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Maze's End Turbo-Fog (ft. New PW Kiora!)

Standard Control Five Color TurboFog



Enchantment (4)

Artifact (2)


Instant (1)

It appears I've discovered a trend, and that is that the decks with a high score tend to have a really long description, and sometimes even some completely off-topic observation at the beginning....

Concept is pretty simple:
1. Fog
2. Board Wipe
3. Win, i.e. laugh at their face

Creature (1) -

Fogs (17) - Druid's Deliverance , Defend the Hearth , Riot Control , AEtherize , and of course Fog itself (NOTE: Druids Deliverance can actually populate off of Assemble the Legion, so technically it's better to defend before delivering)

Planeswalkers (2) - Kiora, the Crashing Wave is the new PW from Born of the Gods, which I'm hoping will rock in this deck. I originally thought about Ral Zarek, but I decided not to include him BCuz I cant really protect him with my fogs. However, Kiora's an exception because she locks down a creature just by herself, and can also Explore. At the very least, she takes a target off my back for a turn.

Board Wipes (6) - Supreme Verdict is our standard board wipe, and Merciless Eviction hits gods & pw's)

Card Draw (4) - Urban Evolution speeds up your maze. Literally a Explore+Divination. Sphinx's Revelation isn't in here BCuz it isn't actually as great as in other control decks, after you've already spent usually 2+ mana for a fog and have your land come in tapped anyways

Life Gain (3) - Heroes' Reunion can act as a pseudo-fog in the early stages of the game. Sometimes, you just need that little extra bit of life to live past a Gray Merchant of Asphodel, which nothing else in the main deck stops.

Specific Removal (3) - the Detention Spheres are great at getting rid of pesky gods/planeswalkers.

Other Fun Stuff (1) - Love Assemble the Legion in here, wins games and helps with chump blocking, also isn't affected by board wipes (for the most part).

Sideboard (about 15?) - Crackling Perimeter is a great way to bypass Burning Earth /Pithing Needle naming Maze's End, should probably always side in. Wear / Tear for the same things. The Negates take care of Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver and other troublesome PWs. Essence Scatter counters gods and Garys. Pithing Needle on anything I can't get rid of any other way. Slaughter Games for their pw's and most especially their gray merchants.

Check out the standard deck I made and am currently borrowing below:

Mono black devotion splash blue

Standard Megustamanitee


I may eventually take out Kiora for Fated Retribution...

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PiN: before anybody asks, sol = smile out loud. I don't laff enuff.


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-3 Gatecreeper Vine
-1 Plains
+2 Kiora, the Crashing Wavefoil
+1 Urban Evolution
+1 Forest

With Kiora, the deck is no longer budget. If you're still trying for a budget version, reverse the above.


Date added 11 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 0 Mythic Rares

13 - 4 Rares

9 - 9 Uncommons

32 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.38
Tokens Soldier 1/1 RW
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