Overall I was impressed in how this deck preformed as a stax shell, but I shelved it in order to pursue other decks. However, with COVID nonsense, I found that I had an awful lot of free time not to play magic, and so I figured it was time to revisit my favorite lists and revamp them with new ideas and strategies. Thus we are here.
The first problem that this cEDH deck had was dealing with lower budget decks (irony right?) that involved either higher damage output (like voltron/neheb or burn decks) or went wider than my engine could deal with (tokens). To deal with this we needed access to a way to pop tokens with impunity, and the best way to do that is Necroplasm. The slime has odd timing in its wording (at end of turn) so it works well in Meren (who digs it up at beginning of end step) to pop all cost creatures like tokens or lands under Living Plane. The cool part of the slime is that if it sticks around it also deals with elfball strategies that could also outrace this deck with a good start. This addition takes the slot of a wrath so it needed to replace the one that was least valuable.
Yahenni's Expertise --> Necroplasm
To solve the next problem we needed to solve was to block big swings with impunity (outside of spore frog), and this was actually easier than expected. The solution I came up with was to add in the win condition of Dark Depths + Thespian's Stage and another tutor in the newer card Elvish Reclaimer which could reliably make a good blocker and kill a player if need be. The elf was a great addition because it also acted as a (slow) ramp spell or as a way to fix color under Blood Moon or Back to Basics as well as find the Strip Mine to beat out card: Geae's Cradle. The inclusion of depths is strange here since it is really just a dead car, but at the same time we discard enough cards to our stax pieces that I was often able to pitch it away when it wasn't needed. These replaced the less reliable stax cards.
Runic Armasaur --> Dark Depths
Damping Matrix --> Thespian's Stage
Dawn of the Dead (unfortunately) --> Elvish Reclaimer
The next change was dropping the terrible mana dork Boreal Druid because I had been screwed by it one too many times. The biggest problem with it was that it didn't provide color under Contamination, fix colors, or enable a T2 meren like the other ramp available to us. So the addition needed to offer some form of advantage in these ways, and Vault enables a very consistent T2 Meren even if it comes at a price of being locked under null rods and pings us for 1 until eternity. So I opted for the speed of vault, but it may be cut for another ramp spell in the future seing as we have limited options to kill it or gain life.
Boreal Druid --> Mana Vault
The next change is in response to the printing of Thassa's Oracle. The printing of this card incentivized many decks to alter their mana base to include less islands than before, thus dropping the value of Carpet of Flowers. Due to the inconsistency of the card it was always suspect, but the sheer power that it brought to blue matchups validated its inclusion. However, since many of the blue decks I play against have opted into consultation mana bases (no duplicates) the average number of islands in play at any given time has dropped from 2-3 to 1-2 at best for a single player, and that is assuming that they have any at all since yuriko has 4-5 islands in the deck and 4c shells have maybe 5-7, and they often need black over blue and will fetch accordingly if you land the Carpet. The 5 color decks are also not very fast to grab blue these days since green gives them access to 2 silence effects and is a better combo color for them (FC Slivers or Yuriko Combats). In addition to this, since we are playing smallpox it is likely that they will sac their islands to deny us mana. It is still in the maybeboard and it is likely to end up back in the deck, but for now it has been cut for consistency.
Carpet of Flowers --> Devoted Druid
With the inclusion of Druid we really don't need another 2 mana dork, so this warrants the drop of Sakura. It will be missed, but druid can do a very similar trick as the elder, by activating twice to kill itself and offers faster mana, though it grinds a lot worse than the elder and doesn't allow for us to recover from pox as easily, but other includes cover that better. For now it will be removed in favor of another good grind card.
Sakura-Tribe Elder --> Life from the Loam
Imperial Seal and Worldly tutor find what we need, but usually a turn late. With the addition of Fiend Artisan (further down), we actually got more consistent and can get what we need when we need it instead of waiting for a turn. So cutting these in favor of better individual pieces works to the advantage of the deck. Ooze was a notable card not to include, but now that has been remedied, and ramunap acts as both a good include for card advantage or recovering from pox but as a pseudo token generator with Dryad Arbor.
Worldly Tutor --> Scavenging Ooze
Imperial Seal --> Ramunap Excavator
The rest of the changes are inclusions from recent sets or represent a less fundamental shift in the deck or as a quality of life addition.
Birthing Pod --> Fiend Artisan artisan is recurrable and not hit by Null Rod
Forest --> Castle Locthwain Good tutorable draw engine
Forest --> Cavern of Souls Beats blue decks but not auto include and may be replaced by Command Beacon later
Finale of Devastation --> Rankle, Master of Pranks Just the best single stax piece since braids. Would have made the cut over almost any other card.