Hatebear Estate Agency: We'll meddle you'll settle

Modern BoCaliv


Ryotenchi says... #1

Yeh do have a lot of spells for running Thalia, also shes a beast often.. o.O

Yeh should up your ghost quarter count by 2 so your at 22 lands.

Im not getting what your doing here, a lot of 2 ofs yeh cant rely on and nonbos. ;/

elpokitolama? Im like tired I might have to come back and look at this when Im not a zombie. (3 hours sleep-ish)

February 13, 2016 10:29 a.m.

elpokitolama says... #2

Ryotenchi yup', BoCaliv already asked for my help thought (well, you couldn't know it after all x') )

First of all, currently the meta is playing at sorcery speed, so I do not think the Abolisher could be of any help (especially since twin's ban). Also, if your opponent can't play spells in responses to yours, you've got to be able to do so: AEther Vial is a must... But unbudget as f*ck. x)

Playing the Isochron Scepter + Silence isn't of any good use here and looks pretty anti-synergic.

I would trade Remand for Mana Leak, and play some other hard counters like Essence Scatter/Remove Soul, Spell Pierce or Spell Snare too. But the leak is more important. Mana Tithe maybe, I've never used it but well, a counterspell is a counterspell. x)

Also, I would remove the Revelation and the needle from the mainboard, and going all-out on the land destruction by playing 4x Ghost Quarter 4x Leonin Arbiter and 2x Aven Mindcensor.

Since you've got quite an amount of noncreature spells, 2x Thalia seems to be the right number. Another 2 Meddling Mage can be super nice if you've got enough knowledge of the whole meta.

Cosi's Trickster and Kytheon, Hero of Akros  Flip instead of Student of Warfare maybe, 3 Trickster and 2 Kytheon may help you a lot in the current meta.

If you decide to play AEther Vial, I would play Imposing Sovereign instead of Blind Obedience.

Fianlly, get some Seachrome Coast, Mystic Gate and Hallowed Fountain to fix all this blue stuff. :p

That's pretty much everything for today, I may come back later with more suggestions (especially about the SB), maybe the other specialist of the deck (Ryo, who plays DnT and HB) will be back before I do. :p

February 13, 2016 12:26 p.m.

Ryotenchi says... #3

Elpo said more than I could of. ;3 All that is beutiful. I would def do the mana leaks, personally dont like limited hard counters though.


February 13, 2016 2:20 p.m.

BoCaliv says... #4

I've been making changes since I woke up. Tell me what you guys think so far. Hahah while making this I've slowly come to realize my Mono-White deck is completely useless in this new meta. Might as well sell it to fund the inevitable purchase of f*cking AEther Vial.

February 13, 2016 2:24 p.m. Edited.

Ryotenchi says... #5

Yeh Vial is just too good.. Its op even.. <3 it. ;3 Thats why its just rising.. and rising.. and rising.. -.-

February 13, 2016 11:54 p.m.

Ryotenchi says... #6

Ive been out of it lately since Im taking a break until windrazi isnt all ur meta r belong to us.. Looks fine, I normally would recommend not going so heavy on spells.. but having info on your opponents hand, card advantage and efficient ways to disrupt are problems with HB. So. Tweak as you feel necessary. ;P


February 14, 2016 2:07 a.m.

elpokitolama says... #7

Once you go Vial, you can never go back.

February 14, 2016 6:01 a.m.

2x Ghostly Prison out; 4x Vial in.

February 23, 2016 5:33 a.m.

BoCaliv says... #10

I finally said screw it, and put in the Vials.

February 23, 2016 1:28 p.m.

Have you considered Kor Firewalker in lieu of the a Paladin in your sideboard? Much more destructive to burn decks.

If you have the Paladin for the Prot-black, you might want to just consider 2 add'l Crusaders. The double strike is obviously highly relevant.

February 23, 2016 2:07 p.m.

BoCaliv says... #12

I personally just like the En-Vec in a burn matchup. Everyones already anticipating a Firewalker, so I like to have him as a personal touch. Swapping out the Birds for the Paladin and Forge Tender.

Another two Crusaders would be the better option for pro-black, but yeah it's just down to personal preference to stand out a little. The Student of Warfare does get to level 7 quite often, so I have another double-strike option there.

February 23, 2016 2:19 p.m.

I hear you; Paladin en-Vec has been one of my favorite cards since it was first printed and I looked for any reason not to cut it from my casual-ish White Weenie build. Obviously I'm on a bit of a different plan than what I'm recommending for you because my deck is Legacy-legal and has a pair of Umezawa's Jittes in it, but I think the operative principle is the same.

The biggest issue that I've found with Paladin vs. Firewalker against Burn decks is that most Burn decks are relatively creature-light; both the Firewalker and the Paladin are equally serviceable blockers against Goblin Guides or whatever else they might have, but it's the +1 life ability that proves most relevant when they're just aiming Bolts, etc. at your dome. I don't like the Forgetender for similar reasons; I'd much rather have something like Leyline of Sanctity that prevents them from aiming Burn directly at me--even if they manage to burn out a bunch of my creatures they probably won't be able to pressure me enough with their Goblin Guides and Lavamancers before I stabilize my board and win that way.

The other big issue is that the Burn deck can goldfish by about turn 4; depending on who's on the play the Firewalker could potentially save you 3 to 6 lifepoints over the Paladin since it comes down a turn quicker, typically negates 1/3 of any spell-based damage, and blocks at least one extra attack from a Guide.

February 23, 2016 4:04 p.m.

BoCaliv says... #14

Leyline definitely stops all shots to the face which is great. Just a little tricky considering the CMC, and I'f I don't get it on the draw. Thalia would make it hard to cast without letting my shield down entirely.

I may end up putting in the Firewalkers if my new local meta doesn't require pro-black. My usual local store moved so I have to play and see.

February 23, 2016 4:17 p.m.

Sooo... back to the raison d'etre of this deck... how well does it actually handle against Eldrazi Aggro?

February 23, 2016 4:43 p.m.

BoCaliv says... #16

If I'm on the play, and can probe to start it off usually the match-up is alright.

Eldrazi Mimic though is just murder.

Pretty much Meddling everything they have is my tactic, and hope for the best haha!

February 23, 2016 4:55 p.m. Edited.

Drayk says... #17

I feel like Reflector mage has a home here somewhere. That card screams hatebear and it's a solid dude to surprise your opponents with. Just a thought

February 26, 2016 6:40 a.m.

Ninjadude51 says... #19

Have you tested with putting in the coco with green splash? I know thats super bad for hatebears but it might be worth a try. You just gain so much value from it!

March 2, 2016 9:09 p.m.

BoCaliv says... #20

I already have a co-co themed Hatebear deck. There's a link to it in the bottom spoiler tag.

March 2, 2016 9:15 p.m.

What do you think about replacing Judge's Familiar with the new Mausoleum Wanderer? You've got a fair number of spirits and you can flash them in with AEther Vial to counter bigger spells when they don't expect it. Also bigger beats. Too hard on the mana? Cool build by the way and I think this is as good a home for Spell Queller as any. +1

July 8, 2016 10:38 p.m.

BoCaliv says... #22

Honestly it's a solid decision. It gets bigger because of the fair amount of spirits already in the build, and taxes spells even harder.

Thanks for the suggestion, should've spotted that myself, but I was sticking to the usual build for Azors Bears.

July 8, 2016 10:51 p.m.

forforforest says... #23

I play on mtgo with a B/W and an azor death and taxes deck(s), and this looks pretty good so far. I don't know your meta, but it seems to stop most of what we see currently. Maybe (MAYBE) a bit too many judges familiars, and for some reason no flickerwisps, but it looks good. +1

July 8, 2016 11:26 p.m.

BoCaliv says... #24

I'm just not a fan of the interactions with flickering in my hatebears. Also yeah... I did go a lil heavy on the familiars, but they'll be swapped with Moseuleom wanderers.

July 8, 2016 11:37 p.m.

elpokitolama says... #25

Started from the bottom, and now we're here I guess?

I really like the new additions to the deck: flash creatures are really great, and the protection Selfless soul gives is pretty neat too (even thought I think playtesting will be the only way to check if mainboarding it is really necessary). The only change I would do by now would just be switching one of the new Thalia to get a fourth old one mainboard. ;)

It's been a while I didn't change the deck I featured on my page, I guess it's time to do so! Also, here's a feature token that's been waiting for something like 3 months the be used in a useful way. C:

By the way, if and only if I ever finish that HB/DnT primer, since you've pretty much got the only interesting azorius list, you may as well be featured in the UW part.

July 9, 2016 7:11 a.m. Edited.

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