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Merciless Esper Control

Standard Control WUB (Esper)



Esper control deck I made for a Games Day a while back which did very well, and which I have been tweaking since then. This is the current list which I am very happy with (will need editing for BNG).

Relatively straightforward with a few minor twists. Pilfered Plans is used over Divination as it can mill off an opponent's scry, and the mill might be relevant with Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver and Jace, Memory Adept as win-cons. I have milled people just by running a single [[Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver]'s +2 to victory.

Merciless Eviction I feel has a very nice place in this deck, especially with the prevalence of Gods. What I love most is the utility - although the exile creature option is most often chosen, exiling enchantments (Gods or Underworld Connections or Detention Sphere in the mirror) or planeswalkers (such as Domri Rade, Elspeth, Sun's Champion or other 'walkers from the mirror) can be extremely powerful. Sometimes it doesn't feel like quite enough (notably against G/R monsters where you need to get rid of both creatures AND 'walkers in the same turn, so I'm running two Planar Cleansing sideboard, although they have the potential to hurt me a lot too.

I have been very surprised by just how good Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver is. I thought he would only be good against a niche few decks, but he can destroy both control and aggro very effectively. This is why I now run three. At the very least, he absorbs a heck of a lot of hate very early on, which is good for me.

Prognostic Sphinx is an amazing addition, particularly against other control decks (although not really mono-B due to Devour Flesh). B/W control really battles against it post-sideboard, and it's decent against aggro decks as a blocker which they will battle to remove or for slowly whittling the enemy down and lining up your control draws. I might need to find space for more in the deck.

The two surprise cards in the sideboard are Wall of Frost and Reap Intellect. Wall of Frost is absolutely fantastic against aggro decks post-sideboard. A huge blocker which can keep two creatures locked down every turn? Fantastic! And when the going gets tough, a sudden Devour Flesh on yourself to sacrifice the wall can turn a game around. Reap Intellect is something new I'm playing with against control/mirror match-ups. I think it has great potential, but I haven't really tested it out yet.


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Date added 11 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

9 - 3 Mythic Rares

29 - 7 Rares

5 - 5 Uncommons

11 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.31
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