Maybe I Sacrifice to Feel Like I'm Alive
Commander / EDH
KCisSICKnasty says... #2
Hmm. That's a tough add. Not entirely sure what I'd take out. He definitely seems like he'd combo pretty well with Ayli. Any suggestions on what you'd drop?
Thanks much for the upvote! :D
January 11, 2016 3:14 p.m.
Endless Cockroaches, Reassembling Skeleton and Tenacious Dead are all atrociously slow. Considering you could easily invest 5 mana just to play Tenacious Dead, sac it to Ayli, return it to the battlefield and sac it again for 2 life doesn't seem to be the best deal ever. I'm well aware there are far better synergies, yet the card really lacks some punch.
How about Requiem Angel, Ogre Slumlord (which is already in your maybeboard) or similar cards? They could provide more sac-fodder, while not burning through your mana turn after turn.
January 11, 2016 3:35 p.m.
KCisSICKnasty says... #4
I can dig it. I'll drop Endless Cockroaches for Ogre Slumlord and Tenacious Dead for Requiem Angel. I wanna keep the skeleton just because I can choose when to do it and the deck tries to get as many sacrifice triggers as possible, so it would be nice to kinda dump my mana on it when I need to. Even though it costs 5 mana to gain 2 life, it could also possibly mean making my opponents sac 2 permanents with the right field presence out.
January 11, 2016 3:46 p.m.
I absolutely understand your point. And most likely, there will be a situation in which you would like Tenacious Dead way more than Ogre Slumlord. It's all about resilience and the best card in most cases, and of course it's about personal preferences too.
Personally, I like your style of deckbuilding (I just had a look at some of your EDH-decks) and added you, I hope you don't mind if I copy some of your approaches! smile
If you're looking for something new I'd as well appreciate if you had a look at some of my EDH-decks, I always like suggestions and the like ;-)
January 11, 2016 4:16 p.m.
KCisSICKnasty says... #6
Absolutely! (: And thank you so much! It really means a lot! :D
I'm about to head into work but when I get home tonight, I'll gladly take a look at your lists!
January 11, 2016 4:23 p.m.
Rediblackdragon says... #7
A personal favorite of mine is Gift of Immortality which would allow you to completely break the game with Ashen Rider. Also, I don't really understand what the big thing over the Ghost Councils are. Is there something that I'm missing?
January 12, 2016 3:18 p.m.
KCisSICKnasty says... #8
What would you drop for it?
And you'll have to be more specific. I run only the one because it's a sac outlet.
January 12, 2016 4:08 p.m.
KCisSICKnasty says... #10
Good card! Will definitely make space for it!
Any suggestions on what to drop? :O
Please +1 if you like! (:
January 15, 2016 12:12 p.m.
Halphinian says... #11
I suggest Shuko or Lightning Greaves and Daru Spiritualist or Task Force for an infinite life combo (you only need one of the equipment's and one of the creatures listed above)
If you are going to use this combo, I suggest that you remove Karmic Guide (It only returns one creature that you are most likely going to sacrifice anyway and it is a pain to keep on the field) and Skullclamp (I honestly have no idea why this is so popular, as in my opinion it is highly inefficient and not worth the "card advantage" it has been known for giving. Unless you have a Puresteel Paladin and a bunch of useless 1/1's, I really don't think Skullclamp is ever worth it, but that is just my opinion.)
January 25, 2016 11:16 p.m.
KCisSICKnasty says... #12
That's an interesting combo, but I just don't see me dropping anything to run it. Both are sorta dead draws (except Lightning Greaves which I'm not adding because Shroud keeps me from sacrificing as a last ditch effort) if I don't have the other. I don't run enough Clerics to justify the creatures.
I can see dropping Karmic Guide, but it would have to be for another source of recursion. Skullclamp is amazing. You don't need 1/1's. Anything that's wearing it lets you draw 2 cards when it dies. Equip, sac, return, repeat. Absolute value.
January 25, 2016 11:29 p.m.
Neur0breed says... #13
Illusionist's Bracers... They are amazing just with the commander, either doubling the health gain, or allowing absolute board control.Also, it's a personal favorite of mine but, Hatred is nice to unexpectedly kill with unblockable, to buff the one little creature that gets through blockers, or if someone doesn't think that deathtouch rat is threatening.
February 4, 2016 1:28 p.m.
KCisSICKnasty says... #14
The Bracers would definitely fit in nicely. Hatred is hmmmm. That's a weird add. Doesn't really mix with the "flavor" of the deck, but that is a very intriguing point you made. People DO just let little ones go by, expecting to take 1-2 damage. Any suggestions on what to drop?
February 4, 2016 3:30 p.m.
Neur0breed says... #15
I would pull Ashen Rider, it's mana cost is pretty high and you already have a pretty good amount of removal and I don't see much for recurring him over and over. I'm also a little confused by the Ashnod's Altar, I don't see any particular reason it is in the deck. Though, most of my assumptions are based on my group's meta which could be very different from yours.
Karlov of the Ghost Council might be a nice replacement for Ashen Rider it's cheaper for sure, and you'll probably get several uses out of it if your drain is online.
I wanted to point out too that Hatred can be used on other people's creatures, so even if your not in the best board state it can be a game changer by getting the person with Tainted Remedy out of the game using someone else's combat.
February 4, 2016 4:47 p.m.
KCisSICKnasty says... #16
Ashnod's Altar is just a really good sac outlet. Adding mana to my mana pool is a great plus. Also lets me really sink my mana into an Exsanguinate or the likes.
I'll test Karlov over the Rider and see what happens. (:
Point made even better. Just don't know exactly what to cut.
February 4, 2016 4:55 p.m.
Allianzler says... #17
Wow, very nice deck. I would suggest to removeViscera Seer(not the best deal to sac a creature for scy 1),Vish Kal, Blood Arbiter(too high cost)andWeathered Wayfarer(i'm not sure if this card is needed). And in return I would consider Bloodsoaked Champion(similar to Reassembling Skeleton),Victimize(return two big creaturs and sac one small like Reassembling Skeleton) and Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet (could perfectly replace Vish Kal, Blood Arbiter).
February 18, 2016 10:26 a.m.
KCisSICKnasty says... #18
I like your suggestions. I'm not going to drop Weathered Wayfarer simply because he's consistently useful. (grabbing choice lands is great) I'll drop Vish Kal and the Seer for Bloodsoaked and Kalitas. (: Thanks much for the upvote!
February 21, 2016 4:16 p.m.
Allianzler says... #19
Ohhh. I just didn't see that Weathered Wayfarer can tutor any Land and not only basics.=)
February 23, 2016 7:55 a.m.
Perfect_Phyrexia says... #21
have you tried Luminarch Ascension and / or Bloodchief Ascension since they both seem easy to activate here? Same with False Prophet and / or Mindslicer. Why no Kokusho, the Evening Star? SorinDankov :(
Nice Deck +1
March 16, 2016 10:16 a.m.
Perfect_Phyrexia says... #22
I forgot Edgewalker makes her free too. Grand Abolisher and Defense Grid stop blue players. Strands of Night, Diabolic Servitude, Whip of Erebos, and Oversold Cemetery are good reanimation spells. Have you tried Martial Coup?
March 16, 2016 10:27 a.m.
KCisSICKnasty says... #23
Thank you so much for the upvote! :D
I like all your suggestions and they all seem very solid! Any suggestions on what to drop? :O That's my only weakness. lol Idk what to cut. ;_;
March 16, 2016 10:38 a.m.
Perfect_Phyrexia says... #24
debtors knell and some of the pricier creatures i would think
March 16, 2016 11:07 a.m.
KCisSICKnasty says... #25
well, it's hard to decide on creatures. what would you drop Debtors' Knell for?
Sersorias says... #1
Nice take on Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim - +1 from me ;-)
Have you thought about Karlov of the Ghost Council? He works extremely fine with Ayli, yet you don't really want to sac him (on the other hand, he could become huge and thus grant you large amounts life!)...
January 11, 2016 3:11 p.m.