Meren of Nel Toth, Mistress of Graves

Commander / EDH Axalonk17


SmokeyBear15 says... #1

So do Necrogenesis and Night Soil help a lot to be worth their spots? I assume you exile from other players' graveyards instead of your own with it. And I'm curious how well Blade of Selves works here. I see what it could do if you had a sac outlet handy, at least. Also, Deathreap Ritual is good for Meren.

Also, if you want "tiny insignificant" creatures with ETB, "when dies"/"when leaves battlefield" type triggers, as well as other things that trigger when stuff dies, I'd recommend a lot of the stuff i have in my deck here: Let 'em Die 1v1. It's a mono-black sacrifice deck, but maybe you can find something new and neat. Card draw, discard, sac effects, life gain/drain, tutors, sac outlets....

Graveyard decks FTW

May 4, 2016 5 a.m.

Axalonk17 says... #2

Necrogenesis and night soil so good work when the deck easily can force people to sac their creatures so i can then eat them for tokens, i had the ritual in the deck originally but decided on fecundity both because ive been trying on finding a deck for it and ill be able to draw more cards off people than most others due to the amount of ways to kill my stuff.

May 4, 2016 5:10 a.m.

Eupho says... #3

Nath of the Gilt-Leaf combined with Sadistic Hypnotist is a sweet infinite discard trick. Very good in any GBx stax type of deck.

June 13, 2016 3:04 p.m.

Axalonk17 says... #4

I have a nath that will be my golgari elves tribal commander I have thought about him or glisa, I only have the 1 at present

June 14, 2016 7:37 a.m.

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