
to start off, i kept a few legendaries worth using as commanders in here in case you just cant bruna. daxos has better situational defence, gwafa is an amazing comander blocker, and medomai can lead to some very impresive moments after massive self mill with Mirror-Mad Phantasm and Cantivore .daxos of meletisgwafa hazid, profiteermedomai the ageless

on the topic of the deck itself, typically you pour extra mana into a few creatures that are well able to protect themselves, sometimes however the do it for you, Ajani's Chosen is good on its own right, most of the angels are great. Academy Researchers is a great card, best when it comes out as a 4/4 flyer, but normally always has atleast a decent target. Cantivore is an all star late game, if they actually killed bruna, and there aren't 10 enchantments in the grave, somethings really wrong.

we also have a lot of angel/changlings, in this deck we have a few cards that make angels great, defy death is a favorite as it brings back any changling or angel with 2 permanent counters. Call to the Kindred also makes your few creatures just about always useful. Mothdust Changeling may seem pretty bad, its just chump blocking material, right? its what i use to tutor out any creature in my deck.

most of the enchantments are self explanatory, the things in my acquireboard are just some cards that i could use, but didn't get at the time, considering that auratog's sacrifice effect triggers ordeals... Eldrazi Conscription is just another reason i like Mindshrieker , phantasm is also good for canning it ASAP.

for the maybe board, thats just a pile of cards that i could use and might need, but havent tested yet. Corrupted Conscience might turn into an all star, since it turns bruna into a 2 hit killer and can take enemy creatures for nearly the same effect. bonus points if you use it on a Blightsteel Colossus .

i am looking forward to feed back, but note that i honestly cannot afford a fancy mana base. further more, i might need to fix it a bit since i only counted about 27 lands.


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Date added 11 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 0 Mythic Rares

27 - 0 Rares

20 - 0 Uncommons

19 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.37
Tokens Cat 2/2 W, Spirit 1/1 W
Folders EDH test decks, +1 Budget
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