
Creature (4)

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A casual Modern deck built around Mayael.

Mayael cheats out creatures with power 5 or greater so much of the deck is comprised of those, the power in this is that you keep hand advantage while still being able to summon threats. This deck still relies upon a big luck factor though. Her ability is expensive as well...

I did not rely upon super crazy costing threats, as I want them to still be castable at least, multiple Craterhoofs can really hurt though.

The rampers:Birds of Paradise/Noble Hierarch provide ramp, you can get out a quick Mayael on turn two or start dropping threats in a more aggroish fashion like Woolly Thoctar or Mul Daya Channelers.

Courser of Kruphix works with Mul Daya Channelers, in order to ramp into Mayael's ability or drop big threats. Courser will sift through your lands, but with Channelers out you can somewhat manipulate their ability based on your needs, if you need to ramp keep a land on top. If not, you can sift through a top land, fetches can also help shuffle up the ability.

The beaters:Woolly Thoctar is very effienctly costed he will often start the combat on your side. Mycoid Shepherd helps against aggro whilst still being a strong threat himself, any thoctars(and many of the other creatures) that die with Shepherd out will gain you life.

Baneslayer Angel and Thundermaw Hellkite, both funofs, Baneslayer can help stabilize and Thundermaw helps the aggro game.

Sun Titan gets back important stuff like Mayael, Chanelers or Courser and also the great beaststick Woolly Thoctar.

Craterhoof Behemoth should end the game, with all the mana chickens and small utility creatures, the push he provides should be great.


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Date added 9 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

11 - 0 Mythic Rares

40 - 4 Rares

4 - 0 Uncommons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.42
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