
"One shudders to think what inhuman thoughts lie behind that mask" - the Spy
For those of you who know what Team Fortress 2 is, and who the spy is, I need not explain this. For those of you who don't, however, I probably should, as an ASCII art frenchguy in a ski mask is probably not the best way to introduce a crazy deck.
Team Fortress 2 is a class based FPS, made sometime in the 2000s. In it, the most mysterious character, the Pyro, is always shown as wearing a mask. In the official video series in which they introduce the characters, the clear, most awesome, character is the Pyro. This is because, after the Spy's comment pertaining to his thoughts, we see that the Pyro is actually totally crazy, as he views the world as a sort of rainbowland, in which instead of killing people, he is blowing bubbles or giving them lollipops (or the like).
So, basically, I have the same wierd, warped vision of the Pyro in thinking that this deck might work.
Have you always wanted to never follow the conventional? What about be predictable? I, for one, have never been that way. My first few decks were Eggs, this one, and Mono Green Midrange.Yes, that exists.
Some tricks and tips:
Always remember, as long as you have a Goryo's Vengeance and Narset, Enlightened Master or Griselbrand, you don't have to worry about discarding them. Just take the draw and don't play anything, just discard them at your end step.
Savage Beating isn't just any extra attack card, you can also use the entwine to give your creatures double strike!
Noxious Revival is amazing. It's a swiss army knife, it can go anti-hand-disruption, anti-control, draw you extra cards if you put a Faithless Looting on top, repeat attacks if you put an extra attack card on top and finally it can be used, in a pinch, as mainboard graveyard hate or anti graveyard hate (no more pesky Relic of Progenitus exiling your one Griselbrand). I'm probably going up to four of them soon.
Card Choices:
Through the Breach
For getting Griselbrand out with Narset attacking already, it'll help you get some gas if you run out of repeat attack cards. Narset and Griselbrand together is pretty much insta-game.
Noxious Revival
Swiss Army knife! As said in Tips and Tricks section!
Enter the Infinite
Wins off Narset, look at section below!
Izzet Charm
Two draw, two discard, mainboard control hate, mainboard all purpose damage. Usually handy!
Enter the Infinite off Narset draws you your library, and then puts a Through the Breach on top. If you don't already have a repeat attack spell from Narset, do
Fury of the Horde
, which will play the Through the Breach, getting a GB on the battlefield, and then you just
Fury of the Horde
as many more times as you need. Obviously, you see that if you have already used your
Fury of the Horde
s, you won't be able to attack, so just make sure you haven't before you do that.
Also, obviously, all it takes is 2
Fury of the Horde
off GB to swing for 21, so just winning by damage is probable. Narset only swings for three, but she is a lot easier to get to attack. Both of them can use Noxious Revival, because once you cast either extra attack card, you can put it on top, even at instant speed.
In this deck, you see Pull from Eternity in the sideboard. This may not be an obvious choice, it is simply there because it is perfect against graveyard hate. Number one, if we exile a Griselbrand through, say, Narset, Enlightened Master. we can get it back. Also, if somebody Relic of Progenituses our graveyard, we can take back Griselbrand at instant speed. The only reason I'm playing this over other anti graveyard hate is because of that dual functionality, at one mana, instant speed.
Leyline of Sanctity is an amazingly powerful card. It causes some decks to concede on turn 0, other times it stops hand disruption. It is basically impossible not to play four.
Spellskite, yet again, is another card that hurts or totally ruins many decks. Infect, Twins, etc., and as a 0/4 blocker for 2, it isn't terrible at all! It's on the same level as leyline.
Pact of Negation is the most controversial card on here, and I am playing four of them. The reason this is is because when this deck plays control, it works entirely differently. Instead of going off as fast as possible (Unless your opponent only has one mana open), due to the prevalence of Remand, this deck is not safe, even on turn two. Keeping in mind the not-so-guaranteed nature of the combo, instead of going off fast and keeping a pact in hand, we wait, until we have the mana to pay at least one pact plus a Goryo's Vengeance plus an Izzet Charm, hopefully. Or we just wait until they foolishly tap out, which doesn't happen often, and massacre them quickly.
Finally, Noxious Revival. It is basically, as said above, the swiss army knife. Scroll up if you haven't read it.
Please Upvote this deck if you think it is awesome, and comment telling me some suggestions! I'm currently looking for ways to deal with aggro! (Lifegain, etc)