Medomai Of The Millions Of Turns

Standard* Wabbbit

SCORE: 198 | 164 COMMENTS | 26946 VIEWS | IN 53 FOLDERS

ElderSage says... #1

Well pardon me then, not that I expect a personal response everytime I comment, just like to see some feedback. The only reason I made an account on this site was to up my MTG IQ. I can understand running 4x Medomai the Ageless for consistency but at the same time your chances of dead drawing him go up as well, I guess it comes down to preference.

September 27, 2013 7:07 p.m.

Wabbbit says... #2

Yeah, I want to make sure that I get him EVERY SINGLE game preferably.

September 27, 2013 7:36 p.m.

oldmateazza says... #3

Please enlighten my ignorance. But what does Boros Charm do for Medomai the Ageless ? I cant see anything apart from making it indestructible?

September 27, 2013 8:53 p.m.

killkong1211 says... #4

Have you tried Teleportal in case of blocks?

September 27, 2013 8:58 p.m.

Wabbbit says... #5

Mainly giving him double strike. He will hit the opponent twice, thus giving me two turns instead of one.

September 27, 2013 8:59 p.m.

Wabbbit says... #6

That's what thassa's for, killkong1211 :P.

September 27, 2013 9 p.m.

oldmateazza says... #7

Oh i see. I didn't realise it triggered his ability like that. Nice!

September 27, 2013 9:53 p.m.

Stemii says... #8

I see that the magic community on this site can't see the forest through the trees. This combo deck is absolutely impossible to predict, and the consistency is so lacking that I can't even imagine that this ever works. Ok, to harsh. It works in solitaire. Good job you win the Magic the Gathering creative solitaire tournament. Still think AEtherling is the best win con for any control player hands down. How much do you see of Ral Zarek in competitive magic? How much did you see of Temporal Mastery ? Yet your deck gets pushed up by the community and liked through the roof. Congratulations.

September 28, 2013 1:20 a.m.

Itzmogz says... #9

Stemii Even though that was a bit harsh, not taking anything away from buffy I am really starting to notice that on this site. The more gimmicky, never win an FNM let alone real competitive tournament type of decks are what get the people going on here. It's kind of pushing me away as I play competitively and am aiming for PTQ and GP finishes. Alas, it's a fun looking combo deck though, but I can see right away a new Theros aggro deck would just run this over, 2 Supreme Verdict just won't cut it. Good job on all the votes! Cheers.

September 28, 2013 1:54 a.m.

killkong1211 says... #10

Haha, I always forget some ability on each god hahaha
Touche good sir, and carry on with your douchebaggery :P

September 28, 2013 6:02 a.m.

Ozsager says... #11

Stemii and Itzmogz you are right but the alternative is to see countless subtle variations of the same two or three decks. I don't assume that an upvote means the voter believes the deck will go undefeated at FNM let alone more competitive events. I assume it just means the person likes the deck for whatever reason.

September 28, 2013 7:26 a.m.

Wabbbit says... #12

Man, c'mon you guys, have some creativity! This deck is NOT MADE TO WIN! Get that in your head! I know it may surprise some of you that I don't have to win all the time, but I don't. I play this game to have fun, and this is what I enjoy creating. If you don't like please refrain from commenting! We don't need to hear why you think it's terrible.

September 28, 2013 10:32 a.m.

Wabbbit says... #13

I get a lot of these type of comments, and I must say I'm getting tired of them.

September 28, 2013 10:33 a.m.

Caboaddict says... #14

First. I agree with the comments about this site. There are plenty of places to find out the winning competitive decks.

Tappedout is a great place to share the crazier "what is he/she thinking" and OMFG what just happened to me decks.

That being said, I'm still rather new to magic and would have to say that I guess I'm still rather optimistic about deck performance when I see a grey combo setup well. Can some explain why this wouldn't be competitive (even at the FNM level)? Cause I think it looks fun and with a little more burn and control spells this deck has potential.

September 28, 2013 12:49 p.m.

Jacques says... #15

Stemii I think you need to chill. Have you noticed that every single R&D magic player that writes articles for WotC uses creative ideas? If you really want to win games every time, go with the same exact cookie cutter tournament deck that is seen all over the internet. TappedOut isn't for the posting of the same exact decks over and over. And if you eliminated every single deck on TappedOut that had a new innovative and creative idea, I can assure you that it would be left with those exact same archetypes that we all know by memory. "Boros Aggro", "Dimir Mill", "White Lifegain".

TappedOut is visited BECAUSE people on this site want to see new ideas. And as for it not working at the highest level of competitiveness, who cares? If you go to the highest level of tournaments, you will not be seeing many variations. Someone is running red? Boros Reckoner is a must. Lifegain? Archangel of Thune please!

We all know what the best cards are, but clearly you are not a Johnny. You are a Spike, and we can all tell. MTG would have gone bankrupt if not a single player said, "Hey! This card and this card makes this awesome combo, I'm going to build a deck around this!"

TL;DR: Magic is meant to be creative, not cookie cutter decks.

September 28, 2013 1:11 p.m.

Stemii says... #16

I have made plenty of creative decks on this site that don't meet the cookie cutter mold. And contrary to the replies on this post I buy the cards and try them at FNM to have fun. So if anyone has the credibility to comment on something that won't actually work it wold be me. I didn't bash buffy I simply tried to direct some real criticism. Deck lists should be designed for fun with creativity. But, they should actually stand a chance at having that creativity providing a result. So to people who ask why I feel this deck isn't competitive it is very simple. In order for a combo deck to work and be competitive it must be able to subtly build to an end result with out complications and provide the means to firmly create the condition for the combo in-game. Take the Angel of Glory's Rise , Human-Reanimator combo from last standard season. Or Boros Reckoner infinite life combos which we saw last standard season. Both saw competitive results. This gimmick list is being over liked and that is my problem. Being a creative deck builder on this site for over two years with multiple decks, even a Young Pyromancer deck I almost top eighted with at recent PTQ doesn't get this kind of love. So yes. This site is frustrating.

September 28, 2013 3:09 p.m.

Stemii says... #17

I am a Johnny. See my most recent build Everything Rides on This, which I will be building and taking to my FNM to compete. A Johnny who has found a combo that makes Devour Flesh more appealing with Erebos, God of the Dead . And my deck could actually compete to provide competitive results. How many likes does it have? I don't care I still do what I do on here. Point made.

September 28, 2013 3:22 p.m.

Wabbbit says... #18

Feature the thing. So your mad about the upvotes. I have lots of creative decks, some of which get upvoted lots, some of which (equally fun) get not single one. Does anyone know what makes people like a deck? I don't.

September 28, 2013 3:57 p.m.

Wabbbit says... #19

I also disagree. You obviously have spike tendencies, do to this part in your comment: "Deck lists should be designed for fun with creativity. But, they should actually stand a chance at having that creativity providing a result." I don't agree. If someone wants to build a deck that is fun but won't be competitive, good for them! Decks don't have to win!

September 28, 2013 3:59 p.m.

Stemii says... #20

I am not mad buffy. I appreciate what you are doing here. I don't make my decks for the like votes. I am frustrated to understand what makes people go bonkers with likes just as much as you. I simply don't understand why a deck which needs a more consistent win condition is so pushed up by the tappedout community

September 28, 2013 4:01 p.m.

Smaug1007 says... #21

Stemii Is correct here kind of. I am not saying that your deck isnt good but it is very dependent on getting your combo. You can make a deck that gets 300 Upvotes being made of only swamps. Your deck is very specific and if you dont get your combo your screwed. If your opponent is running control you lose. You should try to make your deck be able to win without that combo. Sorry for the Rant :P

September 28, 2013 4:57 p.m.

sk00kes says... #22

People who make blanket statements on here are really lame. Taking extra turns is a thing, if you can't handle it, just Time Walk away...

September 28, 2013 8:32 p.m.

Stemii says... #23

Taking extra turns is "a thing". If you can do it effectively, like pay two mana and do it. You're cute little statement doesn't change the facts. Magic is a fun game about doing neat things with combinations of spells. This deck would not be fun because the combo would happen once every 30 matches and the rest of the time you would be getting curb stomped be more consistent decks. Which is not fun. Keep having fun. Or make a fun deck that actually does stuff. I could care less. buffy needed constructive criticism, not a bunch of cheek pinches. Being cute is fun in Chandra look-a-like contest, not in deck building.

This Johnny still likes to win and I will do so in my own creative way.

September 28, 2013 10:09 p.m.

Wabbbit says... #24

Okay, so lets settle this little argument and I clear away the comments and I don't want to hear from it again:

  • Myself and Stemii seem to (maybe not) have a slight disagreement on what is fun.

  • Neither of us understand what makes a deck get more upvoted then another, other then maybe that I featured mine.

So lets forget about this, haha. We can agree to disagree.

September 28, 2013 10:29 p.m.

sk00kes says... #25

Another card to consider would be Quicken . i ran a deck using Hypersonic Dragon and there are a small handful of sorceries that are much more powerful at instant speed. An overloaded Mizzium Mortars is one of them. Board wiping on your opponents attack phase gives them frowny faces real quick. i would recommend just one, would make for a good wild card... Cheers!

September 29, 2013 11:45 a.m.

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