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Meet the Dino that Cheats Spells [RIX]

Standard* Cruel Control Primer Theme/Gimmick UBR (Grixis)



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This is my newest project based on this mighty elder dinosaur above. This reminds me of my former deck: Narset Cheating Spells wherein you can cheat spells for free. Unlike Narset, it doesn't have hexproof or even a first strike and it cannot cheat more than two spells per attack but it can cheat up to two spells at the most for each player and steals my opponent's precious spells. This time, I'm using Grixis colors (RUB) because these colors have the most offensive spells which this deck needs. Without further ado, lets break it out:

  • Torrential Gearhulk - this creature is a must in any control based decks. aside from using it to buyback spells, it is used to defend and answer any threats that our dear dinosaur will face.

Other creature that I considered:

  • Bloodwater Entity - this small creature can help you setup the spell that you want to cheat from the graveyard. Also, it has prowess which makes it better with your low cost spells...but it requires to survive most removal spells (duh as always) and it requires some good setup like Cathartic Reunion to place the good spells in the graveyard. Also, it can delay your card draw when you return a spell on the top of your library then on your next turn you can't use that spell anymore. Still, you can use this creature if you can't afford to buy Torrential Gearhulk
  • Fatal Push - our early to mid game answers to small creatures. Thanks to Evolving Wilds and Scavenger Grounds, we can usually trigger revolt.

  • Harnessed Lightning and Lightning Bolt - are your another answers to small creatures specially these pesky ramunap reds and these uprising merfolks.

  • Doomfall - Any modal spells like this are very good spells to cheat and this card is no exception. It can exile a creature and disrupt your opponent's hand. Originally, this slot is reserved for Disallow but you don't like disallow to be exiled by our dear dino in worst situations...well probably when we managed to exile a spell that we can use and your opponent tries to counter it.

  • Supreme Will - this is another model spell that is flexible and it doesn't conflict with etali that much. It can dig for more spells and it can counter spells which you can use to defend against our dear dinosaur's opponents.

  • Glimmer of Genius - card advantage, nuff said.

  • Insidious Will - I will give this card a chance to shine in this deck. This is another modal card that can change the course of the game. It can simply counter spells, it can redirect other spells and it can copy spells which is nice in our deck full of offensive spells.

  • Commit - another flexible spell that interrupts tempo as well as interrupt graveyard shenanigans. Some notes on this card: If Etali cheats this card, you can choose either side of the card. If you use Torrential Gearhulk to flashback this card, you can also choose either sides of the card.

  • Vraska's Contempt - the best answer to gods and planeswalkers - yes you The Scarab God and Hazoret the Fervent

  • Hour of Devastation - our only boardwipe against swarms of creatures...and these indestructible gods and planeswalkers. I also thought of Baral's Expertise for more shenanigans and even Bontu's Last Reckoning. Well it might be changed as weeks go by. What's important is we need at least a sweeper if in case these creatures will try to overrun you.

  • Search for Azcanta   - it helps you dig for more spells to sling against our opponents. That's all it is.

  • Nicol Bolas, God-Pharaoh - he is your another wincon if all else fails. I guess any grixis control based decks should have this...as well as annoying temur energy decks.

These are my sideboards based on my local and regional metagame [btw im in Japan lol]. You can always change the lists depending on your metagame.

Again a +1, comments, suggestions and constructive criticisms are welcome. Please leave a comment here to improve this deck more and I really need your help too!

For more shenanigan decks I have, you may click any of the links below:

Behold These InGlorious Bastards Reloaded [RIX]

Standard usurphling


Keep Cascading and Flashing with Rashmi [RIX]

Standard* usurphling



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Added sideboards that I used last FNM.

Round 1 RB aggro: Win 2-1

First round he outpaced me with small creatures and hazoret. Second round, I had great answers against his spells. A timely Doomfall disrupted him to cast spells freely plus I boardwipe his hazoret and countered his Angrath, the Flame-Chained. Eventually he got exhausted because he doesn't have answers. Third game he got mana screwed and eventually cast my dear dinosaur and beat him down to win.

Round 2 Modified Bant Approach by Jim Davis: Win 2-1

First game he got it by casting Approach of the Second Sun but it took 3 counterspells to make it resolve. Second game I got Lost Legacy and stripped his wincons and eventually win. Third game well he decided to scoop because we have no time to finish the game and I got more board presence than him.

Round 3 RG Dinos: Lost 1-2

These dinosaurs are pain unless you answer their threats early game. Once i see Ghalta, Primal Hunger and I have no answers, im done.

Overall, this deck is promising and I probably do some tweaks as standard season goes by. I think ill stick with this deck for a while. As always, your comments and suggestions are always welcome.


So I removed 1 copy of dark intimidations because Its too fancy for me while I replaced it with another copy of Doomfall because it can exile threats that prevent me from winning. Although the former gives a lot of utility, its mana cost prevents it to do so. Do you guys agree with that changes? Let me know my dropping comments and suggestions below thanks!


Revision 3 See all

(7 years ago)

+2 Abrade side
-1 Dark Intimations main
+1 Doomfall main
+2 Duress side
+1 Gonti, Lord of Luxury side
+2 Lost Legacy side
+1 Metallurgic Summonings side
+3 Negate side
+1 Nezahal, Primal Tide side
+1 Pull from Tomorrow side
+2 Sweltering Suns side
Top Ranked
  • Achieved #29 position overall 7 years ago
Date added 7 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

1 - 1 Mythic Rares

26 - 7 Rares

19 - 0 Uncommons

5 - 7 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.71
Tokens Construct */* C, Energy Reserve
Folders Grixis Pirates, RIX
Ignored suggestions
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