Meren's So Damn Good in the Sac

Commander / EDH Loco-Motive

SCORE: 66 | 106 COMMENTS | 13053 VIEWS | IN 23 FOLDERS

tendouji says... #1

Yup, I actually got it once, everyone just scooped lol

August 15, 2016 2:15 a.m.

Loco-Motive says... #2

Just ordered up:

  • Overgrown Tomb
  • Woodland Cemetery
  • Living Death (got the From the Vault version because that art is sick!)
  • Bojuka Bog
  • Puppeteer Clique (because that card could be good in here, maybe)
  • Pernicious Deed (could be a better replacement for Gaze of Granite
August 15, 2016 2:17 a.m.

tendouji says... #3

How about Dread Return, one of the best reanimators in the format. The flashback also procs Meren.

August 15, 2016 2:36 a.m.

Loco-Motive says... #4

Taking out Hex and replacing it with Sheoldred, Whispering One. I DID own one. ;)

August 16, 2016 12:52 a.m.

pokejerk20 says... #5

+1 for name.

August 16, 2016 6:13 p.m.

So as much as the T1 Entomb T2 Reanimate sequence is a magical christmasland, both cards are amazing anyway, and deserve slots. So does Buried Alive. Your commander can bring the creatures back- so early game, pitch in Sakura-Tribe Elder or something to get the ball rolling, late game, grab Grave Titan or Sheoldred, Whispering One or Butcher of Malakir to make your opponents cry. The reanimation spells are nice for when Meren's getting shut out. Animate Dead and Necromancy have the added bonus of being able to grab your opponent's things too.

August 16, 2016 7:26 p.m.

Loco-Motive says... #7

Just got home with copies of Entomb, Animate Dead and Crop Rotation.

Buried Alive is shipping to me this week.

Will slot them in in the next day or so. Test driving this deck in real life on Friday, can't wait!

August 16, 2016 11:50 p.m.

Coucho_Marx says... #8

Entomb and Buried Alive are some of the best cards in the game, seriously! You won't regret using them. I have to echo the calls for Reanimate, it's the best one-shot reanimator card you can get. This also applies with swapping out Mana Confluence, put it back in for a basic (I'd drop a Swamp). Untapped duals are better than basics, and basics are better than tapped duals (in a two-colour deck, anyway). Also, Phyrexian Arena is absolutely critical for all black decks, and it's getting yet another reprint, so grabbing one on the cheap should be easy. Don't be afraid to leverage your life total a bit, given that the benefits are so great!

I've pretty much run out of suggestions now, apart from stuff that costs a lot. Phyrexian Altar, Sylvan Library, Survival of the Fittest, Demonic Tutor, and Diabolic Intent are all great cards costing $15-$30 (with Fittest coming in at around fifty!). If you already have them somewhere, or find yourself with money to burn, keep them in mind. Also, I'd love a trip report next time you play!

August 17, 2016 12:58 a.m.

Coucho_Marx says... #9

Whoops, posted this three times somehow!

August 17, 2016 12:59 a.m. Edited.

Coucho_Marx says... #10

Whoops, posted this three times somehow!

August 17, 2016 12:59 a.m. Edited.

Loco-Motive says... #11

Coucho_Marx, I didn't include Reanimate up there because I already own a copy. Will put it in.

Will get Mana Confluence back in there. I'm sorry. Lol

And yeah, I'm looking forward to writing a report as well and will certainly put it up here. You've been a gigantic collaborator on this thus far and I appreciate it. Haven't put this much effort into a Commander deck since Oloro first came out... it's been fun.

August 17, 2016 1:10 a.m.

Some options for additional sac outlets, made without regard for budget because I don't know what you're working with:

Phyrexian Tower
Phyrexian Altar
Perilous Forays
Altar of Dementia
Miren, the Moaning Well

Some (Altar of dementia, Miren the moaning well) are mostly good for evading exile removal, while others (phyrexian altar, phyrexian tower, perilous forays) can be crucial mana accelerants. Mycoloth is just a great way to go wide and end a game in just a few turns.

Finally, I'd also suggest Nezumi Graverobber as an option to graveyard-hate on your opponents at instant speed (good bye, Eldrazi Titans) while also having the option to act as additional recursion later in the game when you have spare mana floating around.

August 17, 2016 4 a.m.

HOPMONSTER says... #13

A few more fun suggestions: Reprocess, Reign of the Pit, and Pattern of Rebirth. Death Cloud can be awesome too if your board and/or graveyard are stacked. Especially if you can preserve Meren, then you get to use her to repopulate your battlefield with fatties, while you opponents are trying to rebuild their mana base. If you find your graveyard is always full, then you could add an Oversold Cemetery.

August 17, 2016 6:40 p.m.

Loco-Motive says... #14

Oooooh, I kinda like Reprocess. Will keep it in mind.

August 17, 2016 9:12 p.m.

Daedalus19876 says... #15

How many tokens are you spending to keep this visible? I've seen basically nothing but this deck in the Featured bar for like three days :P

August 17, 2016 11:38 p.m.

Loco-Motive says... #16

Lol...a buck here, a buck there...

August 17, 2016 11:47 p.m.

Emzed says... #17

+1 for best deck name ever :)

August 18, 2016 5:58 a.m.

Enral says... #18

Hello fellow meren player~ I like your theme and deck title +1! I have been playing Meren since her inception and the following are my suggestions:

  • Overseer of the Damned (replace it with Fleshbag Marauder
  • Butcher of Malakir (too overcosted for what it does..I think Magus of the Abyss would be better)
  • In Garruk's Wake (with all the death effects I don't think you really need this extra board about Mimic Vat? Does double duty of stoping opponent's graveyard shennenigans and also can get multiple uses out of your own ETB creatures without Meren)
  • Replace Gaze of Granite with Pernicious Deed. The reason being that you can play politics better and can threaten anyone that messes with your board to blow everything up.
  • From Beyond/Awakening Zone is awesome in you free sac tokens to accelerate your mana or give free experience counters.

Here is my decklist, feel free to comment and +1 if you like it!

August 18, 2016 8:26 a.m.

Loco-Motive says... #19

All ordered cards have arrived in time for my commander game tomorrow.

Took out

Added in

Thanks to all who've contributed input! I think this deck's in a great place!

August 18, 2016 9:25 p.m.

Lilbrudder says... #20

+1 for a clever name

August 18, 2016 11:29 p.m.

Coucho_Marx says... #21

Awwww, it's like my own kid's off to college! They grow up so fast...

The deck looks fantastic now! The manabase is really solid, every creature bleeds value, you have concrete plans to win with many lines of play, and both Meren of Clan Nel Toth and the remaining utility cards make the deck ludicrously resilient. You're solidly in the tweaking phase now, with lots of options to add in as your needs and meta change. You've done a really excellent job! Thank you so much for taking all of my wordy criticism so well, I'm glad to see a deck not only look improved, but play better.

And you have no idea how much it feels my heart with joy to see you take down a Prossh deck. Screw Prossh.

I hate Prossh.

(love the name-change, by the way!)

August 20, 2016 10:53 a.m.

Loco-Motive says... #22

We ALL hate Prossh, lol...

August 20, 2016 11:15 a.m.

chirz2792 says... #23

With all of the sacrificing you do, do you think Harvester of Souls might be better than Soul of the Harvest?Also, Necromancy is a good reanimator card. Maybe you could take out Shaman of Forgotten Ways?

August 20, 2016 1:09 p.m.

Loco-Motive says... #24

Hi there, chirz2792, thanks for chiming in with some ideas.

Your swamp-out of Soul of the Harvest for Harvester of Souls is an intriguing one. A 6/6 Trample for a 5/5 Deathtouch seems like a fine trade. The nice thing about the Demon is that I would draw a card when anyone's creature dies, while the Elemental only doles out a card to me when a creature comes in only under my control.

I'll put it on the Maybe list. I think it could be a good trade-out.

I like Shaman of Forgotten Ways in here, so I think he'll need to stay.

August 21, 2016 2:20 a.m.

Coucho_Marx says... #25

chirz2792 - That's actually a really good question. Both cards are really useful in Meren, and like Loco-Motive mentioned, they're really close in combat ability. Maybe keep track of how many of your nontoken creatures ETB vs. how many nontoken creatures die each game, for a few games, and see which one wins out?

August 21, 2016 8:18 a.m. Edited.

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