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How should a 100 card control deck work to do well at FNM?

I've always be interested in controlling the game either by ramping to large creature to lay the smack done or more recently controlling what they can do through removal. Or going back 10+ years, ramping to a massive Stream of Life or Fireball.

So this deck is I'm working on control as in controlling what my opp. can do by determining whether to allow spells to resolve or to allow the creature to resolve but to kill the creature/exile the creature once it is in play.

This summer I worked with a black/blue pseudo-control deck, it was very good at killing creatures in play and with Duress/Distress removing threats that Doomblade,Go for the Throat, Grasp of Darkness, Geth's Verdict, Tragic Slip, Multilate, Cower in Fear, some other means of causing death to the creatures. All of this was to buy time to gather enough mana to cast Army of the Damned, which I still like as a win-con but I'm looking to splashing Golgari Keyrunes or Golgari Guildgates with Chromatic Lanterns to get green to play Worldspine Wurm as the win-con though both would be acceptable or neither.

With this deck I'm looking to keep a lot of that creature removal still. However I'm going to add additional removal threats, since I had a horrible time dealing with artifacts or enchantments that either attacked me directly or allowed the opp.s creatures/spells to increase their attack against me. For these reasons I'm looking to build a Grixis Control deck or at least Grixis Control inspired deck.

The other important thing to note is that the metagame for standard constructed at my local FNM is such that a person with a 100 card deck, as I regularly play, can have a disadvantage that come with having a deck with more then 60 cards but also gains the advantage of having a massive library of options to deal with the board and can be often underestimated. This past summer my 100 card black/blue control/zombies deck regularly brought me to top 4 or better. Therefore, owing to my personal experience and that desire to maintain a large number of options I'll be building an 100 card deck. If while practicing I find that 100 is to large for consistency, I'm not opposed to trimming it but I do not foresee that eventuality.

I hope I can receive your help in designing this deck with an open mind towards the possibility of a 100 card deck be just as good or better then 60. While in my real life I love dealing with theoretical possibilities or ideals, I also lack the money/luck to acquire expensive rares. That being said, suggestions should not be limited by that as I may not need to acquire them or I'm in a position to easily/cheaply acquire them.

Thank you for time, your help, courtesy.

**Cards in my Mainboard are cards that I already have in hand. Cards in my Acquireboard are cards that I have ordered or otherwise have access to but are not in hand and may not be in hand on in time for FNM but I'll be build the deck as if they are part of it.


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I know that it needs more counterspells to be truelly premission, I just don't know which ones to include. I have Concels and a couple of Dissapates, but I don't know enough about running counterspells to know if these are what I should be looking to add.


Date added 12 years
Last updated 12 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

10 - 0 Mythic Rares

28 - 0 Rares

22 - 4 Uncommons

28 - 0 Commons

Cards 97
Avg. CMC 3.42
Tokens Assassin 1/1 B w/ Player Killer, Emblem Liliana of the Dark Realms, Zombie 2/2 B
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