The only problem with this is you could kill your opponent before getting all those extra turns. +1
September 30, 2013 7:15 p.m.
have you ever though of using Strionic Resonator on aurelia too? :D +1
September 30, 2013 10:26 p.m.
CosmicTurban says... #4
JEEZ! Here I was thinking I was being innovative with a new idea, but somebody already thought of it :( I had the same idea to use Medomai and Aurelia so I made a decklist with the same concept. Hold On, I'm Not Done is my version. I was wondering why nobody cared, but I guess it's because it was nothing new.
Still, some of the combos I used are different and may be worth checking out. I know this deck gave me some new ideas.
October 1, 2013 2:40 a.m.
in the main board that is. In place of Jace, Memory Adept.
October 1, 2013 12:42 p.m.
Well, I have gone through this quite a bit. Jace is a lot more fun to play, and he's another win con, especially with extra turns.
October 1, 2013 1:04 p.m.
Well I'm never one to criticize someone for playing a different card because it's more fun. That's what gives decks style. ;) But I do think it's weird you find milling someone ten cards a turn is more fun than ultimating Ral Zarek, I mean SO MANY coin flips! But hey it's your fun not my fun. :P Still a great deck and has my +1.
October 1, 2013 1:54 p.m.
timckmorse says... #9
hey buffy, quick question. How would you generate millions of turns? Sorry if I'm slow at processing this. But wouldn't you only get like two extra turns, maybe 3? You attack with both Medomai and Aurelia. You get to untap them and attack again. Then you can tap that Resonator artifact and copy Medomais ability. So you'd get 3 turns...right? Or can you explain this more in depth please?
October 1, 2013 8:23 p.m.
You can have more than one Strionic Resonator out at once...
October 1, 2013 8:32 p.m.
Ince_Velus says... #11
it is just a don't actually get a million turns...also...HOLY CRAP BUFFY DTOP STEALIN ALL THE DECK SLOTS :P kidding sir, but seriously....stop xD
October 1, 2013 8:39 p.m.
GureiSeion says... #12
If I'm not mistaken, this sucker's the first honorable mention on the most recent ReConstructed article. Nice!
October 9, 2013 4:56 a.m.
Wolfinsteen says... #14
Assemble the Legion If you assemble the Legion, extra turns grant you many soldiers to attack with twice. :)Also, have you considered Gideon? He is nice if you can't prevent all of their creatures.In my version of the deck, its more counters and less kill spells. I also play one Daxis main board, because it's a nice way to gain life. Clone is also another nice way to go for stalling and scaring them into holding their attacks.
October 9, 2013 8:39 p.m.
You may want to round out your mana a bit better. You have more blue then red or white and you have the least blue mana in your deck.
October 9, 2013 8:42 p.m.
@ElderSage: my land has actually never given me any trouble, so I'm not even going to touch it for fear of ruining that magic mix :P.
@Wolfinsteen: Assemble the Legion is a little too much mana, and takes up a slot that I don't really feel I need :P. And sadly, Clone has rotated out of standard :/.
October 9, 2013 11:22 p.m.
Wolfinsteen says... #17
Clone is M14 Standard. Also Gideon is just a fun card. And I thought of playing Clone and copying your medomai, then killing the already existing medomai, and attacking with that. However, I would have to check the ruling on that as to whether or not the cloned medomai can attack, or if no medomai can attack on extra turns. Silence also is fun. Not trying to change your deck, just trying to tell you what I think is fun.
October 13, 2013 11:16 p.m.
Have you thought about syncopate or chained to the rocks?
November 6, 2013 5:44 a.m.
Not 100% sure, but wouldn't the following give you 12 turns and 36 combat phases:(Assuming you have the resources to pull all this off)
T1: Medomai the Ageless +Boros Charm /Fireshrieker +Strionic Resonator Aurelia, the Warleader +Strionic Resonator => 2x more Medomai the Ageless +Boros Charm /Fireshrieker +Strionic Resonator
T2: Aurelia, the Warleader +Strionic Resonator
T3: "" etc
I was thinking of something like this, but I wasn't sure if it was possible.Anyway +1 from me.
November 6, 2013 6:03 a.m.
Gods willing from theros does really well. And I was thinking storm breath dragon might be neat in here too side or main. Daxos also is pretty useful. I was playing mono red and and daxos triggering into storm breath is just hilarious or big boros hitting into fanatics is awesome.
November 11, 2013 1:07 a.m.
ChrisHansonBiomancin says... #21
Hey don't know if you're still playing this, but if you are, Detention Sphere should definitely be in this deck for the possible combo with Strionic Resonator , and perhaps Chained to the Rocks as well. I am abusing both in more more midrange American deck, Uncle Sam's Resonations. As someone else mentioned, Assemble the Legion would also be awesome here with both the Resonator and the extra turns.
Also, since you're running boardwipes, you might find that Chromatic Lantern is better in a lot of ways than Warden of Evos Isle . Likewise, some regular draw power like Divination would probably be an upgrade over Omenspeaker . Turning on Thassa seems unlikely here, and I'm guessing its main purpose is for Scrying, so giving up some Devotion should help you get to your turns-for-days goal.
November 29, 2013 6:04 a.m.
Um... has anyone actually used this in a tournament? If you read the wording of Medomai, semantics dictates that none of this would work. Here's why:
"Whenever Medomai the Ageless deals combat damage to a player, take an extra turn after this one.Medomai the Ageless cannot attack during extra turns."
Okay, for the simplest way to get extra turns, deal damage with Medomai then play a second Medomai during the second main phase. You then end turn, untap your lands, draw, and swing again, and take another turn, except for the wording on that last sentence...
That second turn is an "extra turn" and the second Medomai the Ageless has text stating that it CANNOT ATTACK DURING EXTRA TURNS. Not "extra turns gained this way, but ANY EXTRA TURN gained in ANY WAY." Including the "EXTRA TURNS" gained by ultimating Ral Zarek.
So, comboing Medomai with herself is impossible, comboing her with Zarek is also impossible.
Double-Strike and Aurelia, sorry, doesn't work because of the "...take an extra turn after this one." Well, if you do damage to a player with her twice in one turn (as those cards would do) that means that the 2nd extra turn you would have to be taken simultaneously with the first extra turn, which is impossible, so that second extra turn fizzles because it is not successive to the turn in which it was granted.
Lastly, Strionic Resonator wouldn't work either, because it is also triggering the ability twice, as though Medomai were causing damage twice, but with only one damage calculation.
Now, if Wizards had intended you to be able to string together three or four extra turns in a row (like you can get with Zarek) they would have worded it...
When Medomai the Ageless deals combat damage to a player you are granted an extra turn.Medomai the Ageless cannot attack during extra turns granted this way.
That would allow a Zarek combo. (Imagine winning five coin flips, getting five turns, attacking each turn with Medomai, getting 5 extra turns on top of that, plus your initial turn!) That's eleven turns with Medomai swinging for 4 each turn, plus whatever else you have on the field.
December 10, 2013 7:19 a.m.
Now, if you wanted to get three turns out of Medomai you could play Flesh//Blood (Flesh//Blood) on the extra turn.Can't figure out how to get it to link fused cards...
Target creature you control deals damage equal to its power to target creature or player.
That would grant a turn 3 because it would trigger "take an extra turn after this one" on a separate turn.
December 10, 2013 8:56 a.m.
Unfortunately, you'll have to cite some discussion pages or rulings for that to be valid. And Flesh//Blood (it takes two slashes between the words to link) doesn't deal combat damage, which Medomai needs. So the card is good for four damage, but no more, including extra turns.
December 10, 2013 5:26 p.m.
white-dragon says... #25
if u add in Stolen Identity and Aqueous Form on Medomai the Ageless you can use Stolen Identity to copy Aurelia, the Warleader destroy the original attack with the clone for a 3rd combat phase rinse and repeat. by doing so unless they can somehow not die from the combat phases you get as many turns as you want.
Wabbbit says... #1
Wow, that could actually be pretty funny. I'll try to squeeze one in.
September 29, 2013 12:05 p.m.