Merfolks Assault!

Modern atal


andersjoh says... #1

i would suggest Cursecatcher and take out Tideshaper Mystic and put Spellskite in the side board.

September 3, 2014 6:16 p.m.

atal says... #2

andersjoh thank you for your suggestions, i would probably get Cursecatcher soon, Spellskite is really good but too expensive right now

September 3, 2014 6:27 p.m.

KillDatBUG says... #3

Perhaps you could consider playing Master of Waves ?

September 10, 2014 5:16 p.m.

atal says... #4

KillthatBUG i know many merfolk deck use it but actually i don't like it :) thank you for your suggestion anyway

September 10, 2014 5:27 p.m.

Fadaram says... #5

How about Vedalken Shackles

October 1, 2014 5:23 p.m.

Aefinn says... #6

2x Merfolk Sovereign and 1x Stormtide Leviathan , possibly?

Polymorphist's Jest , Merrow Commerce and Aquitect's Will are quite valid options too.

October 9, 2014 2:45 a.m.

andersjoh says... #7

I would suggest taking out remand for Spell Snare because it counter many things such as Tarmogoyf Mana Leak , Daybreak Coronet etc.. instead of just returning it their hand and I would suggest taking out 1 Merrow Reejerey for 1 Phantasmal Image because phantasmal image can enter the battlefield of any creature on the field which is really good in merfolk. And I also highly recommend Cavern of Souls like at least 2 to 3. Because it will make controle decks really hard to beat you because they can't counter any of your creatures.

October 17, 2014 11:01 p.m.

Darnok says... #8

I have been playing merfolk since before modern legal sets started coming out and I have play tested a lot of different cards in it. From splashing white, black, red... and here are some tips I can give you. I find 4x Spreading Seas can clog your hand. It can be great in some match ups but if you have more than 2 in your hand it can be devastating especially if your opponent is already playing blue witch so many modern decks are. Even burn is splashing blue for Treasure Cruise XP. I don't know how Thassa, God of the Sea is doing for you but I find she is a win more card. If you are already winning she adds a lot of sauce but is you a falling a bit behind she just draggs you a litte further behind. I have 1 in the side for control matchups to scry away lands and that is more than enough for me. Merrow Reejerey and Vapor Snag are great but I would bring them both down to 3 so you can add 1x Master of Waves , and 1x Phantasmal Image . Image is amazing if you are in a really tight spot even if you have nothing on the field. The great feeling of copying a Geist of Saint Traft , Thundermaw Hellkite or Wurmcoil Engine is amazing. For the sideboard I would add 3 or even 4x Hurkyl's Recall because if you haven't noticed yet affinity just destroyes you! Jund/junk can also be a bit tough and Threads of Disloyalty can really help in the side. Here goyfy goyfy goyfy! I don't know how often you would actually be siding in counter magic anyways so some remands could probably get booted. O yes, and as mentioned above Cavern of Souls can help a great deal against control decks. Minamo, School at Water's Edge and Oboro, Palace in the Clouds have saved me once or twice and can't hurt to have them as 1 ofs instead of Island . Plus they help protect against Choke . (I normally use phantasmal image to copy (in order of preference) Silvergill Adept or vialing it in to copy a Master of Waves of Merrow Reejerey . I rarely use it to copy a 2 mana lord. Anyways I hope this helps!

October 21, 2014 10:58 a.m.

atal says... #9

Darnok thank you for your suggestions! I find Spreading Seas useful also as land disruption but i was thinking to bring them to 3, i'm not sure. Phantasmal Image is great but I feel more comfortable with two of them and two of Master of Waves . What do you think about Kira, Great Glass-Spinner ? And about Sygg, River Cutthroat ? And I can't understand why do you suggest Minamo, School at Water's Edge , is it just against choke?I would probably take as soon as i can some Hurkyl's Recall and maybe a couple of cavern of souls. Thank you again!

October 21, 2014 12:52 p.m.

Darnok says... #10

3x Spreading Seas is what I play with. Kira, Great Glass-Spinner is a card I find really useful. I normally vial her in to counter a bolt or path on turn 4. Minamo, School at Water's Edge is only for untapping Kira, Great Glass-Spinner and protecting against Choke . I once needed her to block a huge Inkmoth Nexus but I also needed to get the extra 2 damage in and Minamo, School at Water's Edge saved me. Sygg, River Cutthroat is definitely not a bad card but in my opinion any card you take out to put him in is most likely going to be more useful and less situational than him. Plus the art is just really ugly :S Oboro, Palace in the Clouds is useful when you have a Mutavault and an Oboro, Palace in the Clouds in your hand and you need to cast something with a double blue casting cost such as Master of the Pearl Trident (witch has the coolest flavor text ever!) and it also provides extra protection against Choke . Use will almost never use either on those cards second ability but when you actually need it you will see how cool it is! The only down side is Blood Moon but you already run so many basics that I doubt anyone would ever side that card in against you.

October 21, 2014 1:19 p.m.

zertsdfg says... #11

Actually you can't counter anything with Kira by vialing it in response, as the first spell is already cast when Kira enters the battlefield.You can do this trick with Spellskite

October 22, 2014 4:12 p.m.

dan8080 says... #12

I'd definitely say the side board could use some Hurkyl's Recall it destroys affinity which can come down to board presence if you keep them having to reset their board or better they go for a kill with something pumped big time by an archbound ravager's sacrifice ability then you hurkyl's recall them they effectively lose provided you have even a mild presence.

October 24, 2014 9:50 a.m.

justinlf says... #13

I like this deck. +1 from me. Big fan of Merfolk builds. I prefer Aquitect's Will over Spreading Seas as it only cost 1 and achieves the same end. Check out my competitive Merfolk build Something wicked this way comes

October 28, 2014 5:30 p.m.

atal says... #14

Thank you justinlf! I prefer Spreading Seas for the land disruption effect

October 28, 2014 5:35 p.m.

justinlf says... #15

The link to the above deck is not my deck. I am unable to add mine in a link. Very Strange. In any case, if you want to check it out it is called Something Wicked This Way Comes and its at justinlf

October 28, 2014 5:39 p.m.

justinlf says... #16

October 28, 2014 5:52 p.m.

DavidBray says... #17

More counterspell is typically what this deck runs.

November 2, 2014 7:15 a.m.

sasjason says... #18

2 Kira out 1 Trickster out, 3 Master of the waves out, 1 curse catcher in, 1 Reejeray in, 2 image in, 2 cavern in. I would also suggest adding more counterspells. I don't think that the vial is important in this deck. I think it's better to cut the 4 vials for 4 counterspells more.

November 2, 2014 12:15 p.m.

JexInfinite says... #19

Considering that Minamo only affects 3 cards in the 75, it's a waste and should be removed.

Your sideboard looks decent enough, but I'd move the Thassa to the main, taking out Phantasmal Image, and use the remaining sideboard slot for something more useful in your local meta.

November 8, 2014 9:08 a.m.

atal says... #20

JexInfinite Thank you for your suggestions, i want to put in my sideboard a third Hurkyl's Recall, but i don't know what to replace... maybe i'll cut the only Remand from the deck, switching in main the fourth Vapor Snag or cut an Echoing Truth...

November 8, 2014 9:33 a.m.

stalydan says... #21

Because you're running Minamo, School at Water's Edge and you really only have a few targets for it, maybe consider running Wake Thrasher so you can repeatedly tap and untap it to pump it up. It seems like a waste of a potentially good combo but also since Minamo is a pretty decent card too just not so much with this current build where you're limited in use.

November 10, 2014 6:50 p.m.

Krapak says... #22

If you would like to make the deck more versatile, you can use the Grimoire Thief. Its a solid card and it works really well with Merrow Reejerey! It can go really fast with wake trasher! You can splash white for Stonybrook Schoolmaster.If you would go more control you can use Lullmage Mentor and Merrow Commerce.

That was, besides the lords more or less my merfolk deck! Love the merfolk! +1

November 18, 2014 8:55 a.m.

atal says... #23

Krapak Thank you for your suggestions, I really like the tapping mechanics in merfolks but I think it is too slow to be really competitive

November 18, 2014 10:16 a.m.

dan8080 says... #24

definitely look into Stubborn Denial for the sideboard. I've been looking into using it with spell pierce against burn or other spell/removal heavy matchup since that's usually what kills fish. and it is almost always relevant. Early it probably counters it with the one and late you probably have ferocious triggered.

November 18, 2014 11:16 a.m.

atal says... #25

dan8080 I noticed that spell but most of burn spells deals 3 damage, and if i control a creature with power 4 probably I don't need to counter some burn spell...

November 18, 2014 12:34 p.m.

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