Temur Energy with a game-locking combo. Works quite well against brews and is capable of beating Tier 1.
Why does this work so well? It's a weird deck but boy does it snowball. It starts like Temur Energy, a nice reasonable midrange deck, but switches into overpowering engines by turn 4, and nobody runs sufficient answers to stop the engine.
Plan A:Woodweaver's Puzzleknot + Mechanized Production = every turn I gain 3-6 life and get 3-6 energy.
What to do with that energy?
Aetherworks Marvel = every turn I get a free activation.
Dynavolt Tower = zap something every turn.
Deadlock Trap = lock down big things that can't be zapped.
Harnessed Lightning = okay, zap the big things after all.
Whirler Rogue = make as many thopters as we need for the moment.
Baral's Expertise is for when things get slightly out of control, we reign it back in.
Plan B:Mechanized Production + Deadlock Trap.
More and more traps, and things keep getting tapped down.
Plan C:Aggro creatures and Dynavolt tower. Keep pinging them.
Aggro decks, we play blockers and removal. Eventually we get Mechanized Production or Marvel going and overpower them.
Control decks, we play attackers and our engine. If they hold up to counter a big play they get run over by creatures. If they tap out, we revolve our engine.
Combo, we have instant removal, Dynavolt, and can bring in counterspells.