Menstruating Mind Masters

Commander / EDH* RegisteredDecksOffender


GoldGhost012 says... #1

Yeah, I understand. What's frustrating to me is that I suggested some stuff to a Sen Triplets build a while ago, but the only card I remember suggesting is Damnation .

November 25, 2013 11:01 p.m.

Yeah, my decklist is getting pretty tight, I do like the random cards people suggest that I seemed to overlook somehow. But for the most part, I think the deck is pretty close to complete. :)

November 25, 2013 11:04 p.m.

MTG_Player says... #3

You don't have enough artifacts to utilize Mox Opal -- trade it to me something better for your deck like Personal Tutor

November 25, 2013 11:08 p.m.

@MTG_Player: That's a fair point. But unfortunately I no longer own a Mox Opal .. It's a shame too, used to have a foil one. :/

But I feel like Personal Tutor also isn't necessary for my deck, since I've only got 8 Sorceries.. But I may throw in something else from my Maybeboard. Thanks. :)

November 25, 2013 11:12 p.m.

billmartin98 says... #5

Very nice edh deck, only thing i could suggest is maybe another boardwipe such as Decree of Pain

Boardwipe plus sometimes massive card draw is nice in one card, especially with your reliquary down.

Plus a Darksteel Forge might be nice with all your artifact creatures.

November 26, 2013 1:02 a.m.

Panda213 says... #6

Nice deck +1

November 26, 2013 1:16 a.m.

@billmartin98: Thanks for the input! You know, I have been thinking of putting a Darksteel Forge in here, I think it just makes sense. It will probably make its way in here one of these days. And I haven't even considered Decree of Pain , but you do make a valid point.. That could work very very well. My only concern is, I've already got quite a few field wipes.. I'll start to consider that though, thank you. :) I especially like the idea of field wiping with a Darksteel Forge down.

@Panda213: Thank you very much for the +1 and the compliment. :)

November 26, 2013 2:27 a.m.

chilbi says... #8

I don't really know what to suggest for this, so at least +1 for a mindfully crafted EDH monstrosity ;)

November 26, 2013 4:41 a.m.

Tupie_San says... #9

+1 just for the name XD

November 26, 2013 2:37 p.m.

@chilbi: Ha thank you very much!

@Tupie_San Lol thanks, very much appreciated. :)

November 26, 2013 2:40 p.m.

guessling says... #11

Hey there! +1 for having all the cool stuff like Mana Drain! What a fun card!

I see that someone else has mentioned Darksteel Forge already. What are your thoughts on Apprentice Wizard ? A friend and I ran into it in a commons box the other day.

November 26, 2013 3:57 p.m.

@r3v13w: Hey thanks for dropping by to leave a comment and a suggestion! I have been considering Darksteel Forge and like I said previously, it will probably find a place in this deck eventually. :)

As for Apprentice Wizard I can see him being decent for a budget deck, but I feel as though I've already got enough sources of mana with all the mana rocks in the deck. Thank you for your +1 and suggestions. :)

November 27, 2013 3:39 p.m.

MrEggCream says... #13

I think Karn Liberated would be a thug nasty addition.

February 26, 2014 1:36 a.m.

Maikeruwu says... #14

Thought of you when I found this, might be good.

March 14, 2014 5:29 a.m.

TheSIlent006 says... #15

Why no Magister Sphinx?

October 1, 2015 10:30 p.m.

There is no Magister Sphinx for the simple reason I find him un-fun. I don't like dropping someone to 10 just like that, I'd rather fight the good fight and lower them to 10 myself personally. I also haven't dusted this deck off in awhile so it could use an update.

October 2, 2015 3:19 a.m.

Quarion65 says... #17

If you add Sydri, Galvanic Genius you can blow up your opponent's lands if you have Mycosynth Lattice.

December 12, 2015 9:34 a.m.

Not sure if this deck is still active. I checked out this list when creating my Sente: The Politics and Metaphor of Stones deck. Yours is more of a battlecruiser deck than mine, but the control is there, if different. +1 from me for the inspiration. If you are interested, I love to get feedback from people more experienced with a commander than me when I am making a new deck. This paid off amazingly with my Queen Marchesa: Politics, Aikido, and Control deck, and I am hoping to get similar deck help with this one as I spend time developing it. Check out either deck and comment as you feel. All contributions are appreciated.

For specific feedback on your deck, the rule about mana and color identity has changed, so pairing multicolored lands and mana rocks with Sen Triplets is now very useful. The best of these is Exotic Orchard and Fellwar Stone. You chould consider adding them for the additional ability to cast your opponents' spells with very little down side.

December 18, 2017 12:21 p.m.

enpc says... #19

Your deck is lacking a win condition. A few big creatures a dedicated win condition does not make. And attempting to steal other people's to use as your own is a gamble. You might get some value, but chances are you won't get that much. Especially with how much hate Sen Triplets brings.

As a general rule, control beatdown is much weaker than combo, purely off card slots alone (not to mention that combo just finishes games). Control decks obviously need a good control suite in the form of counterspells and removal, a solid amount of card draw to ensure that removal keeps flowing and ramp to make sure they can play multiple spells per turn. This doesn't leave much space for beaters. On top of that, you should be running efficient counterspells - Desertion is an example of an inefficient counterspell. Sure you get a counterspell + something else but A) at five mana it prohibits playing multiple pieces of removal and B) Subconsiously you'll want to save it for something big to get lots of value off it and so can inadvertantly let a spell which needs countering slip through. Counterspells like Swan Song and Flusterstorm are good because they're cheap and even things like Dissipate are a good balance between an extra effect and mana cost.

Your card draw feels lacking. Yes, you have some effects but a lot of them feel quite slow. And with very little mass card draw, you'll really start to feel the pinch around turn 5-6. Windfall, Mystic Remora, even Day's Undoing are all really strong and help slingshot you back into a full hand.

You already run Sharuum the Hegemon and Phyrexian Metamorph, so why not include a Disciple of the Vault and actually just run a combo.

January 29, 2018 11:16 p.m.

enpc: Hey thank you for putting the time into critiquing my deck! However, I feel as though I should have spent more time expanding upon what the intention of this deck is and what my playgroup looks like.

Essentially, my playgroup is an anti infinite combo group with a heavy creature focus core deck group. I do agree that pure control tends to be weaker than combo, but personally my playgroup and I prefer longer, more convoluted board states and heavy politics as opposed to quick combo kills.

That being said, I still agree with a few of your points and would love to get your input on pieces that would be good replacements. As far as cards like Swan Song and Flusterstorm go, in my playgroup wouldn't be very effective. The reason I have cards that might not be as efficient such as Desertion and Insidious Will is because the decks I tend to play against usually have big juicy targets so I tend to lean towards the toolbox type of spells that can act as catch-alls.

I do find, however, that "pure control" decks that rely on big beaters as finishers tend to fizzle and be quite a bit more fragile than their "combo control" counterparts. So, I ask you this: Having this new information about my playgroup and preferred style, do you have any suggestions that might align with this less competitive style?

I still would love to hear your feedback because you seem well versed in control.

January 30, 2018 12:23 a.m.

enpc says... #21

I have never been a fan of bannign a particualr play style. I get that some players do not like combo, however banning it rather than forcing other players to adapt seems counter porductive to developing each player's skillset. But this is also an ongoing arguement that I don't think will be reseolved any time soon. So working within these guidelines:

  • I would look into cards like Runechanter's Pike nad Cranial Plating in conjuction with commander Damage. The benfit of a commander is that they are recastable and that commander damage sticks around. While volton isn't the strongest strategy in the world, you can devote a small card pool to making your commander do a lot of damage, which closes out games very quickly.

  • In addition to voltron effects, cards which let yo ugo wide are much more valuable than a single (non commander) beater. They are harder to remove and single cards let you buff your entire boardstate. For example, 10x 0/1 tokens (from say an Avenger of Zendikar) with a Dragon Throne of Tarkir lets you output 50 damage. that's two cards. There aren't many two cards big fatty combos that let you do that much damage. Not to mention wide is harder to block, gives you more options when blocking and is more resilient to removal. Obviously you can't run Avenger of Zendikar, but you can run Hangarback Walker, Myr Battlesphere, Myr Turbine as well as some of the other token producing cards you already have. Thopter Spy Network and Sharding Sphinx are both awesome here, I would keep them in the deck.

  • when it comes to counterspells, unless the spell is THAT good (Mindbreak Trap), cheap cost is generally better than lots of flash. Having to make the tradeoff between being about to play this turn or leaving mana open for counterspell sucks. So cheap spells are good. 2 CMC is the goal (for your meta at least) but ther are some good 3CMC ones. Dissipate, Void Shatter, Disallow are all awesome.

January 30, 2018 1:42 a.m.

DerektheRed says... #22

I ran a very similar deck, which tried to mash together Sen Trips control and Sharuum beatdown... and I couldn't really make it work (I finally just split it into Sharuum artifact/sphinx tribal and Sen Trips combo/control, since that's what they wanted to be). Acknowledging that bias, my suggestions for card to cut:

- Celestial Dawn. I get why it's in there, but you shouldn't need it with your rocks/mana base.

- Bribery. Hard to cut such a great card, but if you're willing to pay that CMC, may as well play Memnarch instead and steal something every turn.

- Sphinx Sovereign. You're not getting a ton of value out of your high-CMC sphinxes. This one least of all.

Like I said, I'm biased - I took most of these same creatures out of mine. But IMO if you're going to play this deck this creature-heavy, with Sharding Sphinx, Thopter Spy Network, Rite of Replication, etc. I say just go for it - add Tempered Steel and Darksteel Forge and push that as your win con.

If you want to play a more traditional Sen Trips control deck, drop the high-CMC sphinxes for cards like Mana Maze and Ethersworn Canonist.

Mine's not 100% current, but if you want to check it out: Artifuct. Like you, I've tried to create a version of Trips that's still fun to play against. Good luck!

January 30, 2018 4:38 a.m.

enpc and DerektheRed: Thank you both for your input! You both raise some very valid points, and as someone who has never played an aggressive control archetype in EDH, I appreciate you two pointing out things I might never have caught. I have added a good number of the suggested cards, and I will be slimming down my list soon.


February 2, 2018 5:36 p.m.

Bchong says... #24

It really depends on your deck building philosophy. What is undeniable is that a creature based strategy is a bad method in winning a game, because people can easily come back with cards with Vandalblast. In addition, creature based strategies aren't that strong when you are using artifacts.

A couple of ways to play Sen Triplets as a central part of your deck is to either use sen triplets as hand disruption, or using sen triplets to deck your opponent by playing their entire deck.

It was a lie when people told you that combo pieces will close out games. This is the only way to consistently win games.

The weakest parts of your deck is your creatures, all of your equipment except Skullclamp, all of your planeswalkers expect Tezzeret the Seeker , all of your enchantments except Rhystic Study.

Some of the cards your deck is missing is, all of the possible signets, all of the possible talismans. These are mana rocks which are very strong and every deck needs them. This deck needs to have more ramp than everyone else and Sen Triplets needs to hit the battlefield as fast as possible like on turn 3. So you also need to be running all of the possible ritual effects, like Dark Ritual.

Then to make sen triplets a strong card you need:

Mana rocks: Basalt Monolith Mana Vault Lotus Petal Vedalken Engineer Crystal Vein MindStone

Wheel effects like: Windfall or Jace's Archivist or even Temple Bell

Good combo pieces: Paradox Engine

Things to look at players hands: Telepathy (this is the greatest hate magnet card ever) Gitaxian Probe

Protection for Sen Triplets: Lightning Greaves

Hate cards: Notion Thief Teferi's Puzzle Box Blind Obedience

Bounce cards: Wash Out Baral's Expertise

Tutor cards: Trophy Mage Trinket Mage Fabricate Lim-Dul's Vault

Removal and Interaction:

Draw: Brainstorm Ponder Preordain Opt Thoughtcast

Mana reduction:Etherium Sculptor Semblance Anvil

Strong cards: Prophetic Prism Krark-Clan Ironworks Chromatic Sphere Chromatic Star

You don't have to do this, this was basically my plan for my sen triplet's deck. Basically just ramp super hard and then play sen triplets and then cast someone's entire hand. For deck is filled with very strong creatures but creatures in EDH are very weak.

February 7, 2018 4:43 p.m.

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