Meren's So Damn Good in the Sac

Commander / EDH Loco-Motive

SCORE: 66 | 106 COMMENTS | 13053 VIEWS | IN 23 FOLDERS

Be sure to read the errata text. It effects everybody not just you.

June 20, 2017 9:56 p.m.

Loco-Motive says... #2

Oh dammit! Lol

June 21, 2017 10:15 p.m.

Loco-Motive says... #3

Friend just let me know that Protean Hulk was unbanned and I wasn't aware.


Adding him in, taking out Magus of the Mirror.

July 24, 2017 8:11 p.m.

Vash13 says... #4

Love the deck meren is for sure one of my favorite commanders I run as well, and you get a +1 just for the name cause meren is 110% a bobcat in the sac ;) so my only recommendation i see at first glance is i would swap Guardian Project for Greater Good I have found it to be one of the most unassuming cards in my deck that does TONS of work, filling the grav/drawing cards/ fixing hand/ and a free sac outlet, best part is nobody finds it threatening so it just sits there and works while everyone over looks its value

July 21, 2020 10:24 p.m.

Loco-Motive says... #5

Vash13 - I absolutely LOVE that upgrade! Don't have one, it's cheap, so I'll get one. It's in the Maybeboard until I'm physically holding the card. Appreciate that input! Love it.

July 22, 2020 5:13 p.m.

Vash13 says... #6

Glad to hear you like that, if I may be so bold I have a couple more suggestions, I notice you have mikaeus about no Triskelion, those two go infinite and can murder a whole table, then since you have jarad you can add Phyrexian Devourer to stack him with enough counters and sac to once again kill a whole table, then with those two in the deck you can add a Necrotic Ooze to do those combos anytime those pieces are in your grave, I often win with the ooze and fauna shaman by cycling combo pieces into grave from my hand then playing the ooze for the win, I would remove Shadowborn Demon, runescared-demon, and Thief of Blood mainly cause they are all super expensive cmcs wise and arnt winning you the game, then since I'm on this kick (lol) I notice you have the puppeteer with Melira, Sylvok Outcast he can be cycled infinitely, and with a Woodfall Primus you can clear a whole table lands and all, then I'd swap the dead bridge for Necropotence cause it belongs in every deck that runs black, I'm on a break at work so let me think a little and I'll suggest what to remove for the last two creatures, gotta think about that one, hope you like these as well :)

July 22, 2020 8:45 p.m.

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