

A RW budget vehicles deck with a name I regretted making. I'll explain every card and why are they included because I'm bored and wanted to make a write-up:


  • Aradara Express: Due to its Menace ability that's useful for baiting enemy creatures. It pays off for its price and crew cost. All-rounder.

  • Ballista Charger : An artifact that has a weird gimmick. Sadly, the only thing I've found use for its abilitiy is to destroy an enemy card:Servo. Worthless compared to Aradara Express (that has 8/6 + Menace vs. 6/6 + 1 guaranteed damage). I'd suggest swapping this to Irontread Crusher but I'm still gonna include this.

  • Consulate Dreadnought: A very useful card for both offense and defense. I'll explain more about this later. All-rounder.

  • Cultivator's Caravan: Adding mana is crucial especially to a vehicle deck. The only con here and I think is a major one is the fact that the time when you use it and it got destroyed, that's equivalent to losing a land.

  • Fleetwheel Cruiser: Can attack the moment it enters the battlefield.

  • Irontread Crusher : 2lazy2writethisdown.

  • Peacewalker Colossus: This card must be included in this deck. It has an ability to crew vehicles in exchange for mana. Must-have.

  • Untethered Express: I should've changed this to the Renegade Express but since adding a +1 counter every time it attacks is worth it in my opinion, still you can swap for it.






Cards I've considered:

  • Renegade Wheelsmith : It has a useful ability that the moment when it becomes tapped (crewed, in this case), you can declare an enemy creature to not block on the attack. Sadly, mana cost and a weak ability would make him sub par in this deck (or any deck imo).

  • Reckless Racer : Same as the one above except with an even worse gimmick that the Smuggler's Copter can do with ease before it got banned.

  • Aerial Modification : Costs more mana than Siege Modification and less effective. Who would even add this to a deck if you can have Aeronaut Admiral that is effectively better and costs less mana?

  • Demolition Stomper : If somebody told a vehicles deck is weak, then they're right. Add this if 1) You're playing against a populate deck (it's not even good against it), 2) You want to try something new. Otherwise, use this as a bookmark.

Post Script:

  • You have the full rights to experiment this deck by adding/changing/swapping creatures/artifacts/spells as noted here.

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Another important deck announcement:

Our signature company vehicle, Aradara Express, will sadly reveal a departure due to its 5 colorless mana cost.

The total lands in this deck are only 20 and having 5 of them in a battlefield at once will eat up 1/4 of the entire land cards. Due to this, it has to be replaced with something that costs less mana.

The ideal replacement at this scenario would be the Cultivator's Caravan as it gives mana and costs only 3 colorless mana to cast.

Sadly, the Aradara Express will not fit in the sideboard due to cost. It would be replaced by the Fleetwheel Cruiser as it would be more effective to have a 5/3 creature with haste and trample than to wait for a train.

EDIT: Also changing the Featured Card to the overrated Siege Modification as almost all vehicles deck in tappedout has it. I will also add (T4 Win) to be more clickbait.


Date added 8 years
Last updated 7 years
Key combos

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

1 - 0 Mythic Rares

17 - 4 Rares

14 - 4 Uncommons

8 - 7 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.44
Tokens Thopter 1/1 C
Folders budget, Vehicles, budget decks, AER, Standard ideas, Andres decks, Deck Ideas, Decks I wanna try, Budget, Budget
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