
Commander / EDH outofnothing0


outofnothing0 says... #3

He has been rebuilt! Muhahaha

August 12, 2016 1:30 p.m.

ComboCrazy says... #4

I used to have a Memnarch deck! Some great cards to run in this build that I noticed you didn't have include Deadeye Navigator(with palinchron), Peregrine Drake(with deadeye), Training Grounds, Phantasmal Image(with palinchron), Muddle the Mixture, Drift of Phantasms, Trophy Mage, Trinket Mage, Pili-Pala + Grand Architect, and Aphetto Alchemist(with bracers).

Solid build! I'd suggest just generally shifting away from the toolbox theme you've got going here, and go either towards hardcore control or combo devotion.

January 30, 2017 7:54 p.m.

ComboCrazy says... #5

Whoops you already have Training Grounds, I missed it. My bad!

January 30, 2017 7:59 p.m.

outofnothing0 says... #6

@ComboCrazy: I don't feel like I have enough creatures with ETB abilities to make Deadeye Navigator viable... there's no sense running it just in hopes that I draw it at the same time as Palinchron. I usually like my combo pieces to have independent functionality and I feel like Deadeye Navigator and Phantasmal Image are too frail and lackluster on their own (same with Pili-Pala) whereas Grand Architect gets shut right down by my own Mycosynth Lattice shenanigans. As far as Muddle the Mixture goes, I honestly thought i already had it in... Thanks for bringing it to my attention. Trophy Mage is a better fit here than Drift of Phantasms as it is a 2 for 1 body and search and the only 3 drops I'd want are artifacts; I added it to the maybeboard for future consideration as I don't see any obvious cut choices at the moment. Aphetto Alchemist is a bomb I didn't even know existed! I swapped it in almost right away haha. Thanks for the suggestions!

March 9, 2017 12:57 a.m.

Profet93 says... #7

outofnothing0 +1

Other combos to consider....

  1. Everflowing chalice (4 counters) + voltaic key + rings of brighthearth = infinite
  2. Basalt Monolith + rings of brighthearth + Sensei's Divining Top = infinite + draw your entire deck
  3. Chromatic Orrery + voltaic key + rings of brighthearth = infinite
  4. Mystic Forge + artifact cost reducer + Sensei's Divining Top = draw your entire deck

Mystic Remora - Draw

Misdirection - Perhaps over disallow? It allows you a 3rd option to bluff without mana open. Instead of countering a targeted removal, draw or extra turn spell, you can redirect it. While the redundancy may not be needed, it is worth considering.

Snapcaster Mage - Recursion/value, synergy with riptide laboratory

Karn, the Great Creator + myconsith lattice = Hard lock

January 27, 2024 4:34 p.m.

outofnothing0 says... #8

@Profet93: Thanks for the upvote!

-#1 & #3: These were already in the deck but you've reminded me to update my deck description to reflect the newer tech. Thx!

-#2: Honestly I've never considered copying the Sensei's Divining Top card draw as I thought the bounce was part of the cost... I'll have to reconsider putting it back in. Thanks for the suggestion!

-#4: I've considered running the Mystic Forge draw combo here but I honestly don't think I can justify it with the number of artifacts I run... I'm currently running that in my Jeskai Kykar, Wind's Fury eggs deck: Kykar, Wheels Fury and my colorless Karn, Silver Golem deck: Karn on the Cob which both have waaay more artifacts.

-Mystic Remora: never really been a huge fan of this card without being able to abuse it but definitely always worth thinking about.

-Misdirection: I've played with this in high tier games for quite a bit in my Zur the Enchanter deck: Zur's Perfection and have found that it's usually not worth the slot... powerful as it may seem.

-Snapcaster Mage: I actually recently took him out but I really want to put it back lol. Having some trouble tweaking things at this point.

-Karn, the Great Creator like you said can hard lock; also it's static ability ruins artifact decks. My play group meta can very easily with multiple decks use this against me which is why it's a definite no for this deck.

Thanks for the suggestions!

January 28, 2024 6:24 p.m.

Profet93 says... #9


I should have been clear, for #1 and #3, I knew they were in the deck, I was was unsure if you were aware of them given it wasn't listed in your description. For #2, yeah it works as you described.

For #4, while it may seem like not as many compared to other highly focused artifact decks, over 1/3rd of your deck are artifacts (given you have some artifact creatures). Alternatively, the combo can be done with Future Sight as well for more flexibility at a higher and more difficult casting cost.

Mystic Remora - It almost always replaces itself and then some. Lots of people run it without abusing it simply because of the amount of value it provides, even more so against storm decks.

Misdirection - Understood and agreed, just wanted your consideration.

Snapcaster - Potential cuts from best to cut to worst for snapcaster include....

  1. Shimmer Dragon - Part of a weak combo. Costs 6 and has other activation costs. Hexproof isn't too important given he's not that impactful and isn't even an artifact. You have little combo potential with him. Removing him would allow you to more effectively use the combos you have rather than stretching yourself more thin to incorporate other combos.

  2. Darksteel Forge - Protects combos but seems a bit winmore. Paying 9 mana should win you the game.

  3. Liquimetal Torque - Its okay ramp. I understand it's true purpose is to bypass your commander's first ability (excluding permanents) so perhaps I'm wrong, but it doesn't seem super impactful. My limited understanding is that you play your expensive commander once you have achieved either a lot of preferably infinite mana.

  4. Filigree Sages - Requires training grounds for most combos and other cards. He seems great in theory but without all the other pieces, doesn't provide you with great impact.

  5. Grand Architect - You mentioned above that your own myconsith lattice shuts this down. It's anthem is negligible. I get the ramping with blue creatures is great but you only have 13 blue creatures, some of which has tapping activated abilities.

How does Karn, the Great Creator get used against you, do they have planeswalker recursion/theft? Note: His static ability only applies to opponents. His +1 can be somewhat helpful for removal while his -2 allows you to get your important combo pieces back from exile. If you do decide to keep darksteel forge, the best way to remove artifact is mass exile so this can be a potential recursion piece for you.

January 28, 2024 7:16 p.m. Edited.

Profet93 says... #10

^ Sorry I mixed up the order for snapcaster cuts. #3 and #5 should be swapped. The tongue has the most benefit compared to the others

January 28, 2024 7:31 p.m.

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