Mega-Temurphifest Mystery

Standard* RandumbDude


Nilock says... #1

Wow, Thanks for coping my deck

January 5, 2015 10:07 a.m.

RandumbDude says... #2

I haven't seen your deck until just now, and there's plenty of differences between them. The idea of a manifest/morph deck honestly isn't that original, and if you think you are the only person to come up with "manifest destiny" theme then you are wrong.

January 5, 2015 10:27 a.m.

Temur Sabertooth- bounce, which is always nice is a deck this creature-heavy. Also, it gets indestructible when it bounces something which is just lovely. Unfortunately not in TO base yet.

Temur War Shaman- removal for those pesky fatties like Butcher of the Horde or Siege Rhino.

Trail of Mystery- Ramp like crazy, and the buff meshes well with Temur War Shaman when flipping stuff like your Rattleclaw Mystics.

Pine Walker- untapping is nice, and it's a 5/5.

January 8, 2015 2:24 p.m.

RandumbDude says... #4

@misterbiscuitbarrel Thank you for the recommendations, i've thought of these before, here are my thoughts.

Temur Sabertooth- Love it, just waiting for TO to include it.

Temur War Shaman- Couldn't find room for it in the mainboard, possibly a sideboard. However, he has an ETB effect, which I do not believe can be triggered if he gets manifested.

Trail of Mystery originally ran 4, very good for filtering out lands, might add some back in, but it just felt too clunky running 4 of this and Secret Plans. I will try and find a good balance once FRF comes out.

Pine Walker Is just too average in my opinion, might make a good substitute if you are missing other creatures.

I might rework the list soon, probably to remove Sagu Mauler and maybe change the amount of Secret Plans.

January 8, 2015 2:52 p.m.

selith69 says... #5

Interesting deck 8D My only question is what purpose (besides the obvious Manifest) is Jeskai Infiltrator serving? I mean, how often do you plan on having him and only him on the board at any given time? Don't get me wrong though, I really dig the card and have a feeling its going to be rather useful in some way - eventually.

January 15, 2015 12:31 a.m.

RandumbDude says... #6

@selith69 Thanks for the comment! As for Jeskai Infiltrator, he is definitely only in here for the flavor. I could make an argument that he is good support if my board gets wiped, since he can easily help fill it up, but to be honest he is only in here for fun. The main idea is to get him manifested from the top of my deck, rather than play him by hand. With all that said, 4x Jeskai Infiltrator is probably way too much in this sort of deck, and he's been on the chopping block for a while.

January 15, 2015 2:02 a.m.

RandumbDude says... #7

Swapped out 2x Jeskai Infiltrator for 2x Kheru Spellsnatcher for now. I might try to incorporate Cloudform but don't want too many noncreature spells. Most likely I would have to squeeze in Temur Sabertooth to bounce them back.

January 15, 2015 2:09 a.m.

realmwalker says... #8

March 13, 2015 2:29 p.m.

RandumbDude says... #9

@realmwalker, the old version included Secret Plans, but I feel that the +0/+1 is not enough to avoid most removal/wipes. The card draw was good, but not enough to justify running more enchantments when I already have obscuring aether and Trail of Mystery.

Shaman of the Great Hunt basically does everything that secret plans does, but better.

This is a shame because I really do like secret plans, and would definitely run it if it gave +0/+2 or +1/+1. I might add them back in eventually, but I just don't see enough room for them until I can test the DTK cards.

March 13, 2015 2:52 p.m.

RandumbDude says... #10

Added in 4x Secret Plans for now, the +1 in the back will help against Drown in Sorrow which is seeing a lot more play than I thought.

March 21, 2015 12:24 p.m.

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