Created originally by: Dad
Modified sideboard: TomeOfArms
In a multiplayer game of 10 people I managed to knock out 7 of the remaining people in one turn thanks to this deck. Thanks Dad for letting me borrow it without permission.
Now, in case you haven't noticed, the deck is about discard, which gives the automatic advantage of them not being able to play what they want.
knocks off 3 life and forces them to discard cards. Paired with either Megrim or Liliana's Caress means those two cards kill their life point total by four. So with 3 mana you just dealt 7 damage and got rid of two cards. with the continuous stacking of Megrims and Liliana's Caresses, the damage keeps stacking. The Lightning Bolts are more for creature control, but can deal direct damage as an added bonus.
and Vampire Nighthawk are great deterrents and blockers for this deck. Nyx is a potential 7/7 for 3, and that makes opponents choose between keeping the card in hand to lower his power, or play it in hopes that it doesn't attack. Everyone knows why the Nighthawk is great. The Specter is great for damage and deterring, not to mention the discard function is just furthering the deck.
Burning Inquiry is the card that really messes everyone up hugely. With two of either enchantment on the field, it automatically deals 12 damage to the opponent, which usually spells death when you play this card. the potential damage for this card with all enchantments on the field is 48 for 1 mana. But realistically you'll be doing more likely closer to 12.
Sign in Blood and Diabolic Tutor are really only there for when you need the specific card or you need to increase your draw function, because otherwise there is no real use for them.
Pros with this deck is that it can deal with creature and control decks extremely well, considering everything that a control deck stands for, as the discarding forces your opponent to get rid of creatures, counters, or the lands to play them with. The cons are that in a multiplayer game, if someone knows the deck, you'll most likely be the target early on, or if you're against a token overwhelm deck, which means there is too many creatures attacking that you can't deal with.