Mayael's Babes

Commander / EDH TehRazorBack


NinjaNate says... #1

@ArgentWolf - I run Mayael too and sure there isn't a lot we want to hit with Sun Titan but what we can hit is game winning stuff so the trade off is good. The big target for him is if rings ever dies.

@TehRazorBack - One of the easiest ways i have of making sure i have the fatties I want is i run no less than 30 creatures that can be got by Mayael(this also happens to be the magic number where she should never whiff). That being said there are some fatties I would never take out of the deck. Major ones being Blazing Archon and Spearbreaker Behemoth . I don't know why you would get rid of something that makes your fatties indestructible. Also I think Archetype of Endurance is a must.

April 17, 2014 4:17 p.m.

NinjaNate says... #2

Also I think you dragon package is the worst part about your deck. It makes your fatties be more bias towards dragons which kinda hurts Mayael since most of the best fatties are not dragons.

April 17, 2014 4:22 p.m.

TehRazorBack says... #3

@ArgentWolf - Pretty much what NinjaNate said. There are quite a few small CMC artifacts and enchantments that are always targeted by other player's removal when they hit the field, and Sun Titan is mainly there to recur them. But is that a good enough ability? I often only get to use him to recur lands like Evolving Wilds , and sometimes have nothing to recur., making feel like a dud topdeck.

@NinjaNate - They have been more than useful in the deck, which is part of the reason why they had been in so long. The reason why I'm moving away from them is that my playgroup has many ways to get around the pillow-forting tactics. There is quite a few mass bounce spells (Devastation Tide , Cyclonic Rift , etc), and some Terminus and Merciless Eviction . Because of this I've realised my creatures probably won't stay for long, even if hexproof, sacproof, and indestructible. So I'm trying to get as many effects out of my creatures as possible before they die, whether they be ETB or otherwise. I'm not sure if this is the right move or not, but with recent games I haven't missed not having them. Board wipes were going to get them either way.

With the inclusion of Utvara Hellkite , the other dragons would have been there anyway, I haven't put them in to make a specific dragon theme. The comment on Scourge of Kher Ridges about "more dragons" was somewhat backwards, as I had put Scourge in before then deciding on Utvara Hellkite . I got to try out Scourge in a game recently and it didn't disappoint, especially with Avacyn, Angel of Hope out. I can see it staying for a while, or for as long as it keeps being relevant. Utvara Hellkite is just great value by itself, even more so if there is even one other dragon out.

April 17, 2014 5:16 p.m.

NinjaNate says... #4

@TehRazorBack - That's what we get for playing a situational card but we need it for if that situation ever pops up.

I understand your reasoning behind the Spearbreaker Behemoth changes and it makes sense if all the mass removal in your area is everything but destroy effects but how does that effect Blazing Archon . Cheating him in before the aggressive decks attack is the best.

I just feel like there is better token maker options. I don't and have never really liked Scourge of Kher Ridges but then again the way my deck plays is if i am leaving mana up i either have very little left or I am preparing to cheat in a fatty.

April 17, 2014 5:38 p.m.

TehRazorBack says... #5

@NinjaNate - The main reasons for removing Blazing Archon is the playgroup change and the amount of hate it draws, almost as much as Avacyn, Angel of Hope . It will almost always be removed when needed, and if not it draws everyone's attention to me. And my playgroup has moved to strong synergies and combos, making it rather redundant. It doesn't stop Mindslaver lock (which is prevalent in 2 decks), doesn't prevent Oona, Queen of the Fae infinitely exiling my library, and the most aggressive deck in our playgroup, my friend's super effective Wort, Boggart Auntie tribal deck can infinite damage everyone without ever having to swing (it is very impressive how quickly it can get up and running).

Don't get me wrong, it used to be a fantastic card in the deck, and I used to love seeing people faces when I top-decked it with Mayael, but lately it seemed kinda lackluster in comparison, was never too happy when top decking it, and has been removed to adapt to the playgroup. I need creatures that can remove creatures, remove other permanents, pose huge threats if not dealt with, and just delay or interrupt peoples combos. People swinging at me hasn't been too much of an issue when I control the largest blockers. If they're swinging at me it's because all my stuff has probably been removed, including Blazing Archon .

April 17, 2014 6:10 p.m.

TehRazorBack says... #6

Please don't take any of this as complaining about my playgroup, I very much enjoy playing EDH with them. I'll admit that originally when combos first started appearing I was very wary of them, but since then I have grown to accept them, even building a combo deck of my own: Captain Ghaveman: He's a Fungi!. Now I don't mind them at all, and Mayael still wins her fair share of games against them. It just adds a greater challenge for my deck, and has therefore caused me the build my deck differently.

In the end EDH decks shouldn't all be the same, and your build should reflect your playgroup, which is why Spellbreaker Behemoth , a Mayael staple, currently isn't in my deck. Not enough counterspells going around to make it worth while. And who knows, the current build of my deck could fall flat on it's face with more testing XD If I find myself wishing I was top-decking them instead of something else, they'll be getting straight back in the game.

Also, just realized a nice interaction with Unexpectedly Absent : If I have a big ETB creature, like Terastodon , that I wanna get more value from, I can stick it on top of my deck and Mayael it again XD even better if I can do it in response to someone trying to remove it. It was mainly there to slow peoples combos, or to do in response to someone searching their library for a land or something. "+1 Liliana of the Dark Realms ? Unexpectedly Absent , yo!"

April 18, 2014 8:43 a.m.

NinjaNate says... #7

I have always said the same thing about EDH decks. You should build them to best suit you/your meta. While our decks are the same basic thing our threats vary pretty big. I just like hearing reasons why people choose X card over Y card.

Unexpectedly Absent is pretty neat with Maayael.

April 20, 2014 6:28 p.m.

TehRazorBack says... #8

Exploration being reprinted in Conspiracy. Green players around the world rejoice.

I cannot wait to get my hands on a foil version :)

May 20, 2014 6:37 a.m.

NuBByThuMB says... #9

This deck looks like it is loved sincerely. I've always been a fan of Mayael! This looks great! Love the foils! +1!

June 11, 2014 11:08 a.m.

PhoenixElite says... #10

Great Card Hunting Grounds . Lurking Predators is great as well. While Guild Feud can be a weaker version of Mayael

June 16, 2014 9:49 p.m.

PhoenixElite says... #11

Oops didn't see you had Lurking Predators .

June 16, 2014 9:50 p.m.

MrMetonymy says... #12

Your list looks awesome. I've been trying to make a go of my Mayael deck ever since the 2013 precons came out, but I was never able to get it into a playable state. Your list has given me a lot of great new ideas. Thanks for posting it.

As far as card recommendations go, Thawing Glaciers can be a little slow, but it means double triggers for Admonition Angel :).

It can also help with mana fixing when you need it.

June 24, 2014 6:58 a.m.

TehRazorBack says... #13

@NuBByThuMB, thank you for your comment :) I love the foils too.

@PhoenixElite, Hunting Grounds looks like a very late game card, where I might not have many creatures in my hand to make it worthwhile. Could be great with Soul of the Harvest and Greater Good on the field to get those creatures to hand. I originally looked at Guild Feud in the very early stages of Mayael development, over a year ago, however compared to the power level of the deck as it stands right now I wouldn't be able to find a place for it. Thank you for your recommendations though, I love to hear them. Never heard of Hunting Grounds before. Could be really good in a self-mill deck :D

@MrMetonymy, Thawing Glaciers would work very well with Admonition Angel , as would something like Knight of the Reliquary , getting those extra land drops to stop all my opponents fun. My main concern is that, as you said, if not used in conjunction with Admonition Angel it can be a little on the slow side. I've tried to remove lands that come in tapped where possible, keeping in only the necessarys. I still have the two karro lands Selesnya Sanctuary /Gruul Turf , and Evolving Wilds /Naya Panorama to keep the angel happy. Thank you again for your comment :D

June 24, 2014 8:58 p.m.

TehRazorBack says... #14

Just seeing some of the new M15 spoilers now, I am really excited for Soul of Theros. That ability is gonna be well worth the mana investment; lifelink AND bigger AND first strike? Yes please. Exactly what I need late game, when everyone is gunning for me and I'm also taking damage from my lands. Lifelink is always great.

Not sure what I think of Soul of New Phyrexia. Dunno whether I would run it over Spearbreaker Behemoth , which I'm currently not running anyway.

Not really Mayael related, but I really like Yisan, the Wanderer Bard and Ob Nixilis, Unshackled from the spoiled cards so far.

June 26, 2014 9:35 p.m.

TehRazorBack says... #15

Sadly, the full official spoiler of Siege Dragon is not as impressive as the original spoiler. Originally thought to do 5 damage when it swings, it has been found to only do 2 damage. Might still get a tryout in the deck, but not looking forward to it as much.

July 1, 2014 8:57 a.m.

MindAblaze says... #16

Thoughts on Tectonic Edge and it's predecessors?

July 20, 2014 11:14 p.m.

TehRazorBack says... #17

Used to run Strip Mine . Was great with Sun Titan . I can't remember why I took it out, I don't think it was because I didn't want or need it, I think it was just because I was using it in my Ghave deck at the time. I am considering poping back in some more land removal, as there are some lands in my playgroup like Academy Ruins that are proving to be an issue. I think I would avoid Wasteland purely from a price point, and Encroaching Wastes is too expensive to cast. But Strip Mine and Tectonic Edge are possibilities.

July 21, 2014 6:01 p.m.

TehRazorBack says... #18


I'm thinking See the Unwritten could get a tryout. More often then not you'll have "Ferocious" and get 2 creatures, and it can be any creatures: Seedborn Muse , Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite or Eternal Witness off the top.

I'm also excited to possibly be getting a copy of Windswept Heath and Wooded Foothills from the new set, maybe even Flooded Strand and Bloodstained Mire . Been put off them originally due to the price, but this should drop them down hopefully.

September 2, 2014 11:32 a.m.

MindAblaze says... #19

I agree. I dislike the one time nature of See the Unwritten but I do love that if you hit an Eternal Witness you can get it back and do it again.

Definitely look to add all the fetches...too much good, especially with Sun Titan . So good actually that I've added Crucible of Worlds and Lotus Cobra to try and make the most out of it. The deck got much faster...I'll leave it at that.

September 2, 2014 6:23 p.m.

TehRazorBack says... #20

With so much landfall, would you value Lotus Cobra above Bloom Tender ?

And yes, I am very excited to see where adding fetches will take me. First step; get the 4 usable ones from this new set. Then maybe think about getting the others. First replacements are obiously Evolving Wilds and Naya Panorama . Then I'd need the original duals...this conversion would be expensive XD

Would you run Exploration as well as Crucible of Worlds ?

September 16, 2014 7:06 a.m.

MindAblaze says... #21

I run Lotus Cobra over Bloom Tender although being able to tap her for three is nice. With extra land drops the Cobra becomes better, and not having to tap it for the effect is a plus. Sometimes I can slap a sword on the cobra and swing...if I need/want to.

As far as Exploration goes I do run it in conjunction with Crucible of Worlds . I also run Azusa, Lost but Seeking . I'm considering Oracle of Mul Daya and/or Courser of Kruphix . I cut the Oracle to add Lotus Cobra but I really found being able to play lands off the top valuable. I don't know if I want it over anything else I'm running though.

September 16, 2014 10:55 a.m.

NinjaNate says... #22

Mayael was my first thought when I saw see the unwritten.

I play 4 fetches in mine. 3 on color and 1 off color, the latter being for green.

September 18, 2014 6:21 a.m.

TehRazorBack says... #23

@MindAblaze!&NinjaNate: I see that both of you are also running Taiga , Savannah and Plateau . Would you still recommend the fetch lands if I am not currently running these lands myself?

September 18, 2014 6:34 a.m.

MindAblaze says... #24

You have 8 basics, plus the shocks for a total of 11 targets.

I run 6 basics, plus the shocks and Duals for 12 targets, and I run all 9 fetches. I haven't run out of targets yet. Usually I see 1-3 fetches a game, and even with ways to reuse them in multiples I have yet to run out.

September 18, 2014 10:52 a.m.

NinjaNate says... #25

To be honest I really see no reason for EDH decks to not run fetches.

September 19, 2014 5:52 p.m.

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