Mayael's Babes

Commander / EDH TehRazorBack


TehRazorBack says... #1

Can anyone see the best card to replace with Exploration when I get it?

September 25, 2013 8:28 p.m.

TehRazorBack says... #2

Never mind that last comment, a friend gave the very obvious replacement of Explore with Exploration XD

September 26, 2013 7:13 p.m.

From your changes list I would probably prioritize something like this

Exploration is a great addition, and those cards from your change list I feel make the largest most immediate impact on the competitiveness of your deck. You could probably benefit from a couple other cards too,

Then again this is all my opinion, shameless deck plug is shameless, and my deck Mayael the Chubby Chaser is built to combat Combo decks and other various things in my meta. It might give you some ideas!

September 26, 2013 7:32 p.m.

TehRazorBack says... #4

Thank you very much for your advice. Privileged Position is a really good, so badly need one. Is Illusionist's Bracers slightly better than Rings of Brighthearth ? As you only have to pay the a 3 cost once, rather than 2 every turn. Or are you recommending both for consistency?

September 29, 2013 9:43 p.m.

Having both Illusionist's Bracers and Rings of Brighthearth does add consistency, but the neat thing about Rings of Brighthearth is it can copy any activated ability like Mimic Vat 's or Domri Rade 's, besides just Mayael's

September 29, 2013 10:37 p.m.

TehRazorBack says... #6

Yeah, that's a very good point, I never even considered it to work with those cards. Yup, I'm sold, I want it now. Cheers man :)

September 30, 2013 6:21 a.m.

TehRazorBack says... #7

Wanna stick Lurking Predators back in, as that card was fun with Scroll Rack out, but I am unsure what to remove for it. Any ideas anyone?

October 19, 2013 10:48 a.m.

TehRazorBack says... #8

Added the actual printings of the cards in the deck editor, and the whole deck went down in price by $50 XD Doesn't feel great, especially when it STILL doesn't show the correct card art anyway.

November 15, 2013 7:39 a.m.

NinjaNate says... #9

My LGS is very competitive and my Mayael wins its fair share.

January 17, 2014 2:56 p.m.

TehRazorBack says... #10

Sylvan Primordial on the ban list now :( Which seems odd to me. There have been many creatures in my deck that people have complained about over the time I've been playing it (Avacyn, Angel of Hope , Blazing Archon , etc) but never Sylvan Primordial . I can understand banning a card like Iona, Shield of Emeria for example for the fact that it is expensive to buy, and therefore not as accessible to a wide range of players (Nothing to do with what the card actually does, more to do with some people having premium all-stars in a casual format while others physically can't afford them). But Sylvan Primordial is cheap as chips, meaning people getting into the format can have some relatively cheap cards that will be competitive among better established decks. EDH is expensive, and there goes one of the inexpensive all-stars :( And yet Deadeye Navigator is still with us somehow (Another cheap all-star, but I have seen that card do some degenerate things XD Palinchron and Acidic Slime : Game?).

Rant over. What does everyone else feel about the bannings?

February 3, 2014 5:34 a.m.

NinjaNate says... #11

I was very shocked by the banning of Sylvan Primordial too but thinking it over it is actually a good ban. He warps a game much like Primeval Titan did. He is equal value to a Prime+attack assuming you hit an opponents land/mana source. Also decks playing the color blue helped to get him banned(mosty Animar, Soul of Elements ). Every blue/green deck had a way to combo and get his effect as many times as they want. granted these are usually 3 card or more combos but you are playing blue so you have numerous ways to protect it.

February 3, 2014 11:32 a.m.

NinjaNate says... #12

Also since Commander is a multiplayer format originally. The bannings will reflect such. In multi Iona, Shield of Emeria isn't that good unless all/most of your opponents are using the same color in their decks.

February 3, 2014 11:37 a.m.

TehRazorBack says... #13

A hasty Primeval Titan is slightly better, as it gets you ANY 4 lands you desire, but both are abusable with blue. But to stop the abuse, you ban the main combo pieces, not the combo fodder: ban the enablers, like Deadeye Navigator , because Sylvan Primordial can be replaced by any other ETB creature: Terastodon , Diluvian Primordial , Mystic Snake (When you mentioned above about protection, this is the card that has caused sad times before with me... + Mana Reflection + Prophet of Kruphix for land untap). Basically, If you're gonna win by spamming ETB effects with Sylvan Primordial , you can do the same with so many other cards, banning it won't stop that.

Also Primeval Titan is good enough to see modern play. Sylvan Primordial is gonna see no play :( That 50p price tag is gonna plummet.

For casual no combo-ey play, people say Sylvan Primordial is banned because it gets exponentially more land the more players there are. To that I say yes, but from past experience so does the hate, so 3 destruction and 3 lands for all 3 other people beating on you is fair enough.

You summed up my view almost immediately: "shocked". After going against extremely broken, infinite-combo decks recently and seeing all the interactions that can occur, out of all the cards I thought were gonna be banned/should be banned, Sylvan Primordial is not even close. Sad times, I need a replacement from next Monday onwards.

February 3, 2014 12:13 p.m.

TehRazorBack says... #14

Sorry for the wall of text, and please don't misunderstand me here. I'm not raging at you, I'm raging at the world XD In fact I'm very happy you replied, thank you :) Give it a week and I'll be over it.

February 3, 2014 12:16 p.m.

NinjaNate says... #15

I understand because i raged the same way at the Prime Time ban even though I knew it needed to be banned, There is a very big difference between Sylvan Primordial and say Terastodon . Primordial being all upside is what the problem is here. Sure you can do the same thing with Don but you have to leave behind tokens for them if you do. Also Primordial invalidated other creatures. Say you needed non-critter destruction would you rather hit Don or SyPri with Mayael? That is why I said SyPri warps the game like Prime Time did. That is the main reason for his ban.

The reason why Deadeye Navigator didn't see a ban is because while he does what he does pretty well his combos are still very fragile. Also not all blue decks play him. Its mostly Blue/Green decks. If you played the color green you played Sylvan Primordial .

I hope this helped you to see why the ban made sense. Not that I agree with the ban. I was just pointing out why it made sense.

February 3, 2014 1:24 p.m.

NinjaNate says... #16

As far as which is better in constructed play shouldn't really be part of the reasoning. Prime Time is better in constructed than SyPri for multiple reasons. The biggest 2 being casting cost and the deck he is played in.

February 3, 2014 1:30 p.m.

NinjaNate says... #17

Atleast we found the spot Archetype of Endurance right?

February 3, 2014 8:20 p.m.

TehRazorBack says... #18

Yeah, I suppose. Or Xenagos, God of Revels , Vigor , Blightsteel Colossus . Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger arrived today, so that could always go in. Wanna get a few more games in with it before removing it completely though. Just glad I didn't get a foil SyPri, was considering it last week XD Still dumbfounded that it was banned.

February 4, 2014 11:53 a.m.

TehRazorBack says... #19

Very happy with how the deck is shaping out :) New additions have made it increasingly more competitive, and more foils, cause foil advantage is totally a thing. Annoyed I didn't get Birthing Pod before it sky-rocketed in price, especially now that the creatures have a nice mana curve, but meh.

Here's hoping for some big ol' creatures in Journey into Nyx. I'm hoping for avatars of the different gods, or a "gods in mortal form" kinda thing. Spoiler season should be upon us soon, what with a month or so to go till pre-release.

March 27, 2014 9:46 p.m.

Afasia says... #20

Hey man, I like your list. It's very powerful while still mainting some sense of table politics and having a good time! You still pack some really nasty things to make tapping her worth it. Crop Rotation Is such a baller. Where's your Yavimaya Hollow talking about it?

Oh, I also replied to your comment back on my end finally!

April 13, 2014 6:53 p.m.

TehRazorBack says... #21

I just realised how expensive Yavimaya Hollow is, I thought it was 50p like contested cliffs XD But yes, I could do with one, and a Cavern of Souls and Mana Confluence when that comes out. Can you see any land that you would remove for them? Don't wanna remove too many basics with a Blood Moon in my playgroup. Maybe some mountains?

April 13, 2014 9:37 p.m.

Afasia says... #22

We use 10 for infect so Blightsteel Colossus always delivers.

What have you been cutting recently? My only change this year has been cutting Serra Avatar for Sylvan Library

April 14, 2014 7:02 p.m.

TehRazorBack says... #23

Yeah, with 10 infect it is a beast! I keep track of all my changes in my updates, but it has mainly been creatures. I was sad to see Blazing Archon go, but it seemed one of the weakest creatures.

Until I get my creature base sorted, I'm also not sure about Birthing Pod . I need a nice amount of creatures in all the high CMCs to really make it worth while. Wanna Rings of Brighthearth a pod so bad! 2 for 1!

April 14, 2014 8:05 p.m.

TehRazorBack says... #24

I have made a list of what I think are the worst of the creatures I have, in order of worst to least worst:

Not really feeling Wurmcoil Engine or Godsire either. They're just big creatures, they don't have much impact upon hitting the battlefield.

April 15, 2014 8:06 p.m.

ArgentWolf says... #25

I would suggest taking out Sun Titan you don't seem to have enough N<3 to make good use of it...

April 17, 2014 10:55 a.m.

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