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Merciless Horde (W/B Warrior Aggro)

Standard Aggro Budget Competitive Tribal WB (Orzhov) Weenie




W/B Warriors. The aggro deck that no one plays, yet still performs extremely well against other decks. why people still dont play it? I dont know. Basically With this deck you want to rush out as many creatures as possible and swing for huge amounts with Chief of the Edge and Arashin Foremost. The deck has tons of turn 4 wins. Please playtest, enjoy, suggest stuff, and upvote! Thanks!

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Card Choices

Arashin Foremost: Double strike. Enough said.

Battle Brawler: Gets first strike and can become a beater with Arashin Foremost or Chief of the Edge.

Blood-Chin Rager: Provides decent evasion to all of your warriors.

Bloodsoaked Champion: 2/1 for that can be easily reanimated.

Brutal Hordechief: Wins games easily. Am trying to get more.

Chief of the Edge: Gives buffs to all your warriors.

Mardu Shadowspear. Is good early game to puch through more damage, and can be good late game.

Mardu Strike Leader: playing by itself is powerful, but dashing it in is amazing and leaves you with a blocker.

Mardu Woe-Reaper: Another 2/1 for , and can gain me life.

Valorous Stance: destroys big creatures my creatures can't kill in combat, plus makes my stuff indestructible.

Ultimate Price: cheap, efficient removal spell.

Ruinous Path: replaced Hero's Downfall and Bile Blight. It is a sorcery, but removal is still removal.

Citadel Siege: amazing card. can make my creatures huge, or can stop my opponent from attacking with their biggest threat.

Seeker of the Way: a great addition to any deck, and is great against aggro because of the lifegain.

Duress: great against control. or really anything for that matter.

Despise: only a 1-of because it is good at taking out big stuff, but removal can also take care of that.

Celestial Flare: i am sick of esper dragons. SICK!

Dragon Hunter: great against any deck that uses dragons.

Erase: great against enchantments.

Self-Inflicted Wound: kills white and green stuff.

Surge of Righteousness: kills black and red stuff.


Updates Add

I went to another FNM and i went 2-2.


Date added 9 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 0 Mythic Rares

19 - 0 Rares

28 - 5 Uncommons

0 - 2 Commons

Cards 67
Avg. CMC 2.13
Tokens Warrior 2/1 B
Folders Competitive, Aggro, Standard, budget, Decks for ideas, Possible decks, Standard, The Cheap Deck Club: Standard
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