my removal spells or be a big problem for someone in combat. Hes an 8/8 body who doesnt care if he dies :) Perfect.

I do actually have Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger and recently put him in. I need to update this list a bit with some recent changes I have made. Ill make sure to do that soon :)

Angelic Arbiter is great, I need to get my hands on one and its in.

September 5, 2013 4:28 p.m.

Sylvan Primordial is... sadly... now banned

February 3, 2014 4:07 a.m.

Inthe0ry says... #17

Yeah its sad :( still working out what i want to replace him with. I was thinking Platinum Emperion

February 5, 2014 6:42 p.m.

NinjaNate says... #18

I suggest Archetype of Endurance . I am running it in mine because if I get out Archetype of Endurance +Avacyn, Angel of Hope +Sigarda, Host of Herons =almost untouchable critters

February 6, 2014 11:36 a.m.

Inthe0ry says... #19

The new Archetype of Endurance might be a great choice. I used to have sigarda in the deck but took her out once i got some of the more pricey cards.

February 9, 2014 8:30 p.m.

DarkArmed1 says... #20

How about a Genesis Wave ? With all of those mana doublers it could get nasty fast.

February 26, 2014 12:12 a.m.

DarkArmed1 says... #21

Also I found True Conviction to be win more in my build Mayael and her fat friends how's it working for you?

February 26, 2014 12:15 a.m.

Inthe0ry says... #22

I love True Conviction in the deck. However, It is removed the minute it comes out or the field is wiped right away in my play group.

Nevertheless, if i get one swing off with it, it gives me a huge chunk of life and damage.

I have thought about Genisis Wave many times. I have gone back and forth on its effectiveness in my build. I have never play tested it though, only theorized :P

Thanks for the comment :)

February 26, 2014 7:20 p.m.

You should take Tooth and Nail out. That card wins games. And I don't like it when you win :P

March 9, 2014 6:29 a.m.

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